Responce To "Pantherfern":
As far as my equipment goes, I've aknowledged that much of it is outdated and I intend of correcting the situation; that's all I have to say about that (lol guess which movie THAT's from?). I kind of swap between PvP, Soloing, and groups depending on what I'm in the mood for; so I pretty much try to have a versatile skill set. The fear/reach talents really help in PvP situations. I'm not too sure why there's a BIG calling about improving lifetap spells, mine works just fine for me as is and is easily countered by Haunt/drain-life spells. Perhaps I am missing some important reason to improve it.
In general, about my talents, I was full Demo for most of my leveling and decided to try out other specs to see how they compare. While I have noticed Dest being VERY popular amongst most locks(along with the imp pet), I have trouble getting myself to give it a fair shot. To be honest, most of my talents in aff were just spent so I could try out Haunt and the other ending talents of Aff.
I plan to focus more of my time into improving my DPS via equipment, talents, etc... However, I was just looking for some rough numbers to aim for. Assuming your quote of 600+dps is accurate gauge for lvl70 LOCK vs avg lvl70 MOB, then I seem to be on track (I've been holding at around 700-800dps vs lvl 70 dummy). But maybe I should find a better test subject. I always see lvl 80 DPSers bragging about 3-4kDPS So I'm just estimating I should aim for 1.5-2kDPS as a goal (I'm not sure how the level inflation works).
Thank you much for your input.
Responce To "manicshock":
manicshock wrote:
Most put points in Destro for Bane.
I'm thinking mostly to just ask you if you have any input about why destro seems so popular? Is "Bane" really THAT good (guess I'll have to read up on it)? My main argument about destruction is, although I'm sure it is completely wrong, "If I go Dest Spec, I may as well have made a fire mage.". In spite of the obvious ignorance of that statement, I simply have trouble getting past it (I have a major liking to DoTs).
In any case, do you maybe have some general numbers I can shoot for on my DPS, while I'm trying out new skills/armor?
FYI: I may have forgot to mention that I do not yet own WOLK, I plan to get it in the next few weeks; So, currently I'm looking for DPS numbers for BC (but would also like to know what to aim for after I get WOLK).