I have regrowth glyphed and I was trying to make Grid show when regrowth was nearing it's end, so that I can recast it in time to get the benefit of the glyph.
It's normally not a problem to just watch the buff and cast when it gets low, but when I'm trying to heal 2 tanks it makes it a little tricky to keep regrowth rolling without wasting a large portion of the HoT.
I downloaded GridStatusHots and took a good look at The Honorable dadanox's little guide over on the priest forums (which is a really good starting point and should probably be wiki'd or something) but I can't quite seem to make regrowth show when it starts to run out.
Having it show when it is missing is the closest I can get, but that defeats the purpose of the glyph.
I'm a little stumped.
Any help would be appreciated.
Possibly a thread for the general or maybe troubleshooting forums, but it's more likely to be read by someone who knows what I am talking about here.