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3.2 Nerfs incFollow

#1 Jun 18 2009 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
626 posts
Blue wrote:

Prayer of Healing: The percentage of spell power this spell gains in healing (per target) has been reduced from 80.7% to 52.6%.
Penance: Cooldown increased to 12 seconds, up from 10 seconds.
Inspiration: The buff from this ability now reduces the physical damage taken by the target by 3/7/10% instead of increasing the target's armor.

Ah well, it's been a pleasure knowing you, PoH.
#2 Jun 18 2009 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
The penanace isn't so bad really

The PoH change seems rather drastic when you consider it’s a mana hogg

Inspiration is rather displeasing

All in all not too bad, I expect more changes as priest list looks pretty small compared to some others and its *very* early in the development
#3 Jun 18 2009 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Penance is back to how it was, then. PoH change is "meh" but I can't scream about it. Inspiration change is actually a pretty big buff. 25% armor on an average geared protadin is about ~4% more reduction.
#4 Jun 18 2009 at 5:54 PM Rating: Good
Ugh, I don't like the PoH change or the Replenishment change.

20% less mana from Replenishment, and a significant drop in healing done by PoH.

I used PoH pretty often when I was healing as Disc, and the replenishment change hurts everyone. Not drastically, but I'm sure I'll come to notice it over long fights.

The inspiration change will probably be both a nerf and a buff. A buff for targets with low armor, such as rogues, and a nerf to targets with high armor, such as tanks. Some number crunching will be required to find out at what point it changes from buff to nerf.
#5 Jun 18 2009 at 7:24 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
The inspiration change will probably be both a nerf and a buff. A buff for targets with low armor, such as rogues, and a nerf to targets with high armor, such as tanks.

Now I'm not quite sure what applies here, but I do know this;

After reading the buff I immediatly gave it a test with my prot/ret specced paladin friend. In prot, disequipping his shield (which has 8000 armor) made him go from ~63% reduction to ~59%. That means 8000 armor for your average tank more or less equals 4% reduction. With his shield equipped, my pall had a total of about 25.000 armor. Inspiration's 25% buff would mean he'd gain 6250 armor. That is more or less 3/4th of the 8000 his shield gave, and therefore equals roughly 3% damage reduction.

We then pulled the same trick in his ret gear; in this case I don't have any numbers for you but he confirmed that gaining Inspiration gained him more or less 4% damage reduction.

I have no problems with additional testing, but from what I've seen so far Inspiration gives your average character around 4% reduction, regardless of the amount of armor he has (though this might differ per class). Since the new Inspiration will give a flat 10% reduction, this looks like a major buff to me.

Edited, Jun 19th 2009 5:26am by Mozared
#6 Jun 18 2009 at 8:27 PM Rating: Good
Mozared wrote:
The inspiration change will probably be both a nerf and a buff. A buff for targets with low armor, such as rogues, and a nerf to targets with high armor, such as tanks.

Now I'm not quite sure what applies here, but I do know this;

After reading the buff I immediatly gave it a test with my prot/ret specced paladin friend. In prot, disequipping his shield (which has 8000 armor) made him go from ~63% reduction to ~59%. That means 8000 armor for your average tank more or less equals 4% reduction. With his shield equipped, my pall had a total of about 25.000 armor. Inspiration's 25% buff would mean he'd gain 6250 armor. That is more or less 3/4th of the 8000 his shield gave, and therefore equals roughly 3% damage reduction.

We then pulled the same trick in his ret gear; in this case I don't have any numbers for you but he confirmed that gaining Inspiration gained him more or less 4% damage reduction.

I have no problems with additional testing, but from what I've seen so far Inspiration gives your average character around 4% reduction, regardless of the amount of armor he has (though this might differ per class). Since the new Inspiration will give a flat 10% reduction, this looks like a major buff to me.

Edited, Jun 19th 2009 5:26am by Mozared

Ah, thanks. I was going on pure speculation, with no actual data to back it up. This at least determines that it is in fact a buff, and a rather large one at that.
#7 Jun 18 2009 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
With this PoH nerf coming, how much more will it effect Disc than Holy.

Holy priest have talents that help boost their PoH out put that are deep in their tree, Disc do not.

This will be a nerf for both specs, but seems like it would hurt a Disc priest more than a holy one.

I heal as holy and use the Glyph of PoH, so in most cases I over heal when using this spell.
#8 Jun 19 2009 at 5:24 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Ah, thanks. I was going on pure speculation, with no actual data to back it up. This at least determines that it is in fact a buff, and a rather large one at that.

Hold your horses though, I might've missed something =P

Random post on EJ says:

Napkin maths against a lvl 83 mob:

25k armor, old inspiration = ~12.5% damage reduction
30k armor, old inspiration = ~14% damage reduction

Used this: 1 - [ ( 1 - (Armor*1.25 / (Armor*1.25 + 16635))) / ( 1 - (Armor / (Armor + 16635)))]

Which would make it a 2-4% damage reduction nerf. I'm not quite sure where the numbers in his formula come from though.
#9 Jun 19 2009 at 6:01 AM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
Smoopie wrote:
The penanace isn't so bad really

It's going to hurt like hell in PVP.
#10 Jun 19 2009 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
emmitsvenson wrote:
It's going to hurt like hell in pvp

Yes I should have stated I was talking PvE side.

I really don't understand PvP enough, but it seems like burst damage is really high I don't know why they would lower burst healing. Sounds counterintuitive to me.

I don't understand why they opened the Q&A to priests, got a lot of really good feedback (Especially among the shadow priest community) and didn't fix any of the problems

Again though its the first batch file, I'll reserve some judgment until I test it on the PTR

I was really hoping for a dps 51 point talent or blizz tracking absorbs better

Edited, Jun 19th 2009 10:52am by Smoopie
#11 Jun 19 2009 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
Smoopie wrote:
I was really hoping for a dps 51 point talent or blizz tracking absorbs better

I actually am happy with the way Dispersion currently functions in PvE. In PvP, it really isn't worth it, but I enjoy having yet another free mana button to push in a long fight. Combining that, veiled shadows, my pet squid, replenishment, Improved Spirit Tap, and Hymn of Hope, I can go indefinitely on a target dummy. Add in raid buffs such as Arcane Intellect and Mark of the Wild, and we might as well not even bother putting the mana bar on our unit frames. (fights like General Shrimp in Uld are the exceptions, of course).

Edited, Jun 20th 2009 2:25am by IDrownFish
#12 Jun 22 2009 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
With this PoH nerf coming, how much more will it effect Disc than Holy.
Holy priest have talents that help boost their PoH out put that are deep in their tree, Disc do not.
This will be a nerf for both specs, but seems like it would hurt a Disc priest more than a holy one.
I heal as holy and use the Glyph of PoH, so in most cases I over heal when using this spell.

I don't go disc often, but I'd have to disagree... At least from a mana perspective. The only time I consistantly use this spell is on extreme raid wide dmg. I have to use 3 FH to get the hasted PoH, then usually have to cast 2-3 more PoHs to bring the whole raid up... That is alot of mana that the disc priests have and can regen faster then I can.

I never thought of PoH being that OP for the mana it costs. Hopefully it wont call for that drastic of a nerf after some ptr testing.
#13 Jun 22 2009 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
I actually am happy with the way Dispersion currently functions in PvE. In PvP, it really isn't worth it, but I enjoy having yet another free mana button to push in a long fight.

BTW holy dispersion for those extra long fights b/c my mana hogging nerfed PoH ate it all up! LoL

(It'll never happen, but I better a holy version would look pretty cool!)
#14 Jun 26 2009 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Hard enough to do AE heals without this change. I get so sick of patches anymore every single patch seems like it is a nerf anymore.
#15 Jun 26 2009 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Less QQ, more HealHeal. Holy priests are good AOE throughput healers and a small PoH change that might will at most make you lose 400 healing per target isn't going to change that.
#16 Jun 29 2009 at 8:22 PM Rating: Good
355 posts
Mozared wrote:
Ah, thanks. I was going on pure speculation, with no actual data to back it up. This at least determines that it is in fact a buff, and a rather large one at that.

Hold your horses though, I might've missed something =P

Random post on EJ says:

Napkin maths against a lvl 83 mob:

25k armor, old inspiration = ~12.5% damage reduction
30k armor, old inspiration = ~14% damage reduction

Used this: 1 - [ ( 1 - (Armor*1.25 / (Armor*1.25 + 16635))) / ( 1 - (Armor / (Armor + 16635)))]

Which would make it a 2-4% damage reduction nerf. I'm not quite sure where the numbers in his formula come from though.

Think about it like this. If you have, for instance, 28k armor and ~64.7% physical reduction, and got inspiration, which would increase it to 35k armor and ~69.5% reduction, you are going from taking 35.3% damage to taking 30.5% damage; you are taking 13.6% less damage than you were before. With the change it would be a flat 10%, comparable to increasing your armor reduction by (100%-current% reduction)/10.
#17 Jun 30 2009 at 4:39 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Think about it like this. If you have, for instance, 28k armor and ~64.7% physical reduction, and got inspiration, which would increase it to 35k armor and ~69.5% reduction, you are going from taking 35.3% damage to taking 30.5% damage; you are taking 13.6% less damage than you were before. With the change it would be a flat 10%, comparable to increasing your armor reduction by (100%-current% reduction)/10.

Wait, what?

you are going from taking 35.3% damage to taking 30.5% damage; you are taking 13.6% less damage than you were before.

No? If you go from 35.3% of X damage to 30.5% of X damage you are taking 4.8% less damage than before? 35.3% of 100 damage = 35.3, 30.5% of 100 damage = 30.5.

Ugh >.>
#18 Jun 30 2009 at 11:16 PM Rating: Good
355 posts
Mozared wrote:
Think about it like this. If you have, for instance, 28k armor and ~64.7% physical reduction, and got inspiration, which would increase it to 35k armor and ~69.5% reduction, you are going from taking 35.3% damage to taking 30.5% damage; you are taking 13.6% less damage than you were before. With the change it would be a flat 10%, comparable to increasing your armor reduction by (100%-current% reduction)/10.

Wait, what?

you are going from taking 35.3% damage to taking 30.5% damage; you are taking 13.6% less damage than you were before.

No? If you go from 35.3% of X damage to 30.5% of X damage you are taking 4.8% less damage than before? 35.3% of 100 damage = 35.3, 30.5% of 100 damage = 30.5.

Ugh >.>

So, if I hit you for 100 damage (before armor), and you took 35.3 damage, you are taking 35.3 damage. If, later, I hit you for 100 damage (before armor) and you took 30.5 damage, you are taking 30.5 damage. If you went from taking 35.3 damage to 30.5 damage, you are taking 13.6% less damage. Basic math skill are nifty. I don't care about how much less % of a boss's unmitigated damage I'm taking, I care about how much less I'm taking than before.

Okay, I just had an idea. I'll give you an extreme example. You have 99% armor mitigation (I know, caps at 75%, but bear with me). You then increase that to 100% armor mitigation. So, where you would take 1 damage before, you are now taking 0 damage. Where you would take six billion damage before, you now take 0 damage. Is that a 1% damage reduction?

Edited, Jul 1st 2009 3:17am by anonymosity
#19 Jul 01 2009 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Fair enough, I guess that's what my pall said last night; you're not taking 13.6% less damage from the whole blow.
I don't care about how much less % of a boss's unmitigated damage I'm taking, I care about how much less I'm taking than before.

Thing is though, I *do* care about how much less % of a boss' umitigated damage I'm taking. Unless I'm being confused again you should be comparing the new and old Inspirations effect and then decide whether old Inspiration > new Inspiration. Because the 13.6% less damage doesn't correspond with the 10% less damage from the new Inspiration.

Edited, Jul 1st 2009 8:12pm by Mozared
#20 Jul 02 2009 at 3:40 AM Rating: Good
355 posts
Mozared wrote:
Fair enough, I guess that's what my pall said last night; you're not taking 13.6% less damage from the whole blow.
I don't care about how much less % of a boss's unmitigated damage I'm taking, I care about how much less I'm taking than before.

Thing is though, I *do* care about how much less % of a boss' umitigated damage I'm taking. Unless I'm being confused again you should be comparing the new and old Inspirations effect and then decide whether old Inspiration > new Inspiration. Because the 13.6% less damage doesn't correspond with the 10% less damage from the new Inspiration.

Edited, Jul 1st 2009 8:12pm by Mozared

But...the new inspiration won't reduce the damage taken by 10% of the unmitigated damage. It will reduce the damage you're taking by 10%. As in, after armor. And as it stands, this 10% damage reduction will be less than the damage reduction granted by the current inspiration buff.
#21 Jul 02 2009 at 4:42 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
keep in mind that damage multipliers and damage reducers are considered multiplicatively, so the inspiration change will have varying degrees of effect depending on your tanks. for instance, your average warrior in defensive stance is taking 90% of all incoming damage (so a hit for 10k becomes 9k before any armor considerations are factored in). add in the 10% reduction from inspiration and the warrior takes 10% less of the 90% hit, or 81% damage.

given that, for a warrior, he likely has no more than def stance + BoSanc or vigilance on him (~12.5% total), its a big boost in damage reduced (except when shield wall is up, where the relative value of inspiration decreases for the duration of the SW buff). given that the most damage reduction a tank gets solo is (i think) all of the pally buffs (which amount to about 13%ish i think) its going to be a nice change even with the way multipliers are added together.

PoH change sucks; my priest friend uses that thing like its going out of style in arenas. he hates the penance change too, but can see why theyre doing it, and accepts it for the most part.
#22 Aug 07 2009 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent

So, if I hit you for 100 damage (before armor), and you took 35.3 damage, you are taking 35.3 damage. If, later, I hit you for 100 damage (before armor) and you took 30.5 damage, you are taking 30.5 damage. If you went from taking 35.3 damage to 30.5 damage, you are taking 13.6% less damage. Basic math skill are nifty.

Just as a side note,

30.5 * 100 / 35.3 = 16.4% not 13.6%


Carry on

Edited, Aug 7th 2009 1:00pm by Vaelo
#23 Aug 07 2009 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
New Inspiration is better.

Hands down no question.

The main reason is painfully obvious and yet no one has mentioned it yet.

Magic Damage is not mitigated by armor so old Inspiration did nothing for it at all, new Inspiration does therefore it wins.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#24 Aug 08 2009 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
That settles the deal then, I guess; slight physical nerf for chars with lots of armor, buff for warriors, and overall buff because of magic damage reduction.

In that case, I can see inspiration actually taking a pretty nifty place in PvP. If you can squeeze it in a spec together with spell warding you can take 1/5th of all incoming spell damage before resilience fairly often. That's really got to hurt warlocks, mages and even DK's.
#25 Aug 10 2009 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
New Inspiration is better.

Hands down no question.

The main reason is painfully obvious and yet no one has mentioned it yet.

Magic Damage is not mitigated by armor so old Inspiration did nothing for it at all, new Inspiration does therefore it wins.

Inspiration: The buff from this ability now reduces the physical damage taken by the target by 3/7/10% instead of increasing the target's armor.

Magic damage isn't physical damage right..? or am i missing something here?
#26 Aug 10 2009 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Where'd you quote from, Shiv? You may very well be right (I can't currently check myself) but your source might be outdated. I'd go with whatever the in-game tooltip says (and double check if the talent tooltip differs from the actual proc's tooltip.
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