15000 mana roughly, maybe a little more if they have a mix of very high tier pve and pvp stuff. The idea of kiting a prot healer around so they can't hit you doesn't really work. All they have to do is melee something, anything (a bloodworm, pet, totem etc etc) and divine plea will be refreshed. Even if it drops off, it's on a measly minute cooldown and there's very likely a DK snaring your *** in one of a variety of ways. Did i mention the deep prot talent which grants it 100% dispell resistence?
And these healers are in high stamina pvp gear with +stamina talents so they have upwards of 26k health, and all that stamina due to
another interesting deep prot talent is pushing their spellpower to maybe 2.5k. Add an extra 30% on crit heals and they can basically ignore the healing reduction from divine plea.
I don't want this to seem like i'm whining, it is after all a very shrewd way to play a pvp healer. I'm just pointing out how utterly insurmountable this kind of play is to a double dps team. It is very hard indeed to time silences and interrupts around bubble and aura mastery, and the prot tree gives vast longevity, and 6 second stun on a 20 sec cooldown. Not to mention Avenger's shield! A multiple target silence-snare or a single target nuke-silence-snare depending on glyphs.
Edited, Jun 5th 2009 1:47pm by ArtemisEnteri