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Arcane and me...OOMFollow

#1 May 29 2009 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
My armory

So, last night I ran part of Naxx 10 to help gear some guildies, and I figured it would be a good time to try out arcane. All I can say is, wow, I run OOM fast following the rotation from TGMPE.

A few questions. Should I be following the rotation from TMGPE on single target trash pulls as well? Or is there a different rotation I should know about? Regarding Missile Barrage - do I wait to cast that after AB3 or treat it like I would Hot Streak?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

PS, please disregard the fact that I have no Glyph of Arcane Blast. I bought it last night, got distracted, and apparently never got it from the mailbox. What a dumbass.

#2 May 29 2009 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
Did you have any mana regen in the raid (replenishemnt + wisdom, etc)?

If not that can cause problems.

Which rotation were you using? 3xAB - AM? rinse and repeat?

Missile Barrage should preferably only be used after the third stack of arcane blast
#3 Jun 08 2009 at 8:59 AM Rating: Excellent
224 posts
Regarding mana usage - this is something that took me a while to get used to as well. Essentially Evocation and your Mana Gems are your lifeblood.

Start DPS, when you're ~4k down, pop a gem. Repeat the rotation until you're getting to about 30% - at which point about a minute should have passed since you used the gem. Hopefully you have a lull in the action to find a few seconds to pop Evo. Now you're back at full (or fairly close). About a minute later, pop gem #2. A minute after that, Evo again, etc... If you're caught in a really long fight, you may need to re-summon Mana Gems. If you have a feeling this will be the case, you may want to hold onto your potion for recovery.

If you're finding it hard to keep enough mana to last between gem #3 and Evocation, switching down to ABx2,AM will help stretch what you've got. Generally always try to get ABx3 for MBAM procs, unless you're seriously starved. If all else fails, and you have no form of Replenishment available (been there..), Mage Armor is an option. You'll take a bit of hit DPS-wise, but it will help in the mana department.

Now, the above is the general guideline. However, this gets modified for cooldowns/Bloodlust. Essentially if you've got a Shaman, you'll want to make sure you have your cooldowns ready when Bloodlust pops (ideally, you'll have arranged beforehand, so you can plan for it). When in "cooldown mode", your rotation *should* change to ABSpam[ABx3,MBAM] - essentially spam Arcane Blast until you get a Missile Barrage proc, and let it loose if you're at a 3-stack (if not, build to a 3-stack, then use it). Needless to say, this takes a LOT of mana - so you'll either want to be ready with Evocation or your potion (ideally Evo, as you can clip some time off the end by popping it in the last second of Bloodlust).
#4 Jun 08 2009 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
Very good addvice Yuke. Thats pretty much how I do it. I also decide before a fight whether to use Mage armor or Molten. Not having a Ret or other replenishment affects it a ton as well.
#5 Jun 08 2009 at 8:59 PM Rating: Default
Your talents are a bit... odd.

Drop the Magic Absorbtion and Magic Attunement. They are terrible talents. Dampen/Amplify Magic have AMAZING potential but will never be well enough utilized to sacrifice the massive stats you gave up.

By giving up Student of the Mind you are losing 10% of your Spirit. That is a LOT of MP5 and crit gone.

Also grab Slow. This is very useful for if you pull threat on an AoE(very easy with a PoM->Flamestrike->Blizz if tank is not up to par) and also good to toss on bosses. Slow still effects their cast speed and your 12% damage boost.
Not to mention it's nice if you want to not swap specs to solo. Slow -> AB -> ABar = dead.

Also if MP is a true issue, there are two options.
1: Drop Glyph of Arcane Missiles
Yes, it is pretty damn sweet. Know what I like more? Glyph of Mana Gem. With set bonus you get 6k mana and 225SP every 2 minutes. Keep a few Runic Mana potions and you won't even need Evocate anymore. I know I only use it on mobs with 15m+ HP.

2: If ALL else fails, pop Mage Armor. 100% MP5 is nice.
#6 Jun 09 2009 at 4:18 AM Rating: Good
Tsuvati wrote:
Your talents are a bit... odd.

Drop the Magic Absorbtion and Magic Attunement. They are terrible talents. Dampen/Amplify Magic have AMAZING potential but will never be well enough utilized to sacrifice the massive stats you gave up.

By giving up Student of the Mind you are losing 10% of your Spirit. That is a LOT of MP5 and crit gone.

Also grab Slow. This is very useful for if you pull threat on an AoE(very easy with a PoM->Flamestrike->Blizz if tank is not up to par) and also good to toss on bosses. Slow still effects their cast speed and your 12% damage boost.
Not to mention it's nice if you want to not swap specs to solo. Slow -> AB -> ABar = dead.

Also if MP is a true issue, there are two options.
1: Drop Glyph of Arcane Missiles
Yes, it is pretty damn sweet. Know what I like more? Glyph of Mana Gem. With set bonus you get 6k mana and 225SP every 2 minutes. Keep a few Runic Mana potions and you won't even need Evocate anymore. I know I only use it on mobs with 15m+ HP.

2: If ALL else fails, pop Mage Armor. 100% MP5 is nice.

The real benefit to the dampen/ampllify talents is for the extra range, not for the damp/amp stuff. The 6 yards can make a decent difference. Slow isn't necessary to keep on a boss as long as your tanks aren't terrible and keep the slowing debuff up on the boss. That being said I always pick up the talent for kiting and soloing.

You would be better off dropping molten armor for the arcane missiles glyph + mana gem I would guess as if you just pop mage armor you still use the other two spells.
#7 Jun 09 2009 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
The talents I selected came right from Anobix's initial thoughts on Arcane spec (from TGMPE). Have they changed at all/enough to warrant a respec? I'm happy to report though that after 10 days or so of playing arcane, its coming together. Popping a mana gem at times, or evocation at the end of heroism, has really helped my mana management. Having been frost/fire/frostfire for so long, I guess I never anticipated mana being an issue.

Yukeake wrote:

... However, this gets modified for cooldowns/Bloodlust. Essentially if you've got a Shaman, you'll want to make sure you have your cooldowns ready when Bloodlust pops (ideally, you'll have arranged beforehand, so you can plan for it). When in "cooldown mode", your rotation *should* change to ABSpam[ABx3,MBAM] - essentially spam Arcane Blast until you get a Missile Barrage proc, and let it loose if you're at a 3-stack (if not, build to a 3-stack, then use it). Needless to say, this takes a LOT of mana - so you'll either want to be ready with Evocation or your potion (ideally Evo, as you can clip some time off the end by popping it in the last second of Bloodlust).

Now this I didn't know. I stayed with the same rotation as normal.

#8 Jun 10 2009 at 2:53 PM Rating: Default
Anobix the Brilliant wrote:
Tsuvati wrote:
Your talents are a bit... odd.

Drop the Magic Absorbtion and Magic Attunement. They are terrible talents. Dampen/Amplify Magic have AMAZING potential but will never be well enough utilized to sacrifice the massive stats you gave up.

By giving up Student of the Mind you are losing 10% of your Spirit. That is a LOT of MP5 and crit gone.

Also grab Slow. This is very useful for if you pull threat on an AoE(very easy with a PoM->Flamestrike->Blizz if tank is not up to par) and also good to toss on bosses. Slow still effects their cast speed and your 12% damage boost.
Not to mention it's nice if you want to not swap specs to solo. Slow -> AB -> ABar = dead.

Also if MP is a true issue, there are two options.
1: Drop Glyph of Arcane Missiles
Yes, it is pretty damn sweet. Know what I like more? Glyph of Mana Gem. With set bonus you get 6k mana and 225SP every 2 minutes. Keep a few Runic Mana potions and you won't even need Evocate anymore. I know I only use it on mobs with 15m+ HP.

2: If ALL else fails, pop Mage Armor. 100% MP5 is nice.

The real benefit to the dampen/ampllify talents is for the extra range, not for the damp/amp stuff. The 6 yards can make a decent difference. Slow isn't necessary to keep on a boss as long as your tanks aren't terrible and keep the slowing debuff up on the boss. That being said I always pick up the talent for kiting and soloing.

You would be better off dropping molten armor for the arcane missiles glyph + mana gem I would guess as if you just pop mage armor you still use the other two spells.

Yes if you have massive MP issues, use Mage Armor with the Missile glyph. But losing the 10-15% crit from Molten Armor is never an option for me lol. 40% crit when your hits do 11k is just sooooo nice :D too bad only fire get the mp back from crits.
#9 Jun 12 2009 at 5:39 AM Rating: Excellent
One thing about arcane is that you don't really have a rotation. What you have is a throttle control.

I like to equate arcane to a fighter plane. You can choose to cruise along slowly (AB+ABarr) and fly for a long, long time until you run out of fuel. Or, you can choose to hit full afterburners (AB*n->MBAM) and fly like a rocket, though you'll run out of fuel very quickly. Naturally, you can set that throttle everywhere in between as well. That's the beauty of the spec really, that you can modulate your DPS and DPM GCD by GCD, ramping up when mana is in surplus (evo/gem CDs are up) and throttling back when mana is in shortage. If you stick with the spec, in time this throttling behavior becomes second nature.

I don't claim to be an arcane expert, but here are some tips I've worked out.

If you don't have your mana level visible in a conspicuous place, fix that. You need to develop the ability to forecast your mana usage on the fly. If you find yourself casting at full throttle, at 30% mana with no cooldowns up and the boss still at 60%, you've already lost. You develop that skill by watching your mana carefully as you cast.

Don't be afraid of your mana gem. Remember, if you get through a fight without having used that gem every time it was off CD, you didn't do as much damage as you could have. Evocate whenever you can. You have to know fights very well and plan in accordance. Get in the habit of saying to yourself, "Evo is up in 45 seconds. The boss will teleport in 60 seconds giving me a window. I have 9k mana, so I'm going to drop to AB*2->ArBarr/MBAM so I can last." After a while, you won't have to think it out, you'll glance at your cooldowns and mana and throttle back instinctively. Summoning a gem mid-fight isn't necessarily a bad thing either. You spend 2375 mana and <3 seconds for a guaranteed average 3400 return later on.

It was mentioned before, but clip your evocations on IV, Heroism/Bloodlust whenever you possibly can. The couple of seconds you save are a whole GCD, which means more damage. It also means less time spent unable to move, and in the case of IV, a nigh-uninterpretable evocate to boot.

If you're going to play arcane, gear for arcane. Crit is for Fire/FFB/Frost. Intellect is our bread and haste is our butter. A big mana pool means more flexibility, a larger margin of error, and beefier evos. Haste boosts your DPS like crazy. Around 500 haste rating, AB falls under 2 seconds. Add it haste trinkets, IV, and hero/bl. Do you know what it's like to hit 4 12k+ crits in a row, one every 1.3 seconds? ;) Spirit is delicious, delicious honey that boosts mana regen and pumps up molten armor.

So... keep with it. It takes a while to get used to. I wanded a lot of bosses my first week being arcane Smiley: blush, but once I got the hang of it, I knew I'd never go back to FFB.
#10 Jun 12 2009 at 5:48 AM Rating: Good
224 posts
Drop the Magic Absorbtion and Magic Attunement.

Actually, Absorption can be quite a bit of fun, but (with the exception of certain fights, and/or a friendly Disc Priest who isn't otherwise occupied) can be a pain to manage.

Sapphiron in Naxx is a good example of where an Absorption build will do *really* well, with little to no support. Pop Frost Ward every time it's up, and you'll absorb a good bit of damage from the frost aura - which then gets converted into SP.

Ignis and Razorscale in Ulduar can be done similarly with Fire Ward. FOr Ignis, pop it just before Ignis does his Flame Jets, or just after you get chucked into the pot. You'll get a large SP boost, which is quite fun. For Razorscale, you have to be a little more daring. Pop it, then take a tick or two from one of the blue fire patches (but don't just stand there, it'll kill you, regardless of Fire Ward. Run in, tick, tick, run out.)

That having been said, it can be a pain to manage. If your guild is still learning the fights, giving your healers a heart attack by *intentionally* taking ticks from the fire may not be the wisest option. It's also something else you have to keep track of, and if you're still learning rotations/mana management, you may want to take a more straightforward spec instead.

Until I get enough hit to pull off Fire/TTW, I've got an Absorption spec as my secondary. It's quite a bit of fun to play around with - a lot moreso than I was expecting - but it won't replace my "normal" Arcane spec.

Edited, Jun 12th 2009 9:48am by Yukeake
#11 Jun 12 2009 at 4:44 PM Rating: Default
Yukeake wrote:
Drop the Magic Absorbtion and Magic Attunement.

Actually, Absorption can be quite a bit of fun, but (with the exception of certain fights, and/or a friendly Disc Priest who isn't otherwise occupied) can be a pain to manage.

Sapphiron in Naxx is a good example of where an Absorption build will do *really* well, with little to no support. Pop Frost Ward every time it's up, and you'll absorb a good bit of damage from the frost aura - which then gets converted into SP.

Ignis and Razorscale in Ulduar can be done similarly with Fire Ward. FOr Ignis, pop it just before Ignis does his Flame Jets, or just after you get chucked into the pot. You'll get a large SP boost, which is quite fun. For Razorscale, you have to be a little more daring. Pop it, then take a tick or two from one of the blue fire patches (but don't just stand there, it'll kill you, regardless of Fire Ward. Run in, tick, tick, run out.)

That having been said, it can be a pain to manage. If your guild is still learning the fights, giving your healers a heart attack by *intentionally* taking ticks from the fire may not be the wisest option. It's also something else you have to keep track of, and if you're still learning rotations/mana management, you may want to take a more straightforward spec instead.

Until I get enough hit to pull off Fire/TTW, I've got an Absorption spec as my secondary. It's quite a bit of fun to play around with - a lot moreso than I was expecting - but it won't replace my "normal" Arcane spec.

Edited, Jun 12th 2009 9:48am by Yukeake

That is pretty neat. Not worth giving up 10% Spirit though imho.

Edited, Jun 12th 2009 8:45pm by Tsuvati
#12 Jun 12 2009 at 5:10 PM Rating: Good
I highly doubt you are getting 10-15% crit from your glyph of molten armor. Or molten armor period. I get around 7% max buffed -- which is nice, don't get me wrong, but the important thing is to find which glyph gives the least dps increase then drop that one.
#13 Jun 12 2009 at 10:24 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Mindel wrote:
Intellect is our bread and haste is our butter. A big mana pool means more flexibility, a larger margin of error, and beefier evos. Haste boosts your DPS like crazy. Around 500 haste rating, AB falls under 2 seconds. Add it haste trinkets, IV, and hero/bl. Do you know what it's like to hit 4 12k+ crits in a row, one every 1.3 seconds? ;) Spirit is delicious, delicious honey that boosts mana regen and pumps up molten armor.

So... keep with it. It takes a while to get used to. I wanded a lot of bosses my first week being arcane Smiley: blush, but once I got the hang of it, I knew I'd never go back to FFB.

Using a food metaphor to describe mages.

Erm...afk. Smiley: blush
#14 Jun 16 2009 at 7:05 AM Rating: Good
224 posts
That is pretty neat. Not worth giving up 10% Spirit though imho.

Of course, I ended up talking about Incanter's Absorption (Useful, nifty, kinda fun, hard to manage), not Magic Absorption (Kinda lame).

Oops ;P
#15 Jun 18 2009 at 11:30 AM Rating: Default
Thank you 3.2

* Arcane Blast: Mana cost reduced by 12%.

No more OOM :)
#16 Jun 18 2009 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
Thank you 3.2

* Arcane Blast: Mana cost reduced by 12%.

No more OOM :)

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