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they just cant figure us outFollow

#1 May 29 2009 at 2:06 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
taken from the PTR notes posted on MMO:

Blood Frenzy: This talent now provides 5/10% haste instead of 3/6%.
Bloodthirst: Cooldown reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds, and rage cost reduced from 30 rage to 20 rage.
Juggernaut: This talent now also increases the cooldown on Charge by 5 seconds.

ok, so more haste from blood frenzy. slight boost to white damage. id go so far as to call it negligible.

next we have a fairly big bloodthirst change (imo). the cooldown is reduced by 20% (meaning you can now fit five BT's in the same amount of time that once held four) and the cost was reduced by 1/3. this, after they heavy-handedly nerf TG with that stupid 10% damage penalty (which, as we all now know, really translates into more of a 15%ish penalty).

finally, they really hurt juggernaught. with the glyph of rapid charge (7% lower CD on charge) we have a 14.1s CD on charge (base of 15s). now, assuming the glyph is factored into the new charge CD with juggernaught applied, the cooldown goes to 18.6s. which is better than 19 or 20s, but still quite sucky (because three seconds truly can be an eternity in pvp when youve got a rogue eating your healer for 20% chunks of life every seconds).

ive been getting a feeling as of late that theres some kind of weird internal civil war amongst the devs. a kind of gross interpretation of "left hand doesnt know what the right is doing" when it comes to adding changes to the warrior class. that, or there isnt really a "team" of developers per se. just some dude with dissociative identity disorder (multiple personalities) where all the identities happen to be game developers working at blizzard.
#2 May 29 2009 at 5:00 AM Rating: Default
I think the problem with the 'warrior' class is the actual people playing the toon and not the toon its self.
I believe that only skilled people can handle the toon leading inevitable to high DPS numbers.The bad player will probably complain and create a pally. Then devs think.. 'oh lets nerf this class' 'they hit harder than mages' . ( this actually refers to the good left over warriors)

The nerf is basicaly on abilities on the talent tree but Warriors exploit their true power from gear eventually the good players will get higher dps numbers.. its simply inevitable to happen.... Pallys ,DK 's ...all have a threshold by the time they pick their talents ...I believe with Uldar gear Balance will turn the stream of the river. I believe any logic guild will invest on a warrior through Uldar runs, more than any other class. The 'last on the DPS list' post I hear can easily be the first... its just takes 2-3 good runs in the new raid content and a couple of rolls...

In my humble opinion in every new patch/raid the Warrior will be inevitably NERFED to balance the coming gear. 2 amazing items of same lvl one for a warlock and one for Warrior will not have the same effect in DPS numbers ....This is the only reason I can figure out for our continious nerfs....

thats my 2c thinking

#3 May 29 2009 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
geotank wrote:
I think the problem with the 'warrior' class is the actual people playing the toon and not the toon its self.
I believe that only skilled people can handle the toon leading inevitable to high DPS numbers.The bad player will probably complain and create a pally. Then devs think.. 'oh lets nerf this class' 'they hit harder than mages' . ( this actually refers to the good left over warriors)

The nerf is basicaly on abilities on the talent tree but Warriors exploit their true power from gear eventually the good players will get higher dps numbers.. its simply inevitable to happen.... Pallys ,DK 's ...all have a threshold by the time they pick their talents ...I believe with Uldar gear Balance will turn the stream of the river. I believe any logic guild will invest on a warrior through Uldar runs, more than any other class. The 'last on the DPS list' post I hear can easily be the first... its just takes 2-3 good runs in the new raid content and a couple of rolls...

In my humble opinion in every new patch/raid the Warrior will be inevitably NERFED to balance the coming gear. 2 amazing items of same lvl one for a warlock and one for Warrior will not have the same effect in DPS numbers ....This is the only reason I can figure out for our continious nerfs....

thats my 2c thinking

On Warrior vs Others...

Don't assume that warrior dps is higher or lower because of the players playing them. There's good players for every class and it's easy to find out how a good player will do with any class. Besides, DPS isn't like PvP, PvP takes strategy and coordination, PvE DPS is about doing an optimization exercise and then take it to execution. If anything, DPS/HPS/TPS/etc are more about gear and less about skill. (You have to know the rotations but still).

Blizz decided "take the player not the class and blah". Which means all classes being spec'd and geared for dps and being properly played should be about equally useful to their raid.

Mages being less gear dependent but warriors scaling better with gear doesn't work for blizz. If you are in a certain tier of gear you shouldn't be replacing your mages with warriors just because you reached the tier were gear makes warriors outdps mages.

But then at least in BGs I'm not seeing warriors outgrow mages, instead I'm seeing frost mages own everyone big time. I play my ret pally in BGs and I follow frost mages and fight by their side like I'm their shadow and I try to help them as much as I can, I get to see them turn whole packs of PvP targets into corpse carpets. Sure my assistance may have something to do with it but I don't see any other class do THAT much.

On Juggernaut Nerf...

Imp Intercept + Heroic fury costs 3 points and gives like 6.3 intercepts per min. Juggernaut with glyph gives 6.25, a crit bonus, and lifts the stance restriction (you know the implications). This makes Juggernaut comparatively superior to 3 points in the fury tree.

Personally I'd like to just see the stance and combat status restrictions on charge being removed and Intercept being merged into Charge. If the c/d turns too short they'll lengthen it if it turns out to long they'll shorten it but we'll be rid for good of having the stance restriction and of having to bind so many buttons. I'd like to see many warrior abilities get merged really.

On BT buff...

I may be the only person who didn't like the bt cooldown buff. I didn't like it because it's more gcd usage and if they wanted to buff the dps of it they could just have upped it's damage instead. There's also good reasons to have melee be cooldown based instead of having to use every gcd. Melee has to walk from place to place during most encounters, often walk away from an aoe then go back to dpsing, so if you're a class that does it's DPS on 3 6-sec cooldowns you can throw all your cooldows, walk out of the aoe while your cooldowns are regenerating and then charge on time and spend your cooldowns again. If your dps relies on using every gcd, each second of walking outside of an aoe effect a larger loss. But I'm not affected because I'm not playing Fury.

ive been getting a feeling as of late that theres some kind of weird internal civil war amongst the devs. a kind of gross interpretation of "left hand doesnt know what the right is doing" when it comes to adding changes to the warrior class. that, or there isnt really a "team" of developers per se. just some dude with dissociative identity disorder (multiple personalities) where all the identities happen to be game developers working at blizzard.

You think so because of the constant changing of the talent trees? Look at class relations in PvP instead. Usually most classes have a rock-paper-scissor relationship to each other but they keep putting up more and more buttons that constantly change the game of each class against the others.
#4 May 29 2009 at 4:55 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
You think so because of the constant changing of the talent trees? Look at class relations in PvP instead. Usually most classes have a rock-paper-scissor relationship to each other but they keep putting up more and more buttons that constantly change the game of each class against the others.

not that actually. what im referring to is the 10% damage decrease by speccing TG, followed not long after by a fairly big BT damage buff. they go and nerf our damage despite the data saying that it will result in a much larger damage nerf than listed, and then go and increase the damage output of one of fury's key skills. initially i got the feeling that they were just trying to find a way to control warrior damage and it was coming across as haphazard. now it seems almost like theres two or more distinct personalities driving changes to the warrior class. but instead of coming together to try to find a happy medium between things, theyre utilizing some byzantine set of standards that serve to choke the class as much as help it.

Imp Intercept + Heroic fury costs 3 points and gives like 6.3 intercepts per min. Juggernaut with glyph gives 6.25, a crit bonus, and lifts the stance restriction (you know the implications). This makes Juggernaut comparatively superior to 3 points in the fury tree.

yes and no, but mostly no. yes, juggernaut + charge glyph gives an arms warrior more total mobility per given X time than a fury warrior, but heroic fury also carries the benefit of being a root break. against classes with reliable roots (druids and mages particularly) a warrior with juggernaut is very much at a disadvantage compared to a warrior with heroic fury.

but thats not really what pisses me off. what pisses me off is this "counterbalance" crap that still plagues this class, and threatens to suck the fun out of it.
#5 May 29 2009 at 7:20 PM Rating: Good
The BT adjustment isn't that big of a boost. Consider;

0.0 WW
1.5 BT
3.0 Free GCD
4.5 1s Open
5.5 BT
7.0 1s Open
8.0 WW
9.5 BT
11.0 Free GCD

You start running into GCD issues, since if you're not pushing back BT/WW you've only got one GCD per 8s cycle... which will reduce the relative value of Bloodsurge procs. It doesn't get pretty if you want to use them, either.

0.0 WW
1.5 BT
3.0 Free GCD - Used for let's say Sunder. Bloodsurge procs off HS as you hit Sunder
4.5 Bloodsurge
6.0 BT
7.5 .5s Open
8.0 WW
9.5 .5s Open
10.0 BT
11.5 Free GCD

It gets even worse if you try to use the one at 7.0, since you're really pushing the timers back then. The Fury change, being slightly generous, is probably about a 3% DPS boost. The Arms change is about 1%. Neither is remotely sufficient.
#6 May 29 2009 at 10:33 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
well, there ya have it.

was hoping that the gcd issue wouldnt, well, become an issue but....
#7 Jun 07 2009 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
Im sorry, but does this come with an english translation? I can almost understand the initials, its the concept that escapes me.

The BT adjustment isn't that big of a boost. Consider;

0.0 WW
1.5 BT
3.0 Free GCD
4.5 1s Open
5.5 BT
7.0 1s Open
8.0 WW
9.5 BT
11.0 Free GCD

You start running into GCD issues, since if you're not pushing back BT/WW you've only got one GCD per 8s cycle... which will reduce the relative value of Bloodsurge procs. It doesn't get pretty if you want to use them, either.

0.0 WW
1.5 BT
3.0 Free GCD - Used for let's say Sunder. Bloodsurge procs off HS as you hit Sunder
4.5 Bloodsurge
6.0 BT
7.5 .5s Open
8.0 WW
9.5 .5s Open
10.0 BT
11.5 Free GCD

It gets even worse if you try to use the one at 7.0, since you're really pushing the timers back then. The Fury change, being slightly generous, is probably about a 3% DPS boost. The Arms change is about 1%. Neither is remotely sufficient.
#8 Jun 07 2009 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
what zip is saying is that, with the new bloodthirst change, a fury warrior runs into problems with his rotation. in other words, there will come a point, several times in any given battle, where you will no longer be able to keep all of your skills "on cooldown", which is another way of saying you wont be able to use every skill every chance you get.

more than that, sometimes two of your skills (bloodthirst and whirlwind) will come off of cooldown at the same time. this results in a loss of potential dps because you have to delay the usage of a skill by 1.5s (the duration of the global cooldown). if you happen to have a bloodsurge proc while this happens and you opt to use the slam instead of the second skill, then you could lose even more dps.

does that help?
#9 Jun 14 2009 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
For those that would like to understand what RP is writing as opposed to the idea;

When What 0.0 Whirlwind 1.5 Bloodthirst 3.0 Free Global Cool Down 4.5 1 second of free time between Cool Downs and the Global Cool Down 5.5 Bloodthirst 7.0 1 second of free time between Cool Downs and the Global Cool Down 8.0 Whilrwind 9.5 Bloodthirst 11.0 Free Global Cool Down

This is a time table of events. At 0 seconds, you press the button for Whirlwind, at 1.5 seconds you press the button for Bloodthirst, etc...

This is known as a Rotation.

Edited, Jun 14th 2009 7:25pm by devioususer
#10 Jun 15 2009 at 5:23 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks to all for the explanation. Looking at it, I say, that suck big time. In 11 seconds u do 3 bloodthirst and 2 whirlwinds. I think arms is much better. I keep rend up so overpower is available, and the execute talent that gives a greater chance of using that. With that, except for the global cool down, I always have something to use. It's usually goes: rend, mortal strike, overpower, execute. Rinse and repeat. I might be miserable in pvp, but almost always top dps in instances.

When What
0.0 Whirlwind
1.5 Bloodthirst
3.0 Free Global Cool Down
4.5 1 second of free time between Cool Downs and the Global Cool Down
5.5 Bloodthirst
7.0 1 second of free time between Cool Downs and the Global Cool Down
8.0 Whilrwind
9.5 Bloodthirst
11.0 Free Global Cool Down

This is a time table of events. At 0 seconds, you press the button for Whirlwind, at 1.5 seconds you press the button for Bloodthirst, etc
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