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#1 May 28 2009 at 4:43 AM Rating: Default
Hi all,

I have rolled an Undead 'Lock and have taken him to level 23. I have an 80 Alliance Dwarf Hunter as a main that is now going to sit and enjoy retirement as I am bored stupid of Raiding to be honest and wanted to do something totally different. Guess you cannot get much different than this!

His name is Darkisalan and is on EU Aggramar server.

The help I need is with regards to talent tree's and specs. I have indeed read through the FAQ and followed such links as Bodhi's and the Talents not to use etc but it all seems a little out of date now. Obviously these things take time to write and contribute to and I of course cannot contribute to what I do not know.

So, I have taken what I can from it and now ask you, fellow 'Locks to suggest\discuss what is the best tree\Spec to follow with all that recent patches and Wotlk has offered.

Alternatively if you know of a good place to look or a previous thread then please point me in that direction.

Much thanks in advance and look me up if we are on the same server and feel free to drop some helpful hints.

#2 May 28 2009 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
You'll get a lot of answers to the leveling question, and mine is not the best informed at all but I always enjoyed leveling as Demon spec til 40 then went to afflict or stayed Demon as either is good, I have always thought afflict spec was a raid/instance spec myself.
#3 May 29 2009 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
357 posts
I keep thinking I should write a new updated FAQ, but alas, there's so much random stuff about locks and I'm not the type of guy that can put it together coherently.

Whatever the case, leveling up as any spec is fine, hell, you can level up with no talent points and you won't have much of a problem. It all depends on how you like to play your lock. If your leveling with a friend or just like to burst crap down go destruction, if you want to drain tank go affliction, and if you want to make full use of your demons go demon. Just play around with it and see what spec suits you best. When it comes to just grinding out regular mobs there is no best spec, they'll all get the job done very easily. The only thing I suggest is that you move down to the 51 point talent first instead of spreading them out.

While leveling gear is a big thing of note. If you find any gear with hit take it, while leveling I fought mobs up to 4 levels above me on a steady basis and hit helps with that(at 5 levels above they get a built in resistance which, while doable, just annoys me so I stay away if I can). Next is spell power, many of your spells have great coefficients and the more spell power your stack the easier it is. I got a hood of shadow power or something, +20 Shadow Damage, at level 30 and didn't replace it until I hit outlands, of course I didn't run dungeons or check the AH for better gear so I probably could have upgraded it.

Stamina is next but it's far below spell power and hit. While it's nice for drain tanking and survivability, I play on a PvE server so it would be more helpful on a PvP server, The fact is if you stack spell damage your drain life should be able to nullify anything a regular mob throws at you to the point of actually gaining health while a mob attacks you, and as destruction, with enough spell damage, the mob shouldn't even reach you before it dies. Intellect is a waste, you'll get it on your gear naturally, but don't go searching for it. Spirit is pretty much a waste at lower levels, it boosts your life-tap a bit which is nice but not something to hunt down. However, at 62 you get fel armor and 30% of your spirit gets turned into spell damage thus making it alot more useful.
#4 Jun 02 2009 at 12:32 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
I am not that great with a lock as yet but i would have said stamina is still worth far more than any other stat while levelling at least up to level 30 so nothing much has really changed while levelling , no point in having spell power or hit for example if your pet of choice dies or they lose agro and you get beaten to death in a few hits as stamina does transfer to your pets health as far as i can tell and can save you when being beaten on or be changed into mana.

I think the FAQ and playstyles sticky should be condensed together anyway as most of us have our own quirks in the way we play , and of course they are a huge read for anyone that is not a native english reader and can be misunderstood.

As i am only level 30 i cannot say what is going to be a must have talent for my affliction drain style fun except for the ones that help me avoid interruption in casting.

I tend to play with my succubus a lot since i got high enough to get her as she does around the same damage i do or more on average according to Recount unlike the imp which is about half my damage and about 3 times what the voidwalker can manage and i play a bit like a retarded hunter and apply dots and never using shadowbolts but using drain soul every time as i find the drain life next to useless at keeping me alive or healthy so at the moment have not used any talents to improve the shadowbolts , i guess some will say that is wrong but from all the threads i have seen and people i have talked to any playstyle can work if you want it to work and mine most times seems to work great the only thing i had problems with was my my bags always full of shards until i found a very simple addon called "shard" just set number of shards you want to keep and i have big smiles as i kill knowing my bags still have space , i can kill mobs 3-4 levels above me without any real amount of spellboost but usually as on all my alts i am killing green mobs and doing quests in at least two different zones as i find it a lot more fun and easier and faster than doing all yellow/brown quests as i am still learning the class.

I guess i could kill faster than i do but i find by using just the dots available at my level and the drain soul which is set up to give me mana back i hardly ever have to stop and drink so while it takes longer to kill i have almost no downtime and it suits my very lazy playstyle , i almost never send pet to a target but rely on my pet being on defensive and attacking any mob i dot .

I can say from all i have read or seen any tree and any playstyle is viable but still can change by level as new spells and pets become available , locks can kill just as fast in any tree unlike most classes which usually have just one tree that is far faster than the others for example priests with Shadow or hunters and BM and i am loving the playtime on my lock.
#5 Jun 02 2009 at 4:54 AM Rating: Decent
I cannot tell you how nice it is to be able to ask a question in a forum and not get the Hunter Forum equivilant answer which is:

"Go read the F*cking FAQ you noob"

So I shall plumb with Affliction I think for now as I like my DOT's. I like to send in old Voidy to engage then stick some DOT's on and then drain the crap out of the target. It works for me lol.

Keep the good advice coming.
#6REDACTED, Posted: Jun 02 2009 at 5:33 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Blanket statements and mass generalizations are so pro.
#7 Jun 02 2009 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Morganne, Star Breaker wrote:
I cannot tell you how nice it is to be able to ask a question in a forum and not get the Hunter Forum equivilant answer which is:

"Go read the F*cking FAQ you noob"

Aethien is still lurking over there, huh? Smiley: lol

Edited, Jun 2nd 2009 6:22pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#8 Jun 02 2009 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
660 posts
Overlord Norellicus wrote:
Blanket statements and mass generalizations are so pro.

For example? You seem to have some criticism on the discussion, yet, you have added nothing to it. What a surprise.
#9 Jun 02 2009 at 10:14 AM Rating: Good
I was more voicing my irritation at Morganne for her continual 'holier-than-thou' outlook on the Hunter community. I have no input on the proceedings of this thread in its specifics, though it seems to be actually quite good information for an upstart Warlock, myself included.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2009 2:16pm by Norellicus
#10 Jun 02 2009 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
660 posts
Overlord Norellicus wrote:
I was more voicing my irritation at Morganne for her continual 'holier-than-thou' outlook on the Hunter community. I have no input on the proceedings of this thread in its specifics, though it seems to be actually quite good information for an upstart Warlock, myself included.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2009 2:16pm by Norellicus

Point taken. Excuse my previous post
#11 Jun 05 2009 at 7:21 AM Rating: Default
Overlord Norellicus wrote:
I was more voicing my irritation at Morganne for her continual 'holier-than-thou' outlook on the Hunter community. I have no input on the proceedings of this thread in its specifics, though it seems to be actually quite good information for an upstart Warlock, myself included.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2009 2:16pm by Norellicus

LOL wowzers, did not realise I had a holier than thou attitude toward the hunter forums. In fact I would consider myself quiet humble to most of the posters in that forum. My only grief with them is that any question from a new player seems to contain the answer I previously mentioned. Not sure how that qualifies me as having that particular Holier attitude but whatever tickles your minds fancy.

Not quiet sure on the upstart comment? a funny little comment or do you believe me to be an upstart? Sure if you like I can become an upstart but why bother making out I am the next Aethien? If you like I can leave derogatory comments about you and question your intelligence and insult you until the cows come home, but you know what, I am better than that, and if that makes me holier than thou, well then so be it.

#12 Jun 05 2009 at 8:28 AM Rating: Good
'Upstart' isn't a derogatory term.

Edit: At least, not the way I used/intended it. I do understand some of its alternative definitions could be considered derogatory though, bad choice of words on my part I suppose. Smiley: tongue

Edited, Jun 5th 2009 12:41pm by Norellicus
#13 Jun 06 2009 at 8:38 AM Rating: Default
Overlord Norellicus wrote:
'Upstart' isn't a derogatory term.

Edit: At least, not the way I used/intended it. I do understand some of its alternative definitions could be considered derogatory though, bad choice of words on my part I suppose. Smiley: tongue

Edited, Jun 5th 2009 12:41pm by Norellicus

Thanks for letting me know you were not being insulting. Just got my sucubus and am loving affliction however I think I may now switch to demonology as the sucubus is a little fragile. What say all of you to that line of thinking?
#14 Jun 06 2009 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Overlord Norellicus wrote:
I was more voicing my irritation at Morganne for her continual 'holier-than-thou' outlook on the Hunter community.

It's not really a matter of 'holier-than-thou'. The Hunter forum really is crap.

No, really. You get the same amount of help, but you have to wade through this first:


Edit: I need to scale that image down a bit. Smiley: lol

Morganne (hey, I have a level 23 Hunter on Moonglade!), if you like your Succubus, I recommend getting Soul Link and Siphon Life. The reason is that you'll be drain-tanking (you taking the hits while using Drain Life to stay healed) a lot with your Succubus since she can't hold aggro like your Voidwalker. She lacks a taunt and gets a threat-dump instead (Soothing Kiss), like Cower for Hunter pets.

Whether you want to go for Soul Link or Siphon Life first depends on your preferences. If you go for Soul Link, you'll take less damage as you'll share 20% with your demon (who is then healed by 15% of the damage you do) and your Demon Armor will be improved, but your only way of getting health back will be severely gimped because most of the time Drain Life will break early. If you go for Siphon Life, you'll get a lot of self-healing through Drain Life and Siphon Life, but you won't mitigate much damage.

Basically it comes down to: Self-healing or mitigation. One might argue that since Demonology focuses very little on demon damage up until Soul Link, whereas early Affliction talents focus on improving Warlock damage, you'll deal more damage and thus kill stuff faster if you focus on Affliction first.

And crap, man, this turned out to be a lengthy post.

Edited to make less lengthy.

Edited, Jun 6th 2009 10:23pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#15 Jun 08 2009 at 4:47 AM Rating: Decent
Holy Crap Pile Batman!!! That is one stinking tower of Poo if I may say so Mazra!!!

hhmmmm I shall log onto Thoromin at some point tonight around 8pm UK time if your about. Add me and whisper if you like. I have not been on him in quiet a while having dropped the whole Raid thing.

Thanks for the advice, I think I shall go Affliction for a while and kill stuff faster lol
#16 Jun 08 2009 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
979 posts
Just got my sucubus and am loving affliction however I think I may now switch to demonology as the sucubus is a little fragile. What say all of you to that line of thinking?

Well my alt is affliction and i did not go all stamina stats either but with the dots and the succubus i have not gone below half health even when i get beaten on , there are so many ways to put off a mob from beating on you its a lot of fun and of course the succubus does do the most damage , my advice is stick to targets that are about 2 levels below use dots and drain soul and sit back and enjoy the fun.
#17 Jun 10 2009 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
436 posts
My 'lock just hit 74. I have leveled as affliction from the beginning and have been quite happy with it.

I went with the first 51 in affliciton til I got Haunt and then have been putting the rest in Demonology for Fel Synergy, Soul Link, umm - the one that reduces casting time/mana for summons (forget the name), and so far 2 pts into the improved armor.

I hardly ever use shadowbolt unless Nightfall procs so figured it would be a wste upgrading it.

My typical plan is petattack > DoTs > wand/weapon for about 2 hits = dead mob.

I know I *could* cast something else but have really seen no need to as the mob is generally nearly dead by that point and posing no real threat.
#18 Jun 10 2009 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
Hi Morganne! I don't have much to add to what everyone else has said, but I did want to ask if you're soloing with your succy? It kind of sounds like you are. I'd suggest putting her away in favor of the voidy or imp, depending on how you want to play. I've never really noticed her DPS being worth much, and she dies really easily. Most of our pets are pretty situation-dependent. Succy is great in instances with a lot of humanoids since she helps with crowd control, but I haven't had much use of her beyond that. Felhunter, likewise, is great against magic users but not so much against other things. Voidwalker can hold aggro, but his damage is pretty crappy.

I do have to say that I leveled straight demonology and that's about all I've ever played, so maybe succy is more viable in the drain tanking world?
#19 Jun 10 2009 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
357 posts
Normally when drain tanking the demon is there for support. Having a voidwalker out while drain tanking is kinda pointless cause if he's tanking than your not. You can still play with him out and holding aggro on the mobs but it's called drain hunting not tanking. When drain tanking the voidwalker becomes a situational pet for dealing with elites and such, though after you get your Infernal, the elite buster, he gets used even less.

While drain tanking many people use the succubus cause it does more damage than the imp or felhunter and has the added oh crap ability of seduction when you get in over your head. Personally, I use the felhunter cause, while his damage isn't as high, it makes dealing with all caster mobs a cakewalk. The imp can be nice for the blood pact buff, particularly at lower levels, but once you get enough spell damage stacked to gain life while fighting mobs the buff doesn't give you as much benefit as the felhunter or succubus. Plus the imp is damn annoying.

Edited, Jun 10th 2009 8:04pm by ccbutch
#20 Jun 16 2009 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
Just a note as I am leveling a lock myself now. I have chosen to go destro while leveling as I like the idea of an "evil" mage type character. I will say this, based on everything I have read, running solo as Destro is a bit slower than other specs. I definitely need to take time out to heal and so forth currently as I am only lvl 34. Just an FYI incase you are thinking of switching. I still like the playstyle, and in instance runs which I prefer, I am doing more dps then toons 3 or 4 levels higher if the tank can maintain aggro hold.

Just something to chew on incase you get bored leveling.
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