From the Compendium (you know, that big compilation of EVERY PIECE OF ROGUE KNOWLEDGE you'll ever need stuck in one place, written by me?) via
Theo's PvP FAQ:
Now, in PvP, you need a certain hit rating in order to not miss with specials attacks like Eviscerate, Hemorrhage, and Sinister Strike. That’s called the PvP Hit Cap. That hit cap is 79. 78.85 if you want to get technical (15.77 hit rating per percent, and you need 5% to not miss specials), but you can’t get fractions of hit rating. Granted, that's for level 70, but it should be common sense that if something like that changed, there would be something written
I like your PvP FAQ, but it's not the most helpful thing for someone starting PvP for the first time.
First of all, it's not been updated since well before WotLK was released. If I'm reading a FAQ that's telling me to put Surefooted on my boots and to put a Bloodlust Brooch in a trinket slot, I'm going to be skeptical of the applicability of the info to v3.1. That's not to say that the general concepts aren't helpful, but the FAQ was written back when the top of a talent tree was 41 points. It's perfectly reasonable to wonder if the numbers listed are accurate, especially since the hit rating values seem so low.
This leads to the second point - the Compendium doesn't contain "EVERY PIECE OF ROGUE KNOWLEDGE you'll ever need stuck in one place". There's nothing in the Compendium itself that says 5% hit is needed for PvP. One would have to follow a link in that sticky to your PvP FAQ, deduce that 5% hit is one of the pieces of info that is still accurate, then google "wowwiki hit cap" (or alternatively, one could skip over this site altogether and go straight to the wiki, but then there'd be no reason for this site to exist).
If your argument was that the OP could have found the information himself, that's true, but that's also true of just about every thread on these boards. The fact that he gave the thread a title that related to his question gets a rate-up from me. Judging from thread titles, if his question has been asked since Christmas, I don't see it. But now, if someone asks the same question later this summer, it would be easy to find the answer by skimming the OP's thread title.
Edit: Thanks xNocturnalSunx, that PvP forum link in Theo's sig would be a nice addition to the Compendium, especially since he mentions the 5% figure in one of the PvP forum stickies.
Edited, May 4th 2009 1:28pm by SEforPrez