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Can we still tank?Follow

#1 Apr 27 2009 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
Just recently moved so not settled in enough yet to start raiding (or even hitting instances) in earnest yet so was wondering if we're still considered solid tanks after the 3.1 changes?
#2 Apr 27 2009 at 9:41 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
You might encounter people who will label us as the "nerfed tanks", but really not much has changed other than a few mechanics. We're still very capable and I would say on-par with the other tanks.

We started going into Uld10 and I tanked half the fights so far along with a Warrior and we seem to perform equally. I tank a bit less because I can do very very good DPS in Cat when only one tank is needed. I can't compare with Pally or DK.
#3 Apr 27 2009 at 10:33 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
druids have a bit less mitigation than a properly glyphed and specced pally.

dunno a bout dk.

easily on par with a warrior. druids and wars seem about equal in my mind.

really all they did was remove the crazy health advantage druids were known for and add in savage defense in its place. in terms of effectiveness, things seem about the same from what i can tell.
#4 Apr 27 2009 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#5 Apr 27 2009 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
101 posts
We're fine. Any decently geared and moderately skilled druid tank will still be of value to their guild, along with our ability to switch to dps for single tank fights.
#6 Apr 27 2009 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
along with our ability to switch to dps for single tank fights.

My guild's other tank has dual spec, so he switches to Fury.

He has been grumbling about his new mitigation spec for running heroics.

Mine does fine especially since I can pull more mobs now. I have been starting to 2 pull more and the chain pulling is more non-stop than ever.

How is everyone else handling the new bear?

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#7 Apr 27 2009 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Overall having a great time now after getting over the health loss. Totally in love with the new swipe, though it's immense range DOES cause some little problems on those few occasions where we're using CC. Learning to watch my back now as I'm positioning mobs because more than once I managed to bring in a little more fun (mobs) than intended.

Biggest complaint right now is adding Primal Gore without tightening a talent elsewhere, effectively costing me OOC in my bear build. Also not happy about only having 3/5 Furor because of the now mandatory 2/2 Imp MoTW. Having to Enrage before a pull while already being squishier truly sucks, and I've since resulted to aggressive chain-pulling until people start screaming for mana breaks.
#8 Apr 27 2009 at 11:19 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
The Furor thing is a w/e for me, I just powershift till it procs.

What spec you using Kanng? I really like the one I been rocking.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#9 Apr 28 2009 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts

Quite tempted to drop Imp Mangle and get Furor and OOC back, but I just can't make up my mind. There is of course some stubbornness in this too. If it hadn't been for an extra talent without an extra point I wouldn't have to...
#10 Apr 28 2009 at 2:11 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Quite tempted to drop Imp Mangle and get Furor and OOC back,

Do it.

Makes the rotation easier. FFF + Mangle on a 6 s timer is easy mode.

Furor should stay 3/5. Its ok. Adjust to the power shift to rage proc.

KotJ? Why you DPS plenty? If not then you no need it.

It be a DPS thang.

My spec.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#11 Apr 28 2009 at 3:58 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
Heres what I went with: Bear is to Tank

Horsemouth, I'm curious why the five points in Feral Aggression? I've alway thought of that as a DPS talent.

edit: what are your thoughts on the Survival Instinct Glyph?

Edited, Apr 28th 2009 7:00am by Lastar
#12 Apr 28 2009 at 4:30 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Lastar wrote:
Heres what I went with: Bear is to Tank

Horsemouth, I'm curious why the five points in Feral Aggression? I've alway thought of that as a DPS talent.

edit: what are your thoughts on the Survival Instinct Glyph?

Edited, Apr 28th 2009 7:00am by Lastar

Why 5/5 Furor instead of 3/3 Infected Wounds? IF is awesome if you don't have a warrior thunderclapping or a DK ITing. And furor is a non-issue because you just need to powershift a few times to get the rage.

My build is the same as yours except for the changes I mentioned.

To the others, I've never seen the use of KotJ unless you're threat-starved, which for me is only an issue when trying to steal aggro off our Paladin tank. If your DPS is beating you, you likely have too much stamina and not enough damaging stats. Also, while Feral Aggression seems nice, I just can't justify losing all the points to get it. Improved Leader of the Pack and Improved Mangle are really nice tools as well. Mangle in case one of mine is parried/missed (plus it does like 20% of my damage, I believe, so doing it 25% more often is nice), and ILotP because any help I can give the healers is always appreciated.
#13 Apr 28 2009 at 6:23 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
I changed my build recently, speccing out of Imp Mangle as it really does smooth out the rotation and allowed me to grab MS. (Build on my Armory, link in my sig, primary spec)

I dropped Shredding Attacks since I now have a separate build for Cat DPS. Same for KotJ. I figure it's decent for a threat burst, but Berserk will do pretty much the same for you. And since I got MS, I guess over time it'll result in about the same threat (if not more via MS) without the armor penalty.

I also kept OoC, and I really don't regret it. Based on what I tanked so far in Ulduar, there are fights were rage isn't always full. Some bosses regularly stop to cast spells and will deny you a large part of your rage generation. For those moments, OoC can be quite nice. Not mandatory or anything, but I still consider it's worth a single point.

My thoughts about Glyph of SI: If 30% more health won't save you, chances are high 45% more health still won't. I'd rather be able to use it more often, or use Barkskin more often. I'm keeping Maul, FR and Growl.
#14 Apr 28 2009 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
KotJ? Why you DPS plenty? If not then you no need it.

Yeah that's very much a leftover from having only one spec available for bear and cat and now thinking that if I have to enrage anyway, I might as well gain something. After all, the start of the pull is the most critical phase, especially with little rage to start with.

Getting some great ideas here though for reorganizing things a little.
#15 Apr 28 2009 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
Horse, what do/can you do in that build?

I'm trying to find a compromise that I can DPS or tank heroics/raids with so I can dualspec resto...but I don't have a good grasp on what talents are easily sacrificed from the bear and which ones are most critical for cat to be able to pull their individual weights.

I may not even do it that way, I'm most practiced with tanking so may just keep the full-bore bear build I have right now, set up a full DPS, and forget resto heh (or level another druid balance/resto >.>). Just haven't had the time to play to sit down and decide what makes the most sense.
#16 Apr 28 2009 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
I did this: before 3.1, the only difference being having OOC and 5/5 Furor back then.

You got all the bear and cat essentials. The only true sacrifice being OOC and another 4% crit. I used Mangle, Maul, and Rip Glyphs with that, though now that it has been changed, I'd probably use Shred rather than Rip since combo point generation is quite a bit slower. Less stressful to keep Rip up that way.
#17 Apr 28 2009 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I tank everything.

Well Ulduar is giving us headaches but so far the issue is more execution than anything.

FA is pure bear mitigation in Ulduar. I keep Demo up 100% of the time now. Bosses and trash. They hit hard and FA helps mitigate that.

Imp Mangle does make the cycle 1000000 times easier to manage and the threat is not missed. Maul is my biggest source of threat. FFF is also a huge chunk of threat, the buffs to it more than make up for the loss of Imp Mangle.

I haven't gone back to Naxx with this build yet but I did do VoA10 last night and keeping threat on Arch and trash was a non-issue.

The combo build would drop FA for SA and KotJ. Otherwise pretty much what I have. Missing some of the sexier cat stuff but honestly KotJ is the biggest talent that says, "Hi, I DPS cat form." If your handling everything easily than maybe can swing out some other bear stuff for PI, I would say IW would be the likeliest sacrifice.

SI glyph sucks dong.

I haven't changed glyphs from Frenzied, Growl and Maul. There really isn't anything better from a pure bear stand point. If I was DPSing more I would drop Growl for SR, heck could drop FR one for the Rip or Shred one also. The really sexy one is Maul. I would consider moving them but since I rarely DPS and stuff dies to fast to bother with Rip in the field what is the point?

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#18 Apr 28 2009 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
Yeah, I mostly just went to the AH and hit Glyphs > Druid > Search and picked ones that looked ok and weren't horrendously priced lol (mine before were mostly soloer-ish/made for barely acceptable heroic dps), but I should really put a Growl glyph in that 3rd slot instead of SI. It was like 9g and my instant reaction was "Extra osh*t button, I'll take it", but in reality I don't use that OS button that much so it's a bit of a waste. Haven't had a growl resist in dungeons or stuff yet but all it takes is once and it's like FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.

I forgot about glyph differences for bear/cat too; I think I'll just have to do Bear/Cat specs, I've not healed as a tree since BC 2 point...1, I think, so I know I'd be really really out of my element given the changes to some of our mechanics. Not like I can just pick it back up like riding a bike. Then maybe I'll make another druid for tree/chicken and get into the habit of how things work now.

Full cats look like this now, yeah?

Edited, Apr 28th 2009 3:31pm by Norellicus
#19 Apr 29 2009 at 4:06 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
Overload the cat build you linked is about right. Some people might consister pulling a point or two in Infected Wounds. From a glyph stand point I have the minor glyph Unburden Rebirth instead of Glyph of the Wild. Saves the bag slot that would be used for the reagents.

#20 May 15 2009 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
37 posts
Yes...i have pvp gear.

Yes...i would like to tank.

Would one of you be kind enough to tell me if i can "chin the bar"?

Btw....why are we droods so much nicer and helpful than most other classes?

Edited, May 15th 2009 12:29pm by Smackonya
#21 May 15 2009 at 8:56 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Quor. I hear he PMs Wordaen and gets the address of anyone that tries to be an *** on the Druid forums and pays them a visit. With a baseball bat. With nails in it.

As for your stats, they look okay, but I can't easily convert caster form stats to bear stats any more. With a good healer, you can probably tank heroics. Definitely OT Naxx 10/25, MT Naxx 10, and maybe MT Naxx 25. Talent tree could use a few changes.

Drop 2 points from Furor for IMotW. If you really want the 10 rage, shift to bear a few times before you pull. I would also drop the three points from Imp Mangle and the three in Predatory Instincts. Final spec would look something like this.
#22 May 15 2009 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
AstarintheDruid wrote:
Quor. I hear he PMs Wordaen and gets the address of anyone that tries to be an *** on the Druid forums and pays them a visit. With a baseball bat. With nails in it.

Smiley: laugh

Edit: Imp Mangle for 4sec Mangle cd and Shredding Attacks for cheaper Lacerates (I get Savage Defense procs from this all the time) > 5/5 FA imo.

Edited, May 15th 2009 3:43pm by Norellicus
#23 May 15 2009 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
Btw....why are we droods so much nicer and helpful than most other classes?

tree loveing hippies ftw.
#24 May 15 2009 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Actually for heroics and Naxx I would also say ditch 5/5 FA and get 3/3 ImpMangle and BI or SA based on preference.

I liked BI better as the shorter stun/interrupt CD was very nice as a control mechanism for the craptasticness that can be PuGGing 5mans.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
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