Need more bursty please? I like bursty the best.
I remember Blizz did say that they were aware they were adding burst damage to paladins with this change. They didn't say they wanted this change to add sustained damage, they said they added it because they needed pala dps to be on par with other classes in non-undead content (because of Ulduar). Also this change was tested for a while in the PTR. I don't see why there's now a blue post saying that they were trying to reduce burst and increase sustained.
They could have just buffed SoV for sustained damage, since SoV is possibly the most stable damage source this class has. It also happens to interact with it's own judgement effect. If I was blizz, and I wanted to buff sustained damage from paladins, I'd buff SoV/JoV to reach the desired levels of sustained dps and give this tale a happy ending. Why am I not a blizz dev?
The Seal of Blood change... The real impact of the change was:
- Reduction of recoil damage (damage done through Judge has more recoil than done through Seal).
- Buff of multitarget DS damage (DS procs the SEAL on all targets, so...).
- Not depending on S.A. to regain mana.
Exor was not that bad in PvP. It had good damage but had a whole 15 sec of cooldown, the biggest impact it had was the psychological effect of having a Ret Pally casting ranged damage spells on people. It was totally disorienting to many who were not expecting it, specially for those who like to land a flying mount on a roof and attack from there. Maybe it's a little bit too powerful of a feature, but it's not the only class with this feature so there's a bit of ambiguity in taking it out for being too powerful. I'm not saying it should or should not, just that there's ambiguity in it.
I can see that Ret in PvE was just a 3 or 4 button rotation but honestly it's going to stay so if the majority of encounters continue to be just TPS+HPS+DPS flavored with placement and targeting.
I hope they don't go for GCD button mashing because that just makes the game more vulnerable to lag. Latency increases the GCD so then your DPS goes up and down based on latency.
Hand of Reck, I suppose I was not giving it it's intended use but it did so many things that it doesn't do anymore that it feels like some kind of a nerf.
does it still taunt pets?
Yes it taunts pets. Could change from minute to minute I guess.
Well there's probably major playerbase uproar right now, Pala being the second most overplayed class in PvP means a large portion of the playerbase is going to be wondering about this.
Edited, Apr 23rd 2009 12:18am by xorq