Well I really didn't see this coming. With the patch notes and the change to manatide/BoW I figured we'd have some major mana issues, but so far I'm through Vezax on 10 man and 10 bosses down in 25 man without any serious mana problems.
This problem I a'm seeing, however, is simply the lack of effective healing I can do. On most boss fights, especially 10 mans, LHW is now my main heal. It's not really that people aren't grouped up enough to make CH effective, it's that the long casting time of CH doesn't cut it a lot of the time. You have to move so much and damage is so bursty that heal>move>heal is the way to go right now.
I feel that this puts the sham into a backseat role to other healers, especially pallys. We have no glyphs that cater to this play style. The LHW glyph is only slightly helpful in 10 man when I'm healing one of the tanks, in 25 man it's useless for the most part. I'm really wanting a new glyph that allows LHW to shine more. Maybe something like a Glyph of Ancestral Awakening that makes it proc all the time with LHW or makes it heal for 30% more if your LHW crits. The healing in Ulduar makes a holy pallys healing style shine with the multi target, quick cast heals and we're quickly becoming a mana tide carrier and that's it.