Zaikimaliki the Vile wrote:
3 hunters is overkill. Ditch the failhunter and get a different ranged dps, preferably a caster. This way, not only will yer raid dps likely improve, but you dont have so many people to roll against. Win-Win
It also depends on who you can get to show up consistently so you can run the instance without pugging. There really isn't anything wrong with having 3 hunters in the raid.
Dwarfchapke wrote:
I know it's overkill, I've lost the roll on my T7 shoulders to him last week after three-manning Heigan!
I felt he was there due to the tank,healer and me not dieing but he didn't have the decency not to roll...
This is also a sticky issue. I mean we ARE trying to increase this hunter's DPS and upgrades will help do that- as long as he implements other things as well. Loot kinda wrecks the game- you need it to perform the best that you can, but there are people who are obsessed with it. The best thing to do would be to put limitations on loot during the run. Normal pug rules are one epic and one tier. IF a player is starting to collect many epic items, the tier is forfeited. For our guild, the hunters talk among themselves and we work out what pieces are better for what characters so this issue isn't a problem. (OR you could use a DKP system also)