1st:Well, I use to roll mutilate 51/13/7 and did decent dps. About 3-4k depending on my luck and such. Im just wondering if its proper to use about 3 envenoms between refreshing HFB and rupture. Although this is before 3.1 so its probably the regular thing to do now since HFB is 1 minute.
MY muti cycle was. garrote>snd>mutilate>rupture>mutilate>envenom>mutilate>envenom>HFB>muti>rupture>muti>envenom>muti>envenom>muti>envenom. and so forth.
2nd: I respecced to Combat with CQC: MH Crimson Steel, and OH Murder. Just wondering what that cycle is if it has changed from BC? If its same then w/e im respeccing back to mutilate cause that ish is boring again already.
My Rogue.