True, personality types have a certain bearing in choosing classes, but that mostly goes for the first char or two. Once end-game is achieved, most people try out the direct opposite for new experiences or ***** and giggles. Thus, most communities have a blend of all kinds after a while. But yeah, I chose my Hunter as my first real main due to it's feel. To hunt, chase, kill with your companion always at your side. Deadly from range, agile and impossible to hit at melee range. Loners, walking around the wilderness with only their companion with them, knowing all there is to know about their surroundings.
Hell, I've been doing that stuff since I was fourteen. Then accentuated that through the Army. Never thought of it while I was playing the class, but after a while it was pointed out to me how the class and the personality fit eachother fairly well.
Buuuuut that was before Hunters became such lazy, facerolling, no-challenge class it is today. It wasn't too hard back then either, but at least it took some preparation, research and patience to play one really well.