So I've been reading on the Elitest jerk site, and holy cow, I can only understand about 40% of what I'm reading, so I like this site much better...
I play about 2-3 hours a day 4-5 days a week...
My recent talent build (im a demo guy) was something like 5/49/8. On aff and destro I put points for crit and shadowbold CoA etc...
Anyways, I'm just trying to further my knowledge in the game, I'm really looking for decent demo build or other tips on what spells or if theres a certain order I'm suppose to do spells in to maximize my DPS etc...
I typically use CoA, Corruption, Immolate, searing pain, incinerate, shadowbolt, SB, repeat in that order on bosses etc. Of course in pvp Ill put fear in there etc.
My glyphs are for my felguard and my resil is at about 130. I do like to BG but still havent arena matched as I've read its useless as a lock... my health w/no buffs is 16,400 and mana 11,215. ( I did more stamina gear since we can always life tap if need be)
I feel like there's alot more to learn or something I'm missing, so any tips would be much appreciated. I've done some searching on the site, but nothing direct to the point of what I'm looking for.
Should I be using otherr spells? Does my talent build suck? How do I get great gear besides BG's... only instances?
And if this is useless and I should just keep researching, post it and delete thread, I'm not here to waste anyone's time, just trying to learn more about the game I'm addicted too and how people figure out exact DPS numbers and %'s etc...