My wife and I both play hunters. Usually we do heroics and raid when possible. With dual spec coming, I was thinking about talking her into building a PvP spec and the two of us do arena fights together. From what I have read, two hunters aren't a really strong team, however being at the top of the ratings isn't our goal... Just something different for us to do besides raids and farming. My question to the community is, what are some of the techniques that you would try to use to be as successful as two hunters hope to be. My ideas was for both of us to be survival for the wyvern sting and take turns putting the healer to sleep or one of us go Marks and use silencing shot on healer after wyvern sting. Also we would make sure to tame pets that have some type of cc ability. Thanks in advance for any advice.
P.S. Before I hear anything about getting a different partner or one of us leveling different types of toons, this is something i want to do with my wife and we are leveling other toons but these are our only 80's atm.