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healer trying to understand...Follow

#1 Apr 07 2009 at 1:25 PM Rating: Good
143 posts
So after what was by far my worst night of heroics EVER, I am trying to understand. First me, I play a resto Druid 1880 heals, been through some 10&25 man vault, os, some 10 naxx and between my Druid and dk I have been though all of the heroics.

Last night I got into a H VH pug, a hunter in the group pulling about 580 dps - never saw him break 600 but we got through it. Then a mess in H HOL, and finally on to the daily H AN. With two hunters... As I am flying I joke about my h vh experience and they tell me they do more dps. We get in and I don't know who to blame but adds are constantly getting on me and fights take a while. So I start watching dps, the hunters are doing like 800 & 1000-1100 dps. Fail on main boss and we walk away after a few wipes because I have heal me a lot since they aren't actively picking up adds and 1 of them keeps getting shot into the air - fight go forever I go OOM after pot and inneverate and they get picked off 1 by 1.

I have never played a hunter, I don't generally run with too many hunters or when I have they never stuck out like these did. I have a guildy that has a hunter and he says he is at around 3k dps, we can't run because we are on different times.

So what is decent dps for a hunter ( like non naxxed not in tons of epics, though the last 2 had some epics)? The first hvh hunter was a fresh 80, but I would think the dps would be better even in greens and blues. I could pull 600 dps with my resto Druid. Am I wrong to be irritated by these dps numbers?'
#2 Apr 07 2009 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Hunters that have a clue will do ~1.5-2k dps when they're in not too bad gear in heroics.
Sadly, most people fail at a rotation that includes a 6 second cooldown shot, a 10 second cooldown shot and a 15/21 second DoT.
Especially when there's a random proc involved.
#3 Apr 07 2009 at 1:38 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
They must have really been trying to do that poorly. 0.o

All I can think of is that they must still have been in level 70 gear or something, using sporebats, and specced 0/0/0.
#4 Apr 07 2009 at 3:11 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
SumDuud wrote:

So what is decent dps for a hunter ( like non naxxed not in tons of epics, though the last 2 had some epics)? The first hvh hunter was a fresh 80, but I would think the dps would be better even in greens and blues. I could pull 600 dps with my resto Druid. Am I wrong to be irritated by these dps numbers?'

I'm a mid-range hunter...I've run some heroics, run 10-man Naxx and OS and Vault, I'm sitting at maybe 50/50 blues and epics. My gun is epic, however, and I use crafted bullets, and I'm using a raptor pet, which is about the best pet DPS you're going to get without being BM spec'ced.

I pull about 1700dps on trash (unless we're AOEing) and about 2300dps on bosses. Before I got my epic gun, I was pulling about 1300dps with the Argent Crusade rep-purchased gun.

I suspect any or all of the following could be applied to the hunters you ran with last night:

1) bad gear and enchants/gems
2) bad spec and pet choice
3) poor choice of shot rotation and bad mana management

It happens. The new lvl 80 I can kinda-sorta understand though I suspect I was going better DPS than that even as a new lvl 80. The others, well, they need to learn more about their class, research their gear and spec and shot rotations more.

#5 Apr 08 2009 at 12:55 AM Rating: Decent
I'm pretty sure I could autoshoot 600 dps with my crappy gear.
#6 Apr 08 2009 at 4:11 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
If you remember their names, then link their armory for us. Then we could tell you if it was just poor gear selection, or they are just window lickers. If it was the gear thing, we could point it out to you so you know what to look for next time.
#7 Apr 08 2009 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
Its worth checking your combat parser setting. IF it is separating out their pets then those figures become a lot more understandable. Not great but better.

As a BM spec my damage splits about 60/40 with my pet. I'm sure that as a fresh 80 before getting my rep upgrades I could easily have been doing about 700 myself with 450 or so from the pet.

However since the runs were failing from low dps I guess they were just not doing any shot rotation.

I remember an hilarious argument with a hunter who didn't know what "hit" was and geared for stamina. Oh and he was also specced evenly between trees and claimed to be "all specs" Smiley: smile
Wherever I go - there I am.
#8 Apr 08 2009 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
143 posts
thanks for the feedback it helps.

The one really low was named Tedted on Dark Iron, the others I don't recall.
#9 Apr 08 2009 at 6:03 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
SumDuud wrote:
thanks for the feedback it helps.

The one really low was named Tedted on Dark Iron, the others I don't recall.

Hmm...well, she's using quite a few greens, and her spec is a bit odd, almost like she spent points and then changes her mind but didn't know how to respec and just went with it.

I'd say the gear and spec are more symptoms than the cause of the problem though, it looks like she just hasn't done a lot of research into how to play her class. Looking at rep and such, and the fact that she's got high engineering and very low mining, I would guess it's just someone's alt that they don't do much with.
#10 Apr 08 2009 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
SumDuud wrote:
thanks for the feedback it helps.

The one really low was named Tedted on Dark Iron, the others I don't recall.

Hmmm...his gear isn't AWFUL for being primarily quested blues and greens, though a few pieces are expertise and haste, but that could be because it's Northrend gear and just about every. damn. piece. of quested mail gear is haste (grrr....) His hit rating is low and hit crit rating is absolutely abyssmal. Only three pieces are socketed and one of those is with +spirit (WTF???) And he has very few enchants and the ones he does have are wrong (he should have +crit/atk power on his pants rather than stam/agi.)

His spec isn't bad so either he's guessing well as he wings it, or he's done some research. If it's the latter, then obviously he hasn't researched enough to know a good shot rotation. The other possibility is that he's one of those absent minded people who forgets to turn off Aspect of the Viper when he reaches full mana. AutoAspect is a terrific addon to help manage that and I found my DPS went up significantly once I started using it.
#11 Apr 08 2009 at 6:21 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Hmmm, I hadn't really looked at the hit rating, but you're right, that might be a good part of it. Leg armor's not awful, I know when I'm leveling I use whatever I can get and do just fine, and she's a really fresh 80 so leveling gear is expected.

I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this, though:

His spec isn't bad so either he's guessing well as he wings it, or he's done some research.

A point in Imp. Concussive Shot, no points in GFtT, Savage Strikes and no Improved Tracking, no T.N.T., full points in Hunting Party... it looks to me like she got about as far as asking "How should I spec?", was told "go SV/Marks" or possibly "0/20/51 of course", and never bothered to find out what the appropriate talents would be within that spec.
#12 Apr 08 2009 at 7:55 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
isyris wrote:

A point in Imp. Concussive Shot, no points in GFtT, Savage Strikes and no Improved Tracking, no T.N.T., full points in Hunting Party... it looks to me like she got about as far as asking "How should I spec?", was told "go SV/Marks" or possibly "0/20/51 of course", and never bothered to find out what the appropriate talents would be within that spec.

I didn't examine it that closely, I'd assumed it was fairly close to the cookie spec, but you're right.
#13 Apr 08 2009 at 11:23 PM Rating: Good
979 posts
I am not that great at dps and even though i do not group much and at level 72 am still easily able while farming with my gorilla and only using the standard ammo i easily average 500-550 dps going by recount , that was mostly auto shot and playing in my very lazy style so they need a little help i would think , i would expect in a group with buffs and decent ammo and doing the correct rotations that even at 72 i could beat them in dps.
#14 Apr 09 2009 at 7:10 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
Now you lot have got me very curious ?.

I answered as a lower level at 72 BM hunter which i know full well does less than perfect dps as the OP was asking if the others DPS was good or bad and stated it was bad ? and i get rated down , ok fine but i answered the question as best as i can as without even trying hard i can beat 600 dps and know with crafted ammo and in a group i can easily beat 1000 dps and i am 8 levels below them.

I know i do not care about being rated either up or down but you have got me very curious as to why a rate down ?.
#15 Apr 09 2009 at 7:45 AM Rating: Decent
Fixed your rating, no idea who doesn't like you.
#16 Apr 09 2009 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
well I didn't rate you down, but I'm guessing it was due to your English. I've come to accept your writing style (not sure if english just isn't your first language or you are still young and just haven't learn it all yet).
#17 Apr 09 2009 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
Thanks guys/girls ? as you guessed english is not my best language and i am getting rather to old to manage to learn how to do things correctly although i do try my best to learn.

I was just curious as i could not see any serious mistakes in my english as i think the best way to learn is by knowing i have made a mistake did that make sense ?.
#18 Apr 09 2009 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
797 posts
If you see an 80 hunter with +strength or +spirit gear, enchants or gems, boot him from your group. Your group will thank you later. ;)

Edited, Apr 9th 2009 12:35pm by ItsaGaAs
#19 Apr 09 2009 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
881 posts
well a little strength is ok in WotLK gear....have you seen how freaking big those guns are? They must weigh about 100 lbs so the strength will help you get it up to your shoulder quicker so you can shoot the bad guy...but I think strength cap is only about 20
#20 Apr 09 2009 at 12:19 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
ItsaGaAs wrote:
If you see an 80 hunter with +strength or +spirit gear, enchants or gems, boot him from your group. Your group will thank you later. ;)

Not necessarily true--there might be some gear that happens to have strength or spirit that also has good Hunter stats on it (kind of like how some shammy gear looks great until you see the spellpower). Enchants or gems, yeah, that's pretty fail, but so long as the gear has other usable stats it's possibly better than what they were using before. (I have a necklace with expertise on it. /shame)
#21 Apr 09 2009 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
With the amount of gear itemization in Wrath, it is best to stick with mail. Not saying that the occasional leather piece isn't worth using for a while. However I cant think of the last time I saw a mail piece with str on it? Come to think of it, I can't remember a leather piece with str on it...

Blizz has succesfully combined the gear needs of basically every class that can wear a gear type. All you will find on leather is STA and AGI for ferals and rogues, and some INT SPR for boomkins and trees. Mail gear follows the same trend with STA, AGI, INT for enhancements and hunters. With some int for resto/ele's. Even the secondary stats crit, hit, mp5, expertise, etc seem to follow the different gear types around. Currently I believe that mail is the only gear class that still has a useless stat for a class it is made for, Expertise. Enhancements still need it so we are forced to live with it on some pieces.

Short story, I ran a pug with my DK, the pally who was with us was wearing almost all mail gear. Had a lot of MP5 and some spell pen, crap like that. I asked why and he said becaues each piece he had on had a little bit more spell power than the plate equivialnt. His holy crit was something like 9%. Thankfully hunters CAN'T do something silly like that unless they are in cloth....

It seems like this guy just needs a kick in the right direction. Or maybe you ran with someones farming alt who was looking for a piece of gear. Who knows. 500 dps is quite low though. I hit 80 doing over 2k, I was still in some T6 and stuff though. A fresh quest reward/drop 80 hunter spec'd right with the proper pet should be able to 1500 no problem.
#22 Apr 09 2009 at 10:43 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
rinkkel, Goblin in Disguise wrote:
With the amount of gear itemization in Wrath, it is best to stick with mail.
Hai, I'm best in slot.
#23 Apr 10 2009 at 12:01 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
I think its pretty silly to say "anyone with X will get kicked from my groups". Surely its about performance in the end. Granted a completely stupid gear set will make good performance impossible but the odd item won't.

We're almost back to the old argument that unless a player is totally optimised to your idea of perfect then they're not acceptable.

I wear leather boots at the moment because they came with the rep grind that got me my chest. Sure I could grind another rep to exalted and get mail ones with it. I'd lose 9 AGI, 56AP and 66 Hit in exchange for 41 INT. I'm happy with what I have until something drops that is better. And anyone who drops me from a group because of it is being ridiculous.

My rogue occasionally has had some stupid enchants because of running out of mats while levelling enchanting. I always mean to replace the proper one but I can get just one more skillup...... Smiley: smile Again I don't think it affects overall performance.

Gems are probably a bit more worrying given that someone had to buy them. But at the end of the day are they going to accept they did the wrong thing and learn, or argue that they need Spellpower for Arcane Shot!

My build isn't cookie cutter - not because I think I know better than cookie cutter but because I solo a lot. A pure raid spec would up my dps a bit but at the cost of soloability. I think I have a good balance that gets me reasonable dps in groups or raids (well up the scale and often top hunter). Again the purists who armory people to check their spec might reject me - their loss in my opinion.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#24 Apr 10 2009 at 4:41 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
I have a spell penetration gem, seriously.
#25 Apr 21 2009 at 11:03 PM Rating: Default
SumDuud wrote:
So after what was by far my worst night of heroics EVER, I am trying to understand. First me, I play a resto Druid 1880 heals, been through some 10&25 man vault, os, some 10 naxx and between my Druid and dk I have been though all of the heroics.

Last night I got into a H VH pug, a hunter in the group pulling about 580 dps - never saw him break 600 but we got through it. Then a mess in H HOL, and finally on to the daily H AN. With two hunters... As I am flying I joke about my h vh experience and they tell me they do more dps. We get in and I don't know who to blame but adds are constantly getting on me and fights take a while. So I start watching dps, the hunters are doing like 800 & 1000-1100 dps. Fail on main boss and we walk away after a few wipes because I have heal me a lot since they aren't actively picking up adds and 1 of them keeps getting shot into the air - fight go forever I go OOM after pot and inneverate and they get picked off 1 by 1.

I have never played a hunter, I don't generally run with too many hunters or when I have they never stuck out like these did. I have a guildy that has a hunter and he says he is at around 3k dps, we can't run because we are on different times.

So what is decent dps for a hunter ( like non naxxed not in tons of epics, though the last 2 had some epics)? The first hvh hunter was a fresh 80, but I would think the dps would be better even in greens and blues. I could pull 600 dps with my resto Druid. Am I wrong to be irritated by these dps numbers?'

And people wonder where the term Huntard comes from. Seriously, the first time i saw myself doing that horrid i had a WTF moment and started researching. The only people who say "Oh, wait, i do better dps" fail at everything and need to be kicked.
#26 Apr 27 2009 at 4:43 AM Rating: Good
Zaikimaliki the Vile wrote:
SumDuud wrote:
So after what was by far my worst night of heroics EVER, I am trying to understand. First me, I play a resto Druid 1880 heals, been through some 10&25 man vault, os, some 10 naxx and between my Druid and dk I have been though all of the heroics.

Last night I got into a H VH pug, a hunter in the group pulling about 580 dps - never saw him break 600 but we got through it. Then a mess in H HOL, and finally on to the daily H AN. With two hunters... As I am flying I joke about my h vh experience and they tell me they do more dps. We get in and I don't know who to blame but adds are constantly getting on me and fights take a while. So I start watching dps, the hunters are doing like 800 & 1000-1100 dps. Fail on main boss and we walk away after a few wipes because I have heal me a lot since they aren't actively picking up adds and 1 of them keeps getting shot into the air - fight go forever I go OOM after pot and inneverate and they get picked off 1 by 1.

I have never played a hunter, I don't generally run with too many hunters or when I have they never stuck out like these did. I have a guildy that has a hunter and he says he is at around 3k dps, we can't run because we are on different times.

So what is decent dps for a hunter ( like non naxxed not in tons of epics, though the last 2 had some epics)? The first hvh hunter was a fresh 80, but I would think the dps would be better even in greens and blues. I could pull 600 dps with my resto Druid. Am I wrong to be irritated by these dps numbers?'

And people wonder where the term Huntard comes from. Seriously, the first time i saw myself doing that horrid i had a WTF moment and started researching. The only people who say "Oh, wait, i do better dps" fail at everything and need to be kicked.

Yeah, totally associate. When I joined my first raid guild they took me along to 10 man Maly. *Face turning red* I was doing 800DPS "OH THE SHAME". After two wipes I whispered the RL and asked to be replaced. He was really good about it and I got some pointers, then I jumped on here and got some help from Aethien. Since then it's minimum 2.5k all the way through trash and up to 5k on Bosses.

God I was so embarrased that night, I cringe at the memory, but at least I saw I was bad and got some help, there are hunters out there who just use excuses and lame reasons for being poor.

oh well, I am glad I am not a Huntard anymore.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa just remembered when I first started as a Hunter and had my first few items that needed Gemming, lol I used to Gem for Mana Regen LOL!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!

Oh dear oh dear, I have come a long way since those heady days!!!
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