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Regrowth vs. LifebloomFollow

#1 Apr 07 2009 at 11:38 AM Rating: Good
658 posts
I have recently started running raids with my tree as a guest in a new guild. In my guild runs, I had always been the strongest healer by quite a margin. In this new group however, I am consistently outhealed by this girl, Crianna. Not by a whole lot, but a couple of percentage points every time. I've never topped her.

There are a few gear choice differences between us. I stacked Spirit primarily, with int and spellpower secondary. She has gone for spellpower and haste. Her gear is also a bit better than mine. I still have a pvp trinket and several badge/heroic/crafted epics, while she is mostly in raid gear.

But what I really want to know about is spell preference. I rely heavily on Lifebloom. Generally LB, Wild Growth, and Rejuv are my top three spells. The only times I use Regrowth are when I want all three hots ticking on the tank, or if someone takes sudden spike damage, I'll throw on a Rejuv to hold them steady and then cast Regrowth. For Crianna, Regrowth is almost always her top heal. Wild Growth beats it out on splash damage heavy fights, but mostly she uses Regrowth, Wild Growth, and Rejuv.

I've never really been comfortable using Regrowth as my primary heal. I don't like letting the tank's health get low enough to make the initial heal effective, and the other hots have better hpm ratios. Also, I like the "set and forget" mentality of hots. I can load the tank up as the pull is coming in, then switch to raid healing. I only have to use three GCD's per 20 seconds to keep the tank hots rolling, and the rest of the time can be spent responding to other damage.

With the impending nerfs to both Lifebloom (higher mana cost) and Regrowth (talented crit chance halved - though the change to Living Seed might make up for it), I'm trying to decide whether to try to change my healing style. I'm sure that once I get the Idol of Awakening, I will be relying more on Rejuv for raid heals anyway.

Edited, Apr 7th 2009 3:40pm by Laecy
#2 Apr 07 2009 at 11:49 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
It's highly situational and healing meters aren't very accurate or important, but normally I will outheal better geared resto druids who don't use lifebloom.

I started raiding in BC, so rolling multiples stacks of lifebloom while flingning more lifeblooms (and Wild Growths too now) over the rest of the raid is a second nature :p

It remains to be seen, but this era may be over soon :(

Nuit Midril - White Mage/Scholar on Ultros
Nuit the Insane! - Retired Druid on Sentinels.
Ombre - Retired Dragoon/bard on Phoenix.
#3 Apr 07 2009 at 1:48 PM Rating: Excellent
186 posts
The main thing to look at is if people were dying. If you're tossing a rejuv and/or lifebloom on someone that takes some splash damage and the other druid winds up a regrowth, you're going to get topped in healing done. You'll get 1 tick in (maybe) before the regrowth fills the person up and the HoT portion of the regrowth and most or all of your spells are wasted.

For this reason, it's important to know who is healing which members and pay attention to what you're doing. Too many healers get into this everyone-for-themselves mindset where taking your raid from 6 down to 4 healers for 25 Naxx is difficult because suddenly people are dying. It's not that your 4 well-geared healers can't handle all the incoming damage, it's that they're all healing over each other.

When you have healers that actually pay attention to assignments and don't try to step on each others' toes, there's a lot more effective healing to go around)

4-healer example (using the 4 healers that showed up the last time we were light on healers)

for Patchwerk, we usually have one holy pally heal hateful #1 with beacon on MT, another holy pally heal hateful #2 with beacon on MT, resto druid rolling hots on all 3, and resto shaman chaining off the MT

for Sapphiron, we have one paladin with a gear set stacking spell power and haste that beacons the main tank and FoL spams around the raid while the other (in crit/int gear) heals the MT. Druid WG the melees and rotate rejuv's around the raid while the resto shaman chain heals through blizzard if it hits a few people.

For these same fights, 5-6 healers are usually the norm due to the "large amount of healing" needed. It's not that there's too much damage, it's that 3-4 people are healing over each other because they either want to top meters or just don't know better or trust the other healers.

Ignore healing done meters.
#4 Apr 07 2009 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
658 posts
Hmm, I'm sorry to have made it seem like a meter-contest. The meter results are just what made me start examining the differences between her healing style and mine.

She seems to be oriented around direct healing with Regrowth and having hots as cushioning. She is geared and gemmed to support that style. I use hots primarily and only use my direct heals in emergency situations. Heck, I don't think I even have Healing Touch keybound. I have built my gear around that style. In fact, if I get the Illustration of the Dragon Soul, I'll probably replace my Forethought Talisman before my Flow of Knowledge. Base stats aside, I am casting at almost every GCD, so a spellcast proc will be up much more than a direct heal proc.

What I'm trying to figure out is whether one approach is inherently better than the other. It is likely that the disparity between us is easily explained by gear quality or healing organization, but if her style is empirically more effective than mine, I'd like to start trying to improve.
#5 Apr 07 2009 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
438 posts
Honestly, it sounds like she's missing part of the point of being a tree. My next question would be ;who has more overhealing?

HoTs ftw
#6 Apr 08 2009 at 3:33 AM Rating: Decent
concolor wrote:
Honestly, it sounds like she's missing part of the point of being a tree. My next question would be ;who has more overhealing?

This stuff bothers me. Over healing for Naxx level content is a non issue. Are you running out of mana during boss fights? I doubt it at this point.

What add ons are you using? Grid? Healbot? if your a drag and dropper like I used to be your at a disadvantage right away.

Who was first on decurses? First on poison removals?
#7 Apr 08 2009 at 3:35 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
Personally, in ToL form, Regrowth is my bread-and-butter; for the tank at least. (That said, I hadn't heard about the nerf to Imp. Regrowth *cries*). Personally, I dislike stacking Lifebloom, but that's me - I consider Lifebloom and Regrowth to be each-0there's antithesis. That is to say, Regrowth is Direct heal then HoT, wheras lifebloom is the other way round. Put the two on top of each other, and you have two direct heals thrown in there.

As for splash damage, then I do tend to use lifebloom. Regrowth if a biggie is needed.

But yes, you certiainly do want to arrange healing and not heal over each other. This will be getting even more important in 3.1, with the mana regen nerfs coming out and efficiency becoming important.
#8 Apr 08 2009 at 7:08 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts

First, I'd have to say my healing style is similar to yours; i.e. proactive stacking of HoTs with swiftmend (glyphed) and regrowth used to address damage spikes, and Wild Growth for AoE damage. I find the extra cushion RJ and LB provide gives me more time to react to changing situations. My top heals tend to be RJ, LB, then either RG or WG depending how much AoE damage people are taking.

In my wife's guild the druid healer uses a similar rotation when doing 10-mans. Druid stacks HoTs on MT then turns to raid healing, which tends to be WG and RG, while a holy pally throws big heals on MT/OT.

However I've heard that a glyphed re-growth isn't actually that bad of a heal HPM and HPS wise (really wishing I could find that graph!), and I've met other druids that heal mainly with RG, though I've never worked side-by-side with them before.

Personally though, I feel more comfortable addressing the damage before hand then waiting for it to accumulate and using a big heal in response. I've had concerns about my inefficiency (over-healing) in the past with doing this I can't say that going OOM is a problem, though we'll see what happens with the LB changes...

As to address what you are seeing on the meters, from what I can see I suspect the main difference in healing is gear. For example she has 10% more spellpower then you (while not giving up any mp5), so I'm not overly surprised that you are getting "out-healed" on the meter.

However like others have said, as long as no-one is dying or going OOM there isn't really to much of a problem right now, but I'm sure you'll want to be as prepared as possible when facing harder content. I'm guessing as you get a few better pieces of gear and the difference in healing will start to disappear.

Good luck out there!
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#9 Apr 08 2009 at 7:51 AM Rating: Default
She is geared and gemmed to support that style.

How do you figure? You have more crit and haste then she does. She does have better gear. Perhaps that alone is putting her over you on the meters. Also, if you are overlapping each other in healing, he regrowth will make 90% of your hots wasted when cast on the same target. Also, why am I seeing no references to Nourish? I love that spell and when 3.1 hits, I'll love it even more. Rolling life blooms used to be the norm, but the soon-to-be-here patch will change a lot of things about druid healing. Mine as well start getting used to it now.
#10 Apr 08 2009 at 7:54 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Hmm... couldn't find the graph i wanted, but I found this link that spells it out quite nicely.

About half way down the page is a nourish vs. glyphed+talented regrowth comparison with some good responses.

The 2860hps reported there for Regrowth (which is +spell dependent as always...) seems to perform quite well as a go-to heal as compared to the other direct heals. As you already knew RG isn't as mana efficient as LB or RJ ( it'll put out a good amount more HPS.

Again perhaps another reason you are getting "out-healed" if no-one is OOMing, she using a higher HPS spell. Though I'm still leaning towards the gear explanation i wouldn't be surprised if this is contributing as well...

Did Crianna have any particular reason she was using a RG heavy rotation?

That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#11 Apr 08 2009 at 8:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Also, why am I seeing no references to Nourish?

Because with a ~50% crit rate on RG, and a bit of haste, you get the average cast time on RG down to just over the 1.5 sec GCD (assuming you have Nature's Grace). RG heals for more + has a HoT. Since the GCD becomes rate-limiting, Nourish becomes less effective (see the mmo-champion link in my previous post for a better explanation...).

Though, like you mentioned, this is supposed to be fixed by the new glyph and other changes in the next patch, and I'll be interested to see how things compare then.

spelling edit....

Edited, Apr 8th 2009 12:34pm by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#12 Apr 08 2009 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Regrowth over Lifebloom 5:1

Ok I hardly read the thread, but here is how I feel.

Healing meters are not the best way to judge a healers ability to heal. Frankly with over healing and the onset of disc becoming so popular, and necessary for that matter, the meters don't really give a coherent idea of how things are being healed.

I could spam wild growth, and just toss out hots like crazy and top healing meters. But people would still die because I'm not focusing correctly and doing my job. I wouldn't worry too much about someone outhealing you as long as the people you're assigned to heal dont die. You did your job and you're doing it right.
#13 Apr 09 2009 at 11:15 AM Rating: Good
Lifeblooms are slowly becoming obsolete, and with 3.1 around the corner and a considerable change to the functionality of the spell in regards to it's efficiency, will rapidly become so post 3.1.

Regrowth can easily become a primary factor in a Druid's overall encounter healing primarily because it is still our most efficient healing spell. Even with the nerf coming to crit chance, you're still going to see Regrowth top the meter with the addition of Nourish.

You're going to start seeing very few Druid's using lifebloom, or just using it situationally. As it is, I'm trying to ween myself away from it because it's simply not going to be a very efficient way of healing. It will be a situational spell. The problem is Blizz is balancing lifebloom so that a Druid has no incentive to roll on multiple tanks. However, especially in 10-man content, slow-rolling a single tank and wasting the GCD's to cast the spell is going to leave your tank with slow production of HPM coming in from you because you're wasting your time on a spell that A) Is now high maintanence B) Isn't worth the slow build up of coefficient vs. mana usage and C) You cannot predict the bloom's usage...therefore you cannot rely on it often to counter spike damage.

With the addition of the Nourish Glyph, and the efficiency of Rejuv and Regrowth, it's a whole new game of healing for Druids. We'll still have "some" mobility, and WG is extremely efficient for splash damage (especially for melee around the tank on small hitbox bosses). But you're going to see a lot less LB rolling and a lot more Multi-HoT Nourish buffing going on. That means single HoT's to boost Nourish, and letting them expire for mana return on that costly LB.
#14 Apr 09 2009 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I feel that with the upcoming LB changes one of the biggest factors will be how other healers interact with LB.

It can still be an extremely effective heal for splash damage provided the bloom actually counts as healing. Otherwise the HPM will drop to such a low point that the spell will be only used when I am healing myself while running. I'm feral...

Well other people can gain/use it to the same affect as well but you get the idea.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#15 Apr 10 2009 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
Dunno how much it'll help but here's a stat sheet from an OS+1 and Half Naxx run we did earlier this week with my guild. (For whatever reason it is missing thaddius and noth)

As you can see from the raid tab, I had the most effective healing (of the 5), most %healing, most decurses and least %overhealing -- but alot of that doesn't mean anything.

Lifebloom is a mere 13% of all of my healing.

Normally I'm assigned to offtank/s during raid nights. I can more easily hold up two sets of hots on the tanks while I'm wildgrowth spamming the rest of the raid, which leads to a high whildgrowth healing %, it's also better to cast Regrowth on random teammates to get a better% chance to proc natures grace, plus the hot afterwards helps mitigate any damage still incoming.

But look at set fights, like Gluth for instance. Lifebloom is far more healing during that fight then the others, because I can easily keep it rolling on both tanks and the kiters in the back at the same time. Yet on Sartharion+1 its so low it's not worth mentioning. IMO it's about adapting to the encounter and not putting all your eggs in one basket or the other.

Regrowth is my spell of choice because, well, for now, it's just that good.
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