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Will 3.1 skew DKs to unholy?Follow

#1 Mar 29 2009 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
I'm not trying to say EVERY DK will be unholy, nor am I trying to say everyone should be. However, it really seems to me that with all the 3.1 changes, including the good ones like no longer competing for ebon plague, it seems like most every DK will be unholy for PvE and PvP. I guess I shouldn't be that surprised, I mean when was the last time you saw a PvE warrior that wasn't fury? I personally like the ability for me to switch back and forth between trees on a whim and do well regardless of the tree.

I like unholy a lot, but I don't like it being so lop-sided that everyone and their mother is unholy... that's too boring.
#2 Mar 29 2009 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I don't think so. At least, it probably won't skew it any more than it already is.


And when did they announce the Ebon Plague change? I haven't seen that mentioned anywhere.

Edited, Mar 29th 2009 1:11pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#3 Mar 29 2009 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
It's a bugfix someone posted on EJ.
#4 Mar 29 2009 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Can I just say AWESOME.

That is a big reason why I didn't go Unholy.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#5 Mar 30 2009 at 1:07 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
im not a fan of unholy. i keep trying it, but the whole ghoul thing turns me off. i dislike the idea of a melee pet class, and i dont care how cool a name my pet might have (or whatever utility it provides).

which sucks really, cause desecration and AMZ, for whatever reason, really get my motor running. i like the idea of creating things that say "THIS IS MINE!"

also, theo, you should totally change your DK's name to Nutz. that way you can be Salty Nutz.
#6 Mar 30 2009 at 2:52 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Quor wrote:
im not a fan of unholy. i keep trying it, but the whole ghoul thing turns me off. i dislike the idea of a melee pet class, and i dont care how cool a name my pet might have (or whatever utility it provides).

which sucks really, cause desecration and AMZ, for whatever reason, really get my motor running. i like the idea of creating things that say "THIS IS MINE!"

also, theo, you should totally change your DK's name to Nutz. that way you can be Salty Nutz.

I'm the complete opposite of you I guess, Quor, after switching to Unholy for PvP.

I absolutely loathe Blood and Frost now; not being able to use my ghoul (which has become very natural) to stun and add burst makes me get really frustrated with the other DK specs.

It helps that Desecration is amazing and that every time I pop Garg I start giggling because of the damage it puts out.
#7 Apr 02 2009 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
Uh. Uhm... unholy must be great... haven't tried yet... why is it that I consistently steamroll Unholy DKs all the time? This is with both Frost-blood DK and Retlol pally.

Admitted with frost-blood I suck at healers, somehow I can't put out enough damage to kill a healer unless for some reason they stop healing and start attacking or strangulate was well timed.

Edited, Apr 2nd 2009 3:08pm by xorq
#8 Apr 02 2009 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Uh. Uhm... unholy must be great... haven't tried yet... why is it that I consistently steamroll Unholy DKs all the time? This is with both Frost-blood DK and Retlol pally.

Admitted with frost-blood I suck at healers, somehow I can't put out enough damage to kill a healer unless for some reason they stop healing and start attacking or strangulate was well timed.

Maybe they just suck? (Just saying it's a possibility, lol).

But, I suppose one part of it could be that Frost is less bound to melee range than Unholy? While the Ghoul will be on you a lot, they focus a lot more on PS and SS, where you focus on IT and HB, no? Plus, I believe Frost Strike hits harder than Death Coil. And you'd have better defenses.

But, this comes at the cost of utility. So, it may even out. Perhaps their teams just aren't well designed?
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#9 Apr 02 2009 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
idiggory wrote:
Uh. Uhm... unholy must be great... haven't tried yet... why is it that I consistently steamroll Unholy DKs all the time? This is with both Frost-blood DK and Retlol pally.

Admitted with frost-blood I suck at healers, somehow I can't put out enough damage to kill a healer unless for some reason they stop healing and start attacking or strangulate was well timed.

Maybe they just suck? (Just saying it's a possibility, lol).

But, I suppose one part of it could be that Frost is less bound to melee range than Unholy? While the Ghoul will be on you a lot, they focus a lot more on PS and SS, where you focus on IT and HB, no? Plus, I believe Frost Strike hits harder than Death Coil. And you'd have better defenses.

But, this comes at the cost of utility. So, it may even out. Perhaps their teams just aren't well designed?

Shadowfrost isn't melee-bound at all. In fact, I kite the **** out of frost/blood DKs.

I can put out more burst than a frost DK. Easily ~30k in less than 8 secs if I can get to 100 RP (which is easy).
#10 Apr 02 2009 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts

Shadowfrost isn't melee-bound at all. In fact, I kite the sh*t out of frost/blood DKs.

I can put out more burst than a frost DK. Easily ~30k in less than 8 secs if I can get to 100 RP (which is easy).

Duh, lol, I completely forgot about the Garg. How exactly is your kiting superior to Frost though?
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#11 Apr 02 2009 at 4:09 PM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
idiggory wrote:

Shadowfrost isn't melee-bound at all. In fact, I kite the sh*t out of frost/blood DKs.

I can put out more burst than a frost DK. Easily ~30k in less than 8 secs if I can get to 100 RP (which is easy).

Duh, lol, I completely forgot about the Garg. How exactly is your kiting superior to Frost though?

1) I don't have any melee attacks other than PS (and BS, which I only use rarely), where Frost has 3 (BS, PS, FS); Frost doesn't get Death runes from using Blood Boil to proc glyph of Blood Boil, and I do, giving me more ITs.

2) Glyph of Blood Boil gives me Death Runes, which allow me to use IT; starting with 100 RP, I can keep Garg up for full duration from range with the IT/BB glyphs.

3) Desecration puts a circle about as big as Frost Trap down which applies a 50% snare whenever I PS. If a melee gets close enough to me that I can PS, they're not going to stay close very long.

4) Frost needs to give up a lot of potential damage if they want to apply FF with CoI instead of IT. Rime procs, KM procs, etc.

5) Pet stun. My pet has a 5 sec stun on a 30 sec cooldown.

Frost is nowhere near Unholy, and never will be.
#12 Apr 02 2009 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
lol, I definitely see your points...
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#13 Apr 03 2009 at 1:16 PM Rating: Default
1,912 posts
Actually frost is totally melee. It's a lot about not being kited, which DKS do well because you get 1) DEATH GRIP (The hack mover) 2) A RANGED snare (yes I know it costs a frost rune). The zombie helps a bit sometimes.

Frost is actually kind of a tank and hits hard enough in melee. I just spam them all sorts of melee strikes mixed with IT. The only stuff I pay attention to timing correctly are the cooldowns like Unbreakable Armor, Icebound Fort, Lichborne, Antimagic Shell. The zombie is pretty much reduced to being a healing potion, I'm meh at controlling the zombie since I'm more of a warrior player type and I play the DK as if it was a warrior (with better results than just playing the warrior).

So uhm, yes, most Unholy DKS I kill just try to melee me. Sometimes they seem to be trying to kite me and then end up using Death Grip. Don't know, it seems kind of hard for a DK to kite another DK.

And I get death runes from Blood strikes from a talent, just not as many. So it's max 4 ITs. Or 3 ITs + HB, but in melee range it gets mixed up with Frost Strikes.

Meh, I think maybe it's because they don't notice I'm Frost or are not used to fighting a frost while I go "uhm yeh, another Unholy, click stuff in the same order as with the other million before him".

I'm speccing unholy now, guess I have to try things and experiment.
#14 Apr 04 2009 at 2:56 PM Rating: Default
1,912 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
idiggory wrote:

Shadowfrost isn't melee-bound at all. In fact, I kite the sh*t out of frost/blood DKs.

I can put out more burst than a frost DK. Easily ~30k in less than 8 secs if I can get to 100 RP (which is easy).

Duh, lol, I completely forgot about the Garg. How exactly is your kiting superior to Frost though?

1) I don't have any melee attacks other than PS (and BS, which I only use rarely), where Frost has 3 (BS, PS, FS); Frost doesn't get Death runes from using Blood Boil to proc glyph of Blood Boil, and I do, giving me more ITs.

2) Glyph of Blood Boil gives me Death Runes, which allow me to use IT; starting with 100 RP, I can keep Garg up for full duration from range with the IT/BB glyphs.

3) Desecration puts a circle about as big as Frost Trap down which applies a 50% snare whenever I PS. If a melee gets close enough to me that I can PS, they're not going to stay close very long.

4) Frost needs to give up a lot of potential damage if they want to apply FF with CoI instead of IT. Rime procs, KM procs, etc.

5) Pet stun. My pet has a 5 sec stun on a 30 sec cooldown.

Frost is nowhere near Unholy, and never will be.

From a bit of playing around as Unholy, similar spec to Theo's, AND having played as frost for quite a bit I can say this is all true.


I'm still getting the hang of it but I can see how it completely turns into plate wearing ranged dps with huge kiting ability and very difficult to kite. Blood boil being a ranged snare that produces death runes for IT spam is definitely hax. You can just straight spam Bloodboil and Icy Touch and dump runic power into Death Coils and Gargs. Against ranged classes melee works better for KM procs. You just have to remember that you're not beating melee in melee range (certainly not in the way a Frost would), but the only melee with the ability to force you into melee range is a Frost dk, which seem to be rarer than hen's teeth in PvP, so in terms of probability you might win the lottery a few times before being pwnt by a Frost.

The spec will definitely suffer with the garg talent being moved, the change to reaping and the change to the blood boil glyph. You're going to have to blood strike for the death runes and plague strike / chains for the snare. So it's going to become melee bound, to be able to beat heavy meleers like Frosts, Bloods, Ferals and Paladins you might need to toss in some melee abilities to it. If you're going to be heavy melee you might as well go Blood instead.

Apparently 3.1 wants to completely end the possibility of DKs that don't need to melee. I have to admit it's fair considering how much snaring and closing power the DK has with death grip and icy chains.


Frost is like improved warrior with improved survivability on top of that. The necessity for so much icy chains means that you don't get so much ITs unless you're fighting a class that isn't attempting to kite, much of the damage comes from Blood Strikes and Frost Strikes instead, which is in melee range. Frost strikes are an anti melee attack since it can't be dodge/parry/blocked, while I was also stacking blade barrier with unbreakable armor for the brutal anti-melee defense. 1v1 against unholy I consistently pwnd them in melee followed by smashing their ghoul form for added pwn and/or also surviving the ghoul explosion in the end. The net DPS is relatively low so there's little to no chance to bursting down someone that is being healed, in BG you can just DG the healer and get him a few miles away from his group and let your teammates do the rest, or DG your targets miles away from their healer. The only class that kited me successfully was mages.

I can see now that my frost build was a very specialized build, it was an anti-melee specialist which somehow combined with the ability to force everyone except mages to be in melee range. Pretty much you can say that, if you want to play a warrior, you might as well just play a frost DK instead. (So much for bliz saying "we're not making your class obsolete" eh?)

Blood I haven't tried yet, I guess it's another melee dependent spec, I guess it hits DPS through the roof but I'm not sure it can snare as much as Frost.

Edited, Apr 4th 2009 7:43pm by xorq

Edited, Apr 4th 2009 7:59pm by xorq
#15 Apr 04 2009 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Heh, I completely dominate any Frost DK I ever meet, have met, and will meet in the future. Frost is a bad spec for PvP.

Well, not bad; it just completely sucks compared to the damage and utility you get out of Unholy.

This is pretty much "the" spec of 3.1.

BTW, Frost DKs pale in comparison to how warriors play now. For you to say that a Frost DK is better than a warrior (and if a Frost DK ever beats a warrior, that warrior doesn't have a clue how to play) is asinine.
#16 Apr 04 2009 at 6:14 PM Rating: Default
1,912 posts
Maybe you play on a PvE server and your only PvP is arena? If that's the case I'll agree. There isn't even a reason to play arena with any spec, class or team at all other than unholy+healerdin or unholy+healerdin+surv. Anything else would be a waste of time and it doesn't require discussion, statistics suffice.

But what would you spec for PvP outside arena? The healerdin build that rocked 2v2 and 3v3 arenas fails elsewhere. DKs, I don't know.

Without properly supporting teammates (aka wintergrasp, bgs, worldpvp...) DKs generally play better than warriors because of the combination of Death Grip and Icy Chains. For a melee class warrior snares are weak, their ranged attacks are insignificant. I think they're one of the easiest classes to kite. Warriors don't get the stun immunity which helps a lot against rogues and paladins. If you lifted all stance restrictions they would probably be imba, but the stance system and the rage system completely complicates your abilities, warriors do have the advantage of anti-heal debuffs but I don't find them hard to beat. Arenas would be another story, but arena teams with warriors fail anyway.

Edited, Apr 4th 2009 10:18pm by xorq
#17 Apr 04 2009 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
xorq wrote:
Maybe you play on a PvE server and your only PvP is arena? If that's the case I'll agree. There isn't even a reason to play arena with any spec, class or team at all other than unholy+healerdin or unholy+healerdin+surv. Anything else would be a waste of time and it doesn't require discussion, statistics suffice.

But what would you spec for PvP outside arena? The healerdin build that rocked 2v2 and 3v3 arenas fails elsewhere. DKs, I don't know.

Without properly supporting teammates (aka wintergrasp, bgs, worldpvp...) DKs generally play better than warriors because of the combination of Death Grip and Icy Chains. For a melee class warrior snares are weak, their ranged attacks are insignificant. I think they're one of the easiest classes to kite. Warriors don't get the stun immunity which helps a lot against rogues and paladins. If you lifted all stance restrictions they would probably be imba, but the stance system and the rage system completely complicates your abilities, warriors do have the advantage of anti-heal debuffs but I don't find them hard to beat. Arenas would be another story, but arena teams with warriors fail anyway.

If you looked at my gear it'd be pretty obvious that I don't just do arena.

You kinda need honor for all the PvP gear I have. Smiley: rolleyes

Yes, if you suck at PvP, then builds that do huge crits and are completely two-dimensional (i.e. Frost, "LOL SMASH U WIT FS AN OB") will be great for PvP.

But let me know when you run into a Flawless Victor Holydin that heals himself through all of your damage. I'll have fun laughing at you.

BTW, you have no clue about arena. Go ahead and play to an actual rating that matter before you comment.

Edit: Also, I'm laughing REALLY hard that you said warrior snares are weak.

They're the strongest in the game because they're not dispellable, you mental midget.

(Protip: DK snares are easily dispelled, except for BB.)

Edited, Apr 4th 2009 7:48pm by Theophany
#18 Apr 04 2009 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
No I didn't check your gear. And don't worry I'm not using Frost anymore. Thanks for the BB tip, that's hax.

In arenas dispelling may be a guarantee but outside arenas it's circumstantial and you can often use death grip to pull people outside of the range of their healer. You should try it, it's better antiheals than mortal strike. 1on1 the guys that can dispell are generally not going to kite you much.

Hamstring is melee range, which means that your one chance to apply it against a kiter is right after intercept (it doesn't always land you in the right location in PvP), it can be dodged, parried, vanished, trinketed, blinked, gnomed out of, etc but most importantly it can be kited. Something as simple as Death Coil followed by Curse of Exhaustion and you have to wait for your intercept cooldown for a second chance to hamstring. If you're very unlucky you can be kited at a range too short for intercept but too long for melee :D. With the DK you can still kill people even if you have a mob dazing you or something like that. I think hunters are going to get the ability to daze for 8 seconds out of every 10 (2 cooldowns with 4 sec daze each), it's going to be a little hard to hamstring them while intercept is on cooldown.

Warriors are still great in their way... prot spec warriors are great flag carriers at Warsong, and they can tank the AV warmasters for the Blitz achievement. They're also good for the black war bear achievement.

Edited, Apr 5th 2009 1:57am by xorq
#19 Apr 05 2009 at 12:41 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
xorq wrote:
No I didn't check your gear. And don't worry I'm not using Frost anymore. Thanks for the BB tip, that's hax.

In arenas dispelling may be a guarantee but outside arenas it's circumstantial and you can often use death grip to pull people outside of the range of their healer. You should try it, it's better antiheals than mortal strike.

I'd rather use DG to pull a healer while they're casting so they get interrupted. Little bit more reliable. Smiley: wink

It also puts them in a worse position, as I can switch to them or use Pestilence + BB + switch to force a HoF and then get on the other target.
#20 Apr 09 2009 at 4:51 AM Rating: Default
across my 3 lvl 70 DK's iv gone Unholy on all of them. Questing si so easy, and the reduced CD on DnD makes jumping into tank grear a lot easier and than if they were Blood.

I may level one of them after 3.1
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