I'm an Elem sham. I stoped playing for 5 months as a Tauren Warrior, then came back for Lichking and decided to lvl my Shamon that was lvl 67. Now lvl 80, in BGs its preaty much epic beat down. Many OP classes?! Dont get me wrong, I have full set of pvp(res ha!!)....I'm always the main target, if there is a crowd its 90% me i'm the first to get targeted by all. A bit ready for 3.1 hoping we get some type of changes that can make it possible to pvp against the other classes that dominate the bgs.
Strand of the Ancient:
Achievements r much easyers in SotA for Alliance....
Time for them startes at 9:55 so we(Horde) must defend the walls for 9:55 mins.......but if its outnumbered from start, let the tanks roll in for an easy finish. I dont have to cram this into anyones head but if allaince is looking at this dont post your stupid comments...! They get a good I'VE SEEN,2 MINS TO DEFEND THE WALLS -.- ok um thanks blizzard for making the achievements so hard for both sides?!
Alterac Valley:
I'll start with towers. Ok so we have alliance archers at their base shooting us down from ALMOST anywhere?! Horde side there is a tower under our towers so alliance can hide before CHARGE! LERRROYYYYY(Hold on let me heal myself)..Horde towers r vary cramped so like me Elem Sham WoW vary hard to do much...when alliance towers r open and ABLE TO BEAT ME DOWN VARY EASY cmon Blizzard. I'm sry but i thought this was Horde and Alliance not just Alliance. The Entrance to each of r bases isn't equal for no matter. Bridge makes it a turtle for alliance and on horde the we r blocked from all angles but that short path by under tower...I'm done with Alterac Valley, i could write 2 pages 0.o
Eye of the Storm...Arathi Basin...Warsong Gulch
All fair in my opion. Content cool, I'm down to a good or bad group. Old school, yes, bring it back wtf are yall doing blizzard?! Your messing up the old content....
Shamons have been looked past in PVP I beileve but...Resto haha yea i know you were thinking that. I've been top dps and KB. Nearly got Recking Ball Achievement. Problem is we have a range dps pvp if we have anyone on us its preaty much over.