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Prot Paladin profession change questionFollow

#1 Mar 26 2009 at 6:55 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
I have had mining and BS on my prot Paladin forever. The mining is nice now because it gives me +50 Stam, which I believe scales with talents. Of course the BS is nice as well for the extra socket to bracer and gloves. I now have a farming alt that I have leveled all the way to 80 that is a miner/skinner, so for the prot Pally, mining is not strictly needed anymore.

I am going to keep BS on my Prot, because I don't want to lose the 2 extra sockets, and some of the new crafted items (Prot belt and boots I believe) coming out in the next patch look really tasty.

I was thinking of going with JC to go with the BS, but I am not sure that this would actually gain me much. I would lose 50 Stam by dropping mining, and I would gain 51 stam by replacing 3 of my +24 Stam gems with +41 stam gems, netting me a whopping +1 stamina. The JC trinkets would give me a lot more stamina than my current trinkets, but this would be at the cost of defense/avoidance, and frankly I like the defense/avoidance. I currently have rings/neck that are equal to or better than anything currently available from JC although that could change when 3.1 comes out.

I was also considering going BS/Inscription, but then I would have to switch one of my alt's professions to herbalism (or get another alt up to high level in herbalism) and I would lose 50 Stam but gain a better shoulder enchant and... not much else it seems.

So what should I do with this Prot Paladin and why?

Keep mining/BS
Go with JC/BS
Go with Inscription/BS
Something else?
#2 Mar 26 2009 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
The cost/benefit from dropping mining for inscription is losing 50 stamina, and gaining 32 dodge rating. Not sure how you value you that, but it seems to be a decent stamina loss for a small dodge increase. Oh and scrolls of recall which are nice to port you back to your hp if your hearth is on cd.

As for leveling inscription, you could get all your herbs from an alt, but that will be a very slow process. You need hundreds of herbs just to go up 75 points in some cases. It is more cost effective in terms of time spent to just fund your money through your main by grinding or something, and buying the mats on the AH. Maybe your economy is different, I found the prices of the herbs to be pretty high along the mid-level range, and get low again at the highest levels (outlands and Northrend herbs). By making the darkmoon cards, however, you can get a lot of that money back (again depending on your server's economy) by making the Darkmoon Card of the North and hoping for a "nobles" card. I spent about 1500 gold getting my Inscription to 400, and I've made about 2500 gold from getting those cards so far. So it eventually paid itself back. Also I have a ton of glyphs that I am slowly pushing into the market as well.
#3 Mar 26 2009 at 8:22 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
I am currently in the same boat - Tankadin with BS and Mining for the same reasons you took them.

Can anyone formally state what the best professions are?

The direct benifit of the BS are the 2 sockets which, at a bare minimum should provide 48 STA (total - the blue gems sell for about 15G max for 24 STA)

The direct benifit from mining is the 50 STA.

Are there any direct benifits that beat this?

(Direct = directly impacts tanking. Not Indirect, which in some way benifits me or tanking... Such as an indirect benifit of mining is that I make money to buy tanking gear. Well I could run dailies or be an Herb to make money - the benifit of money isn't directly and specificly correlated only to my ability to mine.)

#4 Mar 26 2009 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Everyone I know that took up Inscription is very unhappy they made that decision. The only perks they tell me are making the high level cards and the shoulder enchant. Personally, I wouldn't consider it a worthwhile undertaking to level Inscription for that, at the expense of losing mining. Your mileage may vary of course, I just know "I" wouldn't do it :)

The way you put JC, it doesn't really seem like a great option either, although I do find JC to be cheaper to level and easier to make money with once you are to the level of items people are wanting. I wouldn't consider it a wasted choice in the long run due to the money you could make off of it, even if it is just a net gain of 1 stamina :)

Other than that, not sure. Suppose you could go LW for the improved leg armor and bracer 'enchant'. I'm not sure what that would get you right off the top of my head, but I started to drool when I trained my LW toon and saw those, lol. Enchanting, though it's a pain in the *** to level, for ring enchants? Again, not sure what the net gain/loss would be though. I'd have to look it up, but I tired :S
#5 Mar 26 2009 at 9:07 AM Rating: Good
591 posts
I was thinking of going with JC to go with the BS, but I am not sure that this would actually gain me much. I would lose 50 Stam by dropping mining, and I would gain 51 stam by replacing 3 of my +24 Stam gems with +41 stam gems, netting me a whopping +1 stamina.

Two things, 1st you don't have to replace +24 stam gems with JC stam gems, you can put the JC gems anywhere and still pickup socket bonuses so you may realistically pickup more than +1 stam. Also there's more than just stam gems if you want to max the avoidance on a MT set. Second, kind of related, is that the JC gems allow you to not ever have to worry about meta activation no matter what spec you are. Basically JC provides a lot more flexibility to your tanking gear and makes it much easier/cheaper to regem if/when needed.

Also WoWhead has a great breakdown of all the professions and how they effect all stats.

Edited, Mar 26th 2009 12:11pm by mahlerite
#6 Mar 26 2009 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
Sounds like BS/JC might actually be a pretty good way to go then! If the prismatic gems count as any color for Meta activation, then I wouldn't have to worry about using reds/oranges/purples in order to activate that tanking Meta and could just go with all straight +stam gems if I wanted to... interesting point.
#7 Mar 26 2009 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
I thought the same thing, but I have yet to have any issues gearing.

If a meta needs blue I get STA, Red STR (Threat + Blocks), Yellow DEF.

Toward the bottome of the wiki post - he states that nothing currently beats BS/Miner. When Epic Gems come out - Possibly then you'd go BS/JC, but only if the new trinket comes out better than the straight 50STA (Plus scaling)

#8 Mar 26 2009 at 8:09 PM Rating: Good
713 posts

Enchanting gives you +48 Stam right now from ring enchants (2x24 stam to ring enchants). Thats all though. I wouldnt advise taking it up though. Apart from disenchanting its a money sink. The economy on my server has gone to hell. Where I used to make 400g on a +40 stam to wrist enchant I can barely break even now. I'm not sure if Blizzard are planning on bringing anymore Enchanter only enchants but right now I would advise against enchanting.
#9 Mar 26 2009 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Apart from disenchanting its a money sink

Tis true, enchanting doesn't make a lot of gold, but DISenchanting is beyond extremely profitable, especially when paired with JC. 1st thing i did when Wrath hit was to lvl enchanting to 375 on a DK so i could de Northrend greens and JC crafted greens. Think I've cleared over 200k from selling enchant mats to date, but to the OP, JC/BS is currently the best. However, once epic gems are introduced, Mining/BS will pull ahead as the gain from the JC only gems will be less.
#10 Mar 27 2009 at 2:17 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I have no idea why I took a peak in the pally forums.

That being said I just switched to JC for my feral tank to get the trinkets and fancy gems. The trinks are pretty freaking good as of now for tanking and if the add new ones I expect that to continue.

I like LW for the huge Stamina to wrists but BS is better in that regard for you.

Plus maxed crafting with new recipes equals yummy.

I have DK farmer that is leveling mining rapdidly to feed my JC needs. He will also do Herb and when mining is maxed farm Herbs while leveling Inscription so I can have Greatness.

DKs make great farmers due to starting at level 55 and the unholy +20% mount speed talent.

Go go farm bot.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#11 Mar 27 2009 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
Personally, I'd drop mining on your alt and go JC there. The reason is pretty straightforward: you're good to go for now, but if you drop mining on your pally, when the next expansion comes along you'd have to level your alt to get all the ore you need to skill up mining and JC on your pally. You'd miss out on the prismatics for your pally, but it's not a game-breaking boost you'd get from them. JC on an alt would mean you could prospect all of your excess ore for ready access to gems (I have 8-10 of each rare-quality uncut WotLK gem in my pally's bank atm).

From my experience as someone who has every profession at the grand master level, it's easier to have the gathering professions on your "main" toons and use alts to supply the non-exclusive goodies to your mains through the other professions than it is to have dual production professions on mains supplied by alts.
#12 Mar 27 2009 at 9:26 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
As far as pure min/max performance for tanking goes, there are really only three options.


Any of those will net you comparable benefits and any other combination will yield notably less benefits (of varying degrees.. they all have merits).

BUT -- Professions aren't what the devs have in mind when they design encounters. Just like minor glyphs are made to be nifty but not class defining and major glyphs are made to be like taking full points in a mid-tier talent. Your professions wont have such a great impact on your role that it should matter.

You can count on a new set of JC trinkets, most likely by the next major content patch... it'll be about time then. The current ones are excellent but easily replacable by the best group of trinkets available in heroics/raids and the badge vendor. Their real strength is that they are customizable so that you can make them exactly what you need. From a money-making perspective, a combination with JC is definitly the way to go. Mining nets dismal returns considering the amount of time invested now. Prospecting isn't much better anymore -- but there's always Dragon's Eye. If you're looking to make money off of selling raw mats, that's where Herbalism comes in these days.

Inscription is interesting in its own way. The shoulder enchant isn't especially powerful on its own, but it can be pretty profitable when you have VAST sums of money to invest in it. I took it on my Druid because I had alts with strong enough professions for everything else and I wanted the enchant without having to do Hodir crap on ANOTHER of my chars. Also, the extra hearthstone (scroll of recall) was a welcome perk, but with shorter hearth cooldowns now I dont know if they'll matter so much anymore. Still, if I invest 10k gold into decently priced herbs I can turn out 15-16k in Darkmoon Cards on an average go. Of course, there are lucky days where that can be closer to 30k and DISMAL days where you lose almost all of that money. You really need to have DEEP pockets to try to make money that way. Jewelcrafting in TBC required INSANE investments of money as well, but I could turn a consistent profit directly related to how much I invested. There was no risk. The risk involved in the DMC industry is not for the feint investor.
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