Learning to Heal –
I just Socket’d (I’m BS) my gear, I’m looking into Gemming it. I have never healed before, but I have several epic healing items from Naxx as I’m the only Paly in my guild (That raids Naxx). So every piece just goes to me. (We run a Prime Spec – Need, the off-spec Greed rule) So I’m sitting here in about 4 – 5 pieces of epic armor, about 2 days from getting my BS Mace, with around 20 badges (already have the healing Libram).
I’ve read the sticky – so there seem to be two main ‘cookie-cutter’ builds. The first is the standard Deep Holy. But I kind of like the mix between Holy/Ret for the HoT on Crits. My thought is that our guild is currently working on mostly 10m content with a few attempts at 25man. I could add more value as a healer/DPS than as a pure healer. (We run 3 heals on 10m) So I think having 2.5 Heals would be nice. Is the Holy/Ret combo Viable? Would you consider it an advanced spec that should not be used by noob healers. (Like Frost AOE mage is an advanced and situational spec for frost mages – that is much more difficult to use that simply the standard ‘frost spec’.)
Any advice?