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Rolling a priest...Follow

#1 Mar 25 2009 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
Ive played a paladin to level 20 and now want to try something different. I figured the exact opposite(for the most part) would be a priest. A spell caster, compared to melee. Ive read the sticky and wanted a bit more insight from people who have played the class.

I am worried because I am so used to running up, taking a pounding and then watching mobs die without me losing more than 20 percent of my health. I know priests are the number one target in pvp(or so I am told). I solo a lot(if not always) and a paladin was great for that.

I suppose what I am asking is can someone give me some tips on combat as a priest, and how soloable they are in the long run because as I said I am really not much of a group player.(for now, that may change because the nature of the class.) I level rather quickly so I am also curious about the spec I should possibly take up. Any tips in general would be great.

I was thinking to get back into the spirit of the game to rp a bit. Make a priest with high first aid and such. I have decided on a dwarf, even though I do not really like the quests in their starting area, but love the mountains. As for professions, I was thinking(to go along with the roll) Herb/alch because I have tried tailoring and am not too sure about it. Any tips on that? I have a bit of money saved so I do not want to take up 2 gathering professions.

I know that the higher level armor is decent for someone who doesnt do instances much, but still, I am not sure about it. Alchemy in the long run seems good, but my philosophy has been, why make a potion that will only last a max of 2hrs and you can only use one battle, one guardian, when you can make armor that is more permanent and can have more, and sometimes better stats. Anyway, enough of me rambling, any help would be appreciated, thanks for listening.
#2 Mar 25 2009 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
4,684 posts
Are you talking in PvE, PvP or both?

In solo PvE, priests have excellent survivability due to the simple fact that you have a shield and a heal. You can even spec for an instant self heal if you're really troubled about the subject.

In PvP, priests have seriously sucky survivability against specific classes until they get obscene amounts of resilience. They do fair well against most other casters, however.
#3 Mar 27 2009 at 12:58 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
I can only say if you try to play a Priest as you do a Paladin you will be dead a lot , the main point with a priest is try to always be at maximum distance before you attack a mob and try not to pick on groups at the same time as if you get 3 or more beating on you its no fun trying to heal yourself or kill them with all the spell push backs you will get.

Most priests i think still go down the shadow path as that leads to a slightly faster rise in levels , i would suggest you read up on the posts for shadow priests as they are very good.

As for trades unless you have a few 1000 gold i would choose either skinning/mining or skinning / herbs , not because of the gold but because of the buffs those trades give you , for example mining gives you Toughness or more health , skinning buff gives you more crit against beasts , and herbs give you a free heal so not as good as the others for a Priest , another trade much maligned at times is enchanting but not for the enchanting but to disenchant all those quest rewards you would have vendored plus if you either had tailoring or a friend that can tailor all the excess cloth you can collect could be made into cheap green armour and then disenchanted plus you get free enchants as a by-product from the enchanting.

I know if your highest alt is only level 20 unless you know how to make a lot of gold fairly easily ( bearing in mind at end game all the toys could set you back 50,000g + ) that is why i suggest not having any creative trade unless you really want that trade as most times you will not make any real good amounts of gold from them.
#4 Mar 27 2009 at 1:24 AM Rating: Excellent
407 posts
Alchemy will make money in my experience, especially at high levels. People buy armor once but they buy potions and flasks over and over. You can also sell the raw herbs to other alchemists and inscribers. The potion bonus means any potions you use have much better effect giving I think 40% extra (I was alchemist on my pre wrath pala so I'm not sure if they changed it). This can be a huge benefit to a priest, as any class. The alchemists stones also make nice trinkets for a caster.

I used to be a Paladin and changed to a Priest. I played my Paladin for years all the way up to level cap and beyond. If you have only done it for 20 levels you will find the switch easier than I did. It took me a while to get my head round the changes and I died a LOT at first but as I have grown with the levels I love my priest now and couldn't go back to a Paladin. I am a natural healer (I really enjoy the role) and I found the flexibility of the Priest compared to the Paladin amazing (although paladin healing has improved since wrath).

If you want to go caster a well geared Shadow priest can do some serious damage whilst still having some self healing (you cant use Holy Spells in shadow form, you use this to increase damage done and reduce damage taken, but you have some spells that return health to you as you deal damage) and several mana regeneration skills.

There is a lot of information about levelling a priest here and armed with this I mostly did pretty well. I had a few "sticky spots" but I would say my journey was interesting, challenging and totally worth it.

Edited, Mar 27th 2009 5:26am by ysabellstohelit
#5 Mar 27 2009 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
I'm currently leveling a priest and Priests are amazazazing!!! I rolled holy from 10-39 as I only levled in instances healing :) at 39 i rocked the BG's as a holy priest ... boom.

from 40-50 I tried the shadowform "speed leveling" spec... if you look back at an earlier post, it's amazing: no down time & massive DOT ticks. Good fun. At 50 I wanted to try Disc. I have to say it's good fun. I rarely lose any HP and walk away with nearly full mana in a single 1v1 fight (pve) and in a 1v2 fight I lose maybe 10% hp and end the battle 15% mana down (not using any heals) and in a 1v3 I usually end up dropping a heal on myself and ending the fight with 50% mana still!

the playstyle is entirely different from a meele paladin, but i wouldnt trade it!

As to your questions:

Priest are VERY soloable -- little/ no downtime
pvp @ 39 and 49 priests are awesome if you know what your spells do. (cant speak for higher)
spec shadow or disc
battles either go, boom -> vampire embrace -> dot-> dot-> mind flay -> wand or
Boom -> bubble-> dot-> dot-> wand (maybe another boom)
if you want to RP, professions don't matter. you can be a priest blacksmith. it sounds to me though like you want some aspect of the rp, but you still want to be wealthy. do what you want, just play it our RP style
#6 Mar 27 2009 at 8:21 AM Rating: Default
93 posts
Some thing that haven't been mentioned:

1) Buy a wand and use it, especially at low levels. This saves a ton of mana fight to fight. I'd Holy Fire, SW:P, bubble while they approach, and wand until dead. The kills take a little longer, but no down time more than makes up for it.

2) At level 10-12, your first three points should go into Spirit Tap in the shadow tree. This is true even if you're going to go Holy or Disc. until 40. Reasoning is same as the wand thing, save mana between pulls = less down time. In a party this won't help you, though...since often you won't get the killing blow. just fyi.

3) At level 40, you should respec to get Shadowform. Shadow is faster dpsing mobs than anything you can do with Holy/Disc, and for instances at this level, you can still adequately heal.

4) While I agree with the earlier comment regarding two gathering professions, I have found Herb/Alch quite fun and profitable. You'll pick up plenty of herbs questing, which you can sell (even the low level ones atm because of all the new inscriptionists) or make nice buff pots for yourself. The pots/elixirs aren't selling, but they're nice for you. Also, I love being able to keep myself in supply of mana, and to a lesser degree health pots. These give me 2 low cost, oh crap buttons.

5) Design a macro for yourself to respond to all the tells you'll get asking for heals. Something courteous so that no matter how annoying someone is, you'll still come out smelling like a rose. E.g.:

Nub: Spec?
You: [Macro] /w I'm shadow thanks for asking, and I'm not interested in an instance atm. Good luck!
Nub: You can dps then right?
You: ((No Reply))


Nub: Can you healz 'insert instance name here'?
You: [Macro] /w I'm shadow thanks for asking, and I'm not interested in an instance atm. Good luck!
Nub: You can heal fine in shadowform! 'group invite'
You: ((No Reply)) ((Declines invitation))

or my favorite

Nub: Wana heelz H 'insert instance name'?
You: Ok
Nub: 'group invite' 'inspect you' zomg ur Dics, wtf nubsauce ur pvp spec u cn't heal!
You have been removed from the group

of course there are a million variations of this exchange. Be ready for this. Have fun making up a macro. ;)

6) Finally, check out for some good guides about the various trees and their abilities. This is mostly for high level theorycrafters and mini-maxers, but it'll give you some good pointers on improving your performance via gear and spec, spell rotation and so on. There are some good guides on this site and the O boards, but I like those the best.

Enjoy being a priest, I personally love it.

#7 Mar 27 2009 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I’m in a simmilar situation, with a couple exceptions;

1) My Paladin’s level 41
2) I have a 25 Shaman that I’m only half way interested in.
3) My Priest is 16 so I’m still pretty early in leveling my priest

I defiantly enjoy my priest, I’ve just heard from a few sources that they are not very good in end game right now.
#8 Mar 27 2009 at 11:31 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
ysabellstohelit wrote:
I played my Paladin for years all the way up to level cap and beyond.

Soooo, either your pally is now a boss, or.... is this your pally?

jussmessenwitcha =P
#9 Mar 27 2009 at 12:55 PM Rating: Default
4,684 posts

You're a daymaker Try! =')
#10 Mar 30 2009 at 1:33 AM Rating: Excellent
407 posts
Trylofer wrote:
ysabellstohelit wrote:
I played my Paladin for years all the way up to level cap and beyond.

Soooo, either your pally is now a boss, or.... is this your pally?

jussmessenwitcha =P

Yeah ok I had a nub can't explain myself moment. Rate up for making me laugh though. I meant I played it a lot after I hit the level cap, I'm not so uber I levelled beyond the cap, well not yet anyway. *Insert evil laugh here*

Anyway the actual point:

or my favorite

Nub: Wana heelz H 'insert instance name'?
You: Ok
Nub: 'group invite' 'inspect you' zomg ur Dics, wtf nubsauce ur pvp spec u cn't heal!
You have been removed from the group

This is mine as well. I get it a lot, usually goes like this:

Nub DK: What spec are you? Looking for healer for XX please?
(if they type like this: "Nub: Wana heelz H 'insert instance name'?" I don't even reply)
Me: Disc Spec and sure I will join
Nub DK: wtf Disc can't heal, go respec Holy and you can come
Me: No thanks, I'll go and heal another Heroic instead, one with people who like Disc healers and realize how good we are. Enjoy looking for another healer.

usually followed about 30-45 minutes later with:

Nub DK: err hi, are you free to come and heal XX please please please? We really need a healer, you can come as Disc if you want. (sometimes, if the wait is like an hour or more they may even apologize to me)
Me: No thanks I'm very busy now for a long time. I have also remembered your name as someone who thinks they know my class and spec and what I am capable of better than I do. Good luck getting me to heal for you, ever. Have a nice day :D

Just for the record I do actually have a list of nubs who do this to me although I have yet to find one who has approached me again

Edited, Mar 30th 2009 5:35am by ysabellstohelit
#11 Mar 30 2009 at 1:33 PM Rating: Good
52 posts
battles either go, boom -> vampire embrace -> dot-> dot-> mind flay -> wand or
Boom -> bubble-> dot-> dot-> wand (maybe another boom)

By "boom" i am guessing that you mean Mind Blast....? If so why would you cast that before VE, you recieve health returns based on damage delt, MB is a large part of your damage delt, so not including that in until it comes of cooldown is fail.

VE and VT should be up before MB hits.

and why use a wand if your not OOM?

#12 Mar 31 2009 at 5:47 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
By "boom" i am guessing that you mean Mind Blast....? If so why would you cast that before VE, you recieve health returns based on damage delt, MB is a large part of your damage delt, so not including that in until it comes of cooldown is fail.

VE and VT should be up before MB hits.

and why use a wand if your not OOM?

I open with boom b/c of cast time ... rarely do I need health off VE when opening a fight. If VE increaced the dmg output of MB I would agree with you that it is a fail, alas it does not. As far as VT, speaking to someone "rolling a priest" a level 50 skill seems a moot point at this time.

and Wanding prolongs mana pool for lowbies which equals longer runs which equals more exp with less downtime drinking, Sir
#13 Mar 31 2009 at 7:54 AM Rating: Excellent
52 posts
No, but what does increase you dmg output is shadow weaving. Pulling with SWP would start stacking SW so that when you let loose you MB it would have a dmg modifier. Once you have access to VT at 50 then pull with that.

Edited, Mar 31st 2009 12:20pm by Thesleepyrogue
#14 Mar 31 2009 at 9:49 AM Rating: Excellent
129 posts
No, but what does increase you dmg output is shadow weaving. Pulling with SWP would start stacking SW so that when you let loose you MB it would have a dmg modifier. Once you have access to VT at 50 then pull with that.

Good point, but one reason for starting with MB is that the entire casting time takes place before the battle begins.

If I start with MB, then VE, SW: P, VT by the time I am done MB is off of cool down and ready to used again with full shadow weaving.
#15 Mar 31 2009 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
52 posts

One thing about VT is that is not instant cast, so like MB it takes time to land. By putting VT mid rotation you open yourself up to getting beat on while casting and YaY Pushback! much PvP in me..

So i think i have derailed this thread long enough, bottom line is this. Play how you want. Grind to 80 have a blast and when ya get there.. well, then you can start to play the game!
#16 Apr 08 2009 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
1,030 posts
Thesleepyrogue wrote:

One thing about VT is that is not instant cast, so like MB it takes time to land. By putting VT mid rotation you open yourself up to getting beat on while casting and YaY Pushback! much PvP in me..

So i think i have derailed this thread long enough, bottom line is this. Play how you want. Grind to 80 have a blast and when ya get there.. well, then you can start to play the game!

Several things about putting VT at the beginning

  • VT doesn't actually damage the mob until it's first tick hits - 3 seconds after the spell lands. SW:P is the same way. This used to be REALLY annoying when a mob wasn't tagged until you damaged it.
  • Shadoweaving - this has already been said, but it bears repeating - VT puts up the first stack of Shadowweaving which makes every other spell cast after, more powerful, including Mind Blast.
  • Replenishment - Putting VT up makes sure that you get that first replenishment cycle going, early. It helps keep downtime under control while soloing and makes your mana using party members that much happier when you're grouped or in a raid.
#17 Apr 08 2009 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
129 posts
So the "ideal" rotation, assuming you start with full health and mana, is (?):

VT -> MB -> SW: P -> VE -> MF -> SW: D (maybe)

VT starts Shadow Weave, uses a bit of mana, MB starts the mana return (2nd Weave), SW:P (3rd Weave), VE starts the health return (4th Weave), MF (5th Weave, and health return).

And if the health is low enough SW: D otherwise MF again (if just a little more damage is required) or MB (if a MF is not going to do it) then SW:D

Putting VT up makes sure that you get that first replenishment cycle going

That assumes time for a second VT. If there is only time for one it doesn't matter when you do the VT/MB combination.
#18 Apr 08 2009 at 1:11 PM Rating: Excellent
1,030 posts
NCJim wrote:
So the "ideal" rotation, assuming you start with full health and mana, is (?):

VT -> MB -> SW: P -> VE -> MF -> SW: D (maybe)

VT starts Shadow Weave, uses a bit of mana, MB starts the mana return (2nd Weave), SW:P (3rd Weave), VE starts the health return (4th Weave), MF (5th Weave, and health return).

And if the health is low enough SW: D otherwise MF again (if just a little more damage is required) or MB (if a MF is not going to do it) then SW:D

Putting VT up makes sure that you get that first replenishment cycle going

That assumes time for a second VT. If there is only time for one it doesn't matter when you do the VT/MB combination.

My rotation goes like this:

Note: SW is Shadow Weaving and the # after is the number of the stack

VT(SW1) -> VE (No mana, only uses GCD, can be ignored on trash) -> SW:P(SW2) -> MB (SW3) -> MF (SW4 & SW5) -> SW:P (see below) -> VT -> MB -> priority system.

VT starts it. It takes 3 seconds for the first damaging tick to land. With a 200% spellpower coefficient, it's also one of our most damaging spells. Mine, at the start of a fight ticks for 1200. Fully buffed out with SW and no other trinket procs goes for ~1500 per tick. Allowing this to crit in 3.1 for 100% bonus damage is going to so ROCK!

VE can be ignored on trash, but it helps prevent the healer from panicking about you. :) Since it takes no mana, it only uses the GCD it costs you. If you don't want to waste the GCD, this can be left out. I find that spending one GCD a mob means a lot less downtime after a fight. And with the cooldown going away in 3.1, including this on EVERY mob is now an option. And means one less person the healer has to worry about in AOE heavy fights.

SW:P is cast at this point in the rotation because of 5/5 Twisted Faith in my Shadow build (Armory on Shamandin of Garona's useless right now 'cause I logged out Holy). That 10% damage boost to MB and MF makes it important to put SW:P up first. And if SW:P is glyphed, it gives another 10% damage to MF. And yes, MF does give 2 stacks of Shadow Weaving - one for the initial spell hit and one at the first damaging tick. After the first MF, I cast SW:P again due to a quirk in the way Pain & Suffering works on refreshing SW:P. It accounts for changes in spellpower (like trinket activation/procs) but not percentage based damage boosts (like Shadow Weaving). So, if we want SW:P to take into account the extra 8% damage boost (it only got the 2% you had when you cast it, not the extra 2% from the SW stack it proc'd), you need to recast it. If you're doing it right, this should be the last time you cast SW:P on that mob.

At this point, your initial barrage has been laid down. From here on out, it's a priority system. VT should NEVER drop. Mind Blast should not spend more than 3 or 4 seconds (and only because you're finishing off a MF, refreshing VT or DP) off cooldown.

Notice, I didn't mention DP. I only use DP (and I drop it in at the end of the rotation) on bosses that tend to have AOE heavy abilities. This ups my survivability a little. This might (probably will with the Imp DP talent) change in 3.1. I'll have to see. Also, when working with a DK tank, I'll drop DP at the start of the rotation on the mob he's targeting. DP does get passed around when the DK does his Pestilence. Nice little trick for effortlessly boosting yourself on the DPS meters. Smiley: cool

Using this rotation, I can honestly say that I've not had to use my Shadowfiend on trash pulls and only seldom on bosses. Most fights (in an instance) will find me finishing the fight with 75% or greater mana remaining. Only on fights that have truly fallen apart and I end up taking over healing duties will leave me running OOM.
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