holding threat is only easy untill everyones as geared as you are and knows wtf their doing, we have probly 20+ people in guild that can hold over 2500 dps in 5 mans, pretty challenging to hold threat over some of them without going oom, just adds more fun though
on a side note i single tanked 25 man patchwerk for 40% (after all melee were dead)...that was rather fun, almost pulled off the kill with that blinding show of awesome...lol
cant wait till ulduar comes out. and to all the people ******** about how easy raids are now...raids in bc werent much harder, if at all, unless you are mentally retarded and cant follow simple instructions
and remember, there are a ton more prot pallies out there now since tanking has become so easy for every class...but still very few of them know wtf they are doing
and how does divine intervention make you a better tank? ive pulled off countless raid boss kills with no healers up for atleast the last 20%, and countless 5 man heroic boss kills with healers going down right away due to them not paying attention, i fight to the end and leave it up to a dps to di if i go down, di'ing and whipeing a group on a whim is a copout and imo makes you a worse tank for not trying something that was most likely do'able given the right communication with your group, that and i just love not letting people roll on loot that like to yell "whipe it!" in vent and suicide just to watch us kill the boss. Maybe i just know what im doing enough to pull us out of a bad situation, or maybe i just get lucky, either way i would definately lose respect for any tank that decides to whipe the group because things arent going exactly as planned, all it takes atleast 80% of the time is communication
Edited, Mar 28th 2009 2:42am by OMGEverythingIsTaken