Hi, I just managed to get into a raiding guild that currently killed Sarth 3d a few times on 25 man and 10 man by a select 10 top people in the guild. When I first did it, We wiped after Tenebron died due to people dying to voidzones and lava walls, I died a few times at first but after a few deaths i manage to avoid the hazards. I know that Tenebron has to die asap due to the danger of whelps overwhelming the tanks and recount shows that i did about 200k damage on Tenebron while the top mage did 300k and the rest of the DPS hanging in between 180k and 280k. IS 200k too little on Tenebron? also after he dies I aoe the whelps down and focus on shadron or vesperon and his acolyte but I am not sure which one. My rotation on Tenebron is arcane blast spam with cooldowns till i go oom then mana gem and pot and evocate if needed. Also, do you think that respeccing FFB or ToTW/FB a good idea?
We eventually ended up doing it with 2 drakes due to too much wipes but what I am doing, is it right or not? 200k damage on Tenebron enough? Here's my armoury: