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SoB/SotM Recoil Damage ThreadFollow

#152 Apr 07 2009 at 9:07 AM Rating: Default
3,229 posts
Good grief:

Goggy wrote:
Marked you down for the use of "QQ", I hate that phrase. Patronisingly trivialising a genuine complaint doesn't make you right.

* Ret pala DPS is never the highest irrespective of SoB/SotM
* No other class has to damage themselves to do DPS to this scale
* It servers no purpose after SA is depreciated

RuenBahamut wrote:
Rated him back up, rated you down for being a D*ck. 8)

last i check, the rating system isnt here for you to impose your view/opinions on other people.

Is that clear enough for you. So the very first insult came from you. Can you comprehend that now? Will that stay in your brain?

Probably not.
#153 Apr 07 2009 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
Good grief:

Goggy wrote:
Marked you down for the use of "QQ", I hate that phrase. Patronisingly trivialising a genuine complaint doesn't make you right.

* Ret pala DPS is never the highest irrespective of SoB/SotM
* No other class has to damage themselves to do DPS to this scale
* It servers no purpose after SA is depreciated

RuenBahamut wrote:
Rated him back up, rated you down for being a D*ck. 8)

last i check, the rating system isnt here for you to impose your view/opinions on other people.

Is that clear enough for you. So the very first insult came from you. Can you comprehend that now? Will that stay in your brain?

Probably not.

In his defence, you were being a ****.
#154 Apr 07 2009 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
3,229 posts
Really? Sorry about that.
#155 Apr 07 2009 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
Again you're referring to me, I wonder why that is? Why do you fail at realising that this isn't just me. Sorry but this is you being blinkered.

You're the one who sited the reference of having to stand back and self heal to keep from killing yourself. If you didn't want this to include you, you shouldn't have posted your opinions on the matter, and you sure as hell shouldn't have taken shots at people for posting theirs.

Quantified above but I'll repeat here for posterity. We're the only class that has to harm itself to this extent to achieve mid-table DPS. Make sure you read it this time. Oh sorry is that a lame insult? Maybe that's because you continually point the finger whilst continuously failing to acknowledge your own comments. An entire community? I only see the same three faces, coming up with the same tired comments, trying endlessly to prove themselves right, whilst continuously failing to realise that I always said it was not about being right, it's about an opinion and whether people are bothered about it.

Who gives a **** if you have to damage yourself to use your best dps seal? It's been proven to you that unless you're clueless or you've got oblivious healers, it's not going to prevent you from playing the game, so why does it matter? Warlocks damage themselves to restore mana. Why should warlocks have to trade health for mana when paladins can just hit Divine Plea and get mana back without the health loss? Why should warlocks have to trade health for mana when mages can conjure a mana emerald or evocate? Why should warlocks have to trade health for mana when a druid can innervate someone? Out of all of the melee dps classes/specs, ret paladins are the most able to recover lost health. Ergo, the lost health from recoil is only going to kill you if you're inattentive/inept, and believe me...there are lots of other ways inept/inattentive people can gank themselves in a raid.

Again we see your ability to be obtuse the nth degree. I responded to Ruen, who started this. If you fail to see that then there is no point in discussing this further. I don't need to play the victim, I'm big enough and ugly enough to fight my own battles, but if you keep returning to post lies then I'm going to take you to task on it.

And you telling people to write 100 lines about reading was kosher? (Especially from someone who has flat out said they're too lazy to read.) You telling people that didn't agree with the idea that SoB/SotM is a problem were "failing to grasp" the issue was fine? And then you telling someone you rated them down because you didn't approve of an expression they used, regardless of the rest of the content of their post...that was totally on par with good people skills in your mind? Because all of that happened before Ruen's comment to you. Before. So you can take little shots at people and that's well and good and they have to take it but when someone is a bit more direct with you, they get blamed for the conflict?

**** off.

It started to come round to that, until you, and others, went off-topic again and repeatedly try to make it sound like your the innocent guys here. I'll tell you something, which should not be a surprise, but who knows, repetitiveness will not make you right.

No, but every time you post to repeat yourself, the community gets another chance to force your base karma down. c wut I did thar?

That's your opinion, personally I think the three of you have shown some degree of stupidity.

I've been just as venomous as anyone else in this thread, but I've got one thing going for me that you don't: I'm right.

Again, I think your wrong. As I have said previously, but I'm sure it won't be the last time. I don't care about the karma system or what you and your partners in crime think you gain by rating me. I'm astonished that you think this thread is worth so much of your time, but then given the level of posting I have seen from the three of you, repetitive, obnoxious, unrelenting. I can only assume there's a lack of maturity.

If you don't care about the karma system, then why would you tell someone else you rated them down? care, ergo they must care, and as such they'll think twice about using the term, "QQ" again, amirite?

My approach? As I have said, you want to insult me and take me on, then fine. I can look after myself. You want to try and make this some form of sermon about how you and your friends think this forums should run, then be prepared.

No, Goggy, you can't look after yourself. If you could, you would have changed your approach or let this die a long time ago. That would have been taking care of yourself, though I don't expect you to be able to understand that. You've lumped the most vocal opponents of your stupidity into one category and assumed we're friends. We're individuals responding to you on a forum. Several wolf packing...just more people disagreeing with you and nobody agreeing with you. You don't see that though, and I get that. I doubt you'll ever see it. Soon...oh yes, soon...anyone with their filter turned on won't see you anymore, either.

Sooo...give ya another opportunity. Intelligent discourse? Or more, "QQ victim Goggy QQ?"

Something tells me I already know the answer.
#156REDACTED, Posted: Apr 07 2009 at 9:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Do you? Because you haven't got to grip with a sodding thing so far.
#157 Apr 07 2009 at 9:55 AM Rating: Good
713 posts
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
OT please.
#158 Apr 07 2009 at 10:08 AM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
Archfiend Goggy wrote:


It's possible that the healers in your raid group are simply sub-par, but regardless of what experience you've had that leads you to believe it's such a huge issue, the number show quite clearly that it's not.

Again you're referring to me, I wonder why that is? Why do you fail at realising that this isn't just me. Sorry but this is you being blinkered.

In this thread you're the only one saying the recoil needs nerfing beyond what's proposed in 3.1 so it is just you.
#159 Apr 07 2009 at 10:16 AM Rating: Excellent
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
Really? Sorry about that.

. . . well crap, i dont have any more reason to post in this thread . . .

good day to you sir, and im out.
#160REDACTED, Posted: Apr 07 2009 at 10:28 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) It's a thread on the o-boards at the beginning of the topic.
#161 Apr 07 2009 at 10:30 AM Rating: Default
3,229 posts
The RuenBahamut of Doom wrote:
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
Really? Sorry about that.

. . . well crap, i dont have any more reason to post in this thread . . .

good day to you sir, and im out.

I agree with this sentiment. This has gone around in circles so much.

I'm out.

#162 Apr 07 2009 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
808 posts
lol, ret.

Seriously, someone had to say it, it brings back good memories of the before-time.
#163 Apr 07 2009 at 1:59 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
HoyadinFTW wrote:
lol, ret.

Seriously, someone had to say it, it brings back good memories of the before-time.

LOL hoya. i miss bodhi sometimes... we had some good debates back in the day.... he's still around, but it's just not the same when we're not discussing how awesome/terrible ret pallies are :( lol.
#164 Apr 07 2009 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
Archfiend Goggy wrote:

Yep, made no sense, but it's funny, you take issue with me not agreeing with the use of "QQ" in this topic and rating someone down and you attempt to berate me for it, then you lot mark me down all through this thread for typing stuff you don't agree with. Ironic isn't it.

It's not ironic. It's not our fault you don't understand what the karma system is intended for. It's not for punishing people for using expressions you don't like, which is why you were accused (and rightly so) of being a **** for attempting to use it that way. It's for individual forum users who have earned the right to rate to denote posts based on the quality of their content. One expression doesn't invalidate the rest of the message. You, on the other hand, have posted very little for content beyond snivelling, namecalling, and a poorly executed defense for your even more poor behavior. And that's why people have rated you down...lots of most of your posts in this thread...because there's no meaningful content in anything you say.

Get this into you thick puny little brain before you start telling me to **** off. Ruen responded I responded to him, then you **** suckers jumped on the band wagon with no more purpose than seeing your bum chum getting @#%^ed.

You make the assumption that the people who have been most vocal in the disapproval of your behavior in this thread are some sort of secret society of meanie heads that are conspiring in private to bring down the great and powerful Goggy. We're not. We're all individuals who have found a common ground in berating you for being a thick sissy and carrying on as you have.

Oh...and **** off.

Guess what? I don't give a @#%^ if you and your pathetic mates have something called karma, it's a poor substitute for balls sunshine.

You say you don't care but you post as though you do. Conclusion: you care. I mean, I deal with teenagers all the time whose automatic response to irrefutable logic that undermines their position is "I don't care." They do care. Usually it's them that brought up the issue, but all of a sudden they can't be right so the cop-out response becomes, "I don't care." But you want us to believe that you're a bright, highly functional adult, ya?

**** off.

No you're a ****. I don't care if you push those little arrows until you puny little ****** hands can't press any more.

Keep it up, Goggy. You're headin' the right way for a spanked bottom...

More importantly, I reckon you're withi 48 hours of an emo-plosion the likes of which haven't been seen here in months. It'll be glorious, and then you'll sulk in shame for weeks and we can all enjoy the peace we seek. Just a tragedy that we could have enjoyed that same include you...had you been man enough in the beginning to admit you were being a **** and back off.

Because you and your stupid friends are karma camping? Amazing way to debate, and lets see that high opinion of yourself, yep it's coming, here it is:

Again with the assumptions of association. And it's not karma camping if there's a reason for the rate downs, Goggy. Believe it or not, I'm not just rating down every post I see with a "Goggy" in the poster info box. I read the post first, determine that yes, it is just another mountain of ********** and then I rate it down.

See how that works?

Anyone who reads these boards can see what is going on here. They're not stupid and I'm not stupid enough to say that they all are people who agree with you, and that is up to them. But don't you wonder why it is the same three people posting every single time? I believe it is because people have more about them than that. They can read when people are trying to be smart ***** and failing. Even some poor guy who just posted that he "didn't see what you see" and what did you do? Started to rate him down. Now anyone who comes to this forum isn't going to start taking on the people here because all they see are internet bullies. The most pathetic kind.

Ya...they'll see the kind of bully that

a) doesn't know wtf he's talking about
b) talks down to people for not agreeing with him
c) has a hissy fit when he's called out for talking down to people who disagree with him
d) spends the next 3-4 thread pages calling people names, playing the victim, and generally being a right useless twunt

You're like a textbook playground bully...someone stood up to you when you were running around kissing the boys and trying to stick your finger in their bum, but rather than acknowledge that not everyone wants your finger in their bum and maybe you should be a little more respectful and behave yourself, now you're gonna fight. 'Cause there's no way you could have been wrong. Nobody is defending your right to pick and choose whose bum gets your finger, and a handful of people all agree with one another that you should keep your fingers to yourself, but no. Who the hell are they to tell you what to do with your finger, amirite?

And that makes you the victim. Little homosexual Goggy crying in the middle of the playground 'cause the last kid who almost got a finger in the bum turned around and popped Goggy in the nose, and that was just not very nice. Don't they know who you think you are? You're Goggy the Stink Finger, and nobody treats you that way! Nobody!

Keep yer fingers to yerself, munchkin.
#165 Apr 07 2009 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,225 posts
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
Leodis wrote:
Archfiend Goggy wrote:


It's possible that the healers in your raid group are simply sub-par, but regardless of what experience you've had that leads you to believe it's such a huge issue, the number show quite clearly that it's not.

Again you're referring to me, I wonder why that is? Why do you fail at realising that this isn't just me. Sorry but this is you being blinkered.

In this thread you're the only one saying the recoil needs nerfing beyond what's proposed in 3.1 so it is just you.

It's a thread on the o-boards at the beginning of the topic.

Since when should we believe anything that's on the o-board, not least of all people claiming a particular spell is unfair just because it causes them a bit of damage? It's been proven in this thread that the damage is negligible.

Face it, you're one your own here. Nobody else in this thread thinks the recoil is overpowered. I know I've used SotM myself and not had a problem with it.
#166 Apr 07 2009 at 6:58 PM Rating: Excellent
toolofjesus wrote:
HoyadinFTW wrote:
lol, ret.

Seriously, someone had to say it, it brings back good memories of the before-time.

LOL hoya. i miss bodhi sometimes... we had some good debates back in the day.... he's still around, but it's just not the same when we're not discussing how awesome/terrible ret pallies are :( lol.

That was Dil's catchphrase, not bodhs.

And to the OT, the only problem I had with the SotM/oB recoil was the massive judgements from huge damage buffs being used at the wrong time (however not using it then would hurt our dps. This has been addressed, the judgements don't do as much damage, and the recoil is now less bursty, more steady, and thus easy to heal without even thinking about it.

On the topic of whether or not there SHOULD be recoil damage, I personally don't have a problem with it. Sure, some other classes don't have to deal with it, but we aren't other classes. We also bring utility and heals that far surpass the minor (even less) inconvenience to the healers that the recoil does.

Course this is how it goes, the Horde has the seal for 2 years, and the Alliance ******* wanting it, and when they finally have it they ***** about it more. =P
#167 Apr 07 2009 at 9:40 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
CapJack wrote:
toolofjesus wrote:
HoyadinFTW wrote:
lol, ret.

Seriously, someone had to say it, it brings back good memories of the before-time.

LOL hoya. i miss bodhi sometimes... we had some good debates back in the day.... he's still around, but it's just not the same when we're not discussing how awesome/terrible ret pallies are :( lol.

That was Dil's catchphrase, not bodhs.

And to the OT, the only problem I had with the SotM/oB recoil was the massive judgements from huge damage buffs being used at the wrong time (however not using it then would hurt our dps. This has been addressed, the judgements don't do as much damage, and the recoil is now less bursty, more steady, and thus easy to heal without even thinking about it.

On the topic of whether or not there SHOULD be recoil damage, I personally don't have a problem with it. Sure, some other classes don't have to deal with it, but we aren't other classes. We also bring utility and heals that far surpass the minor (even less) inconvenience to the healers that the recoil does.

Course this is how it goes, the Horde has the seal for 2 years, and the Alliance ******* wanting it, and when they finally have it they ***** about it more. =P

Yeah Dil is over in the Deathknight forums these days so we miss out on his trademark catchphrase hehe.

Oh and not all of us Alliance are ******** about SotM. Some of us are glad that we at least have the choice between Seal of the Casino and Seal of the Emo.
#168 Apr 07 2009 at 11:34 PM Rating: Default
3,229 posts
Leodis wrote:
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
Leodis wrote:
Archfiend Goggy wrote:


It's possible that the healers in your raid group are simply sub-par, but regardless of what experience you've had that leads you to believe it's such a huge issue, the number show quite clearly that it's not.

Again you're referring to me, I wonder why that is? Why do you fail at realising that this isn't just me. Sorry but this is you being blinkered.

In this thread you're the only one saying the recoil needs nerfing beyond what's proposed in 3.1 so it is just you.

It's a thread on the o-boards at the beginning of the topic.

Since when should we believe anything that's on the o-board, not least of all people claiming a particular spell is unfair just because it causes them a bit of damage? It's been proven in this thread that the damage is negligible.

Face it, you're one your own here. Nobody else in this thread thinks the recoil is overpowered. I know I've used SotM myself and not had a problem with it.

The original thread came from the guys over at EJ. Although now the people who have responded to this thread say there not worth much. I'm sure you can make your own mind up.

AureliusSir you do make me laugh. I suggest you get some time in before you chops.
#169 Apr 08 2009 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
As I thought this thread had died last night, and it hasn't, I see no reason not to post now. Further more, I'm NOT one of the "same three people", I'm NOT going to resort to petty name-calling, and I AM going to address the original premise of the thread! Fantasic!

Paladins have to hurt themselves in order to do mid-table dps, which no other class has to do.

  • Yes, paladins hurt themselves using SoB/SotM. It has been shown in this thread (in amongst the detritus) that numerically a ret pala will bring far more healing to the raid than they do damage to themselves.

  • Yes, paladins are mid-table. We're hybrids, we're meant to be. Leave the top-table to the hunters and mages, who bring nothing BUT big numbers to a raid.

  • Further, we should think ourselves lucky we're not warriors, who drop to the bottom of the dps table and really don't deserve to be there.

  • No we're not the only class that has to hurt themselves; Warlocks have Life Tap and priests Shadow Word:Death in their casting rotation.

  • Yes, we are the only class with this specific mechanic. It is one of the things that makes Paladins unique.

  • No, we don't have to use this seal in the rare gimmick fight it might be a problem. Personally, I pity frost mages fighting Sapphiron, a boss that's highly resistant to frost, likely gimping their damage more than SoC would ours.

  • With a name like "Seal of BLOOD", it really HAS to do self-damage, don't you think?

  • And finally, Blizzard have already adjusted the spell in 3.1, so it should prove to be more managable now. So they are looking at it, and adjusting it as nescessary.

  • These are my OWN reasoned thoughts, and if I must cite sources for them, I can. It also should sum up most of what has been said in this thread, in between the flying twunts and sh*t-slinging. This post is also completely non-directed, and so if it's responded to with an ad hominum attack, that merely dispels any illusion of intelligence on behalf of the attacker. If however it's responded to civily, then we might finally be getting somewhere.

    Edited for clarity.

    Edited, Apr 8th 2009 10:47am by Lansdowne
    #170 Apr 08 2009 at 5:21 AM Rating: Good
    308 posts
    Leodis wrote:
    Nobody else in this thread thinks the recoil is overpowered.

    At least, no one that values their karma rating.
    #171 Apr 08 2009 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
    808 posts
    ******************************** else in this thread thinks the recoil is overpowered.[/quote wrote:

    At least, no one that values their karma rating.

    That's sarcasm, right? Because if it's not sarcastic, it's pathetic. If people don't register their strongly felt opinions here just because the e-meanies might rate their posts down, then I don't know how this forum has survived so long.

    As for this thread in particular, Leodis is wrong. A number of posters expressed agreement or at least understanding with the OP's position (namely, Tsarducci, Jerome, and Tommy) and their karma hasn't suffered. That's because the content of the message hasn't been the problem.

    Check out this early reply to the OP:


    i already recommended buffing SoR and doing away with SoB since SA is gone. pallies are the only class that have active and passive self-nerfing abilities(save Lifetap and Recklessness). my attacks kill me, my mana regen ruins my heals, my buffs lock out my defenses(vice versa).

    my other toons dont act like this. hell, my mage can pew pew, ice block, pew pew, disappear, pew pew, ice block, pew pew. AND i can summon my pet twice while im on vacation.

    Which post was that? That's the very post the OP originally emoploded over!!! The single post in the thread whose content most completely agreed with the OP's own hypothesis!!! And the OP proudly announced that he had down-rated it, fatefully igniting the Great Pally Forum Karma War of 2009, easily the most one-sided conflict since NATO vs. Serbia in 1999.

    /shakes head

    #172 Apr 08 2009 at 7:24 AM Rating: Default
    3,229 posts
    HoyadinFTW wrote:
    easily the most one-sided conflict since NATO vs. Serbia in 1999.

    NATO - the peacekeeping force...
    #173 Apr 08 2009 at 7:32 AM Rating: Good
    648 posts
    CapJack wrote:
    toolofjesus wrote:
    HoyadinFTW wrote:
    lol, ret.

    Seriously, someone had to say it, it brings back good memories of the before-time.

    LOL hoya. i miss bodhi sometimes... we had some good debates back in the day.... he's still around, but it's just not the same when we're not discussing how awesome/terrible ret pallies are :( lol.

    That was Dil's catchphrase, not bodhs.

    yes, but it was very rarely Dilbert that i was argueing with. He merely came in with random lolret's. I suppose I made a reference that seemed misplace :( My first thought when you said that was to remember back when me and bodhi would "discuss" ret paladins which is when i would be amused to see Dilbert pop in with lolret. but yes, you're right, i was unclear lol.

    Leodis wrote:

    Nobody else in this thread thinks the recoil is overpowered.

    At least, no one that values their karma rating.

    i think this thread has managed to bring out the worst in many of us. but i saw several threads back that you didn't agree with the majority of us. i haven't gone back to look, but you threw no accusations out there and didn't call anyone names, so i definitely did not rate you down or even think about it. I have never rated people down for oposing opinions. merely for name calling and negative debate. I think i'm not the only one here that actually would enjoy some good discussion with someone that doesn't see eye to eye with me on an issue.

    what noone else that values their karma rating will do is add in here additional name calling or insulting comments. none of the people posting in this thread (except possibly goggy who i've never seen before this thread that i can remember) are terribly vindictive people. but they don't particularly tolerate being disrespected or told they don't know anything about paladin mechanics....
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