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SoB/SotM Recoil Damage ThreadFollow

#102REDACTED, Posted: Apr 06 2009 at 4:32 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If it's really easy, why don't you get it?
#103 Apr 06 2009 at 4:42 AM Rating: Excellent
3,909 posts
Oh! So you're not only a douchebag, you're a douchebag who's mindlessly plugging some other douchebag's views on a forum that doesn't care what douchebags think.

I see.
#104REDACTED, Posted: Apr 06 2009 at 5:00 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I'd hardly call it mindless. Many websites and posters on forums present views on DPS mechanics, in fact some people have presented them in this thread.
#105 Apr 06 2009 at 5:08 AM Rating: Excellent
1,503 posts
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
One thing, if you're going to try and be clever, remember to correctly punctuate and capitalize your sentences.

this was in my 3rd post in this thread:
Tommyguns wrote:
you created what could have been a decent thread and turned it into a rating war? shame on you. your hatred for certain phrases is your own problem. rate yourself down. you probably dislike lack of conventional formatting too.

your buttons are so easy to find and push. you are so textbook. berating people to hide your own lack of self-worth...classic.
#106 Apr 06 2009 at 5:13 AM Rating: Default
3,229 posts
tommyguns wrote:
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
One thing, if you're going to try and be clever, remember to correctly punctuate and capitalize your sentences.

this was in my 3rd post in this thread:
Tommyguns wrote:
you created what could have been a decent thread and turned it into a rating war? shame on you. your hatred for certain phrases is your own problem. rate yourself down. you probably dislike lack of conventional formatting too.

your buttons are so easy to find and push. you are so textbook. berating people to hide your own lack of self-worth...classic.

You're lack of comprehension makes you look like an idiot. As does your posting. Are you an idiot?

Actually I need to step back into this reply. Where do you get off? You and zepoodle are the same, quoting self-worth, psychology etc... it's a bloody forum guys. It hold no more weight than that. You keep posting back different comments and statements, I keep answering you. Aside from the annoyance that two people who keep trying to be oh so clever, there's no great earth shattering meaning to this argument.

You both have a few thousand posts under your belt, but you post like you're some sort of authority, whether that's on the game or this forum. This is evident in the "just leave" and other similar remarks. Do you not get it? I have a right to post here just as much as you do. Your post count doesn't elevate you to some pseudo admin status.

I disagree with you, no more no less, anything else is just crap that you're using to try and spruce up your posts with cleverness.

Edited, Apr 6th 2009 9:14am by Goggy

Edited, Apr 6th 2009 9:14am by Goggy

Edited, Apr 6th 2009 9:20am by Goggy
#107 Apr 06 2009 at 5:55 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Goggy wrote:
I look into it as an enthusiastic amateur and make my own mind up as I'm sure other people do. Again something which was stated in the original topic, go read the site and make your own mind up.

Your original thread didn't ask people to make up their own minds. It asked people to "lend [their] weight" to a petition on the official forums. There's a world of difference.

You posted on a potentially controversial topic and asked for support. You posted this on a discussion forum, genius. How did you not expect people to discuss the topic so that they could make an informed decision as to whether or not it deserved support? Unfortunately, once some posters starting showing evidence that supported not changing SoB recoil, you fell to pieces. Most of the good discussion on this topic is back on page one. The rest of it has been a proof of the greater internet ******* theory, mostly by you, Goggy.
#108 Apr 06 2009 at 6:01 AM Rating: Default
3,229 posts
tabstopper wrote:
[quote=Goggy]Your original thread didn't ask people to make up their own minds. It asked people to "lend [their] weight" to a petition on the official forums. There's a world of difference.

You posted on a potentially controversial topic and asked for support. You posted this on a discussion forum, genius. How did you not expect people to discuss the topic so that they could make an informed decision as to whether or not it deserved support? Unfortunately, once some posters starting showing evidence that supported not changing SoB recoil, you fell to pieces. Most of the good discussion on this topic is back on page one. The rest of it has been a proof of the greater internet @#%^wad theory, mostly by you, Goggy.

Actually it said "If you'd like to lend your weight it is here", with "If you'd like to" being the world of difference.

Your inability to correctly quote and then follow up you argument is compounded by your ability to correctly deduce how this thread has gone. As you are a complete moron allow me to fill you in. As I have stated over and over, which none the few people who continue to try and be smart ***** have still grasped, it is about the SoB recoil, the argument came from people trying to say that it is I, who personally who want this changed.

So take your ill-informed ****-tard opinion and shove it, cretin.
#109 Apr 06 2009 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
I'd like to commend you on your bravery posting from behind your keyboard. I am assured I would say everything I have said in this forum if you were in front of me, can you say the same?

Are you going to tell me you have a black belt now?

What'd you think this was? This is the Internet. If you want to come down to Melbourne and see me, fine. I'd welcome the opportunity to laugh at you and then shut the door. I mean, ****, you seem to be addicted to making an *** of yourself, you might as well come down do it in person.
#110 Apr 06 2009 at 6:29 AM Rating: Default
3,229 posts
zepoodle wrote:
Are you going to tell me you have a black belt now?

What'd you think this was? This is the Internet. If you want to come down to Melbourne and see me, fine. I'd welcome the opportunity to laugh at you and then shut the door. I mean, sh*t, you seem to be addicted to making an *** of yourself, you might as well come down do it in person.

Just posting a bit of frustration. You're a complete ******* jerk, I normally have no problem with discussing disagreements with intelligent, functional people, but I gotta say there comes a time when you just can't speak to someone like you, without some pathetic snot nosed, half-***** clever attempt or *********** reply. In those case you just have to crack them one in the chops and walk on.

Sometimes life's unfair.
#111 Apr 06 2009 at 6:42 AM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
Just posting a bit of frustration. You're a complete @#%^ing jerk, I normally have no problem with discussing disagreements with intelligent, functional people, but I gotta say there comes a time when you just can't speak to someone like you, without some pathetic snot nosed, half-***** clever attempt or @#%^wittery reply. In those case you just have to crack them one in the chops and walk on.

Sometimes life's unfair.

Yeah, it's really awfully unfair. You were mean to the nice people and now the nice people aren't nice anymore. So you're left with me, and I wasn't nice to begin with. Maybe if you were nice to the nice people, instead of a complete fucking jerk, they'd be nice back, and then you wouldn't leave the thread feeling humiliated and inferior.
#112REDACTED, Posted: Apr 06 2009 at 6:51 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I haven't left the thread nor do I feel anything.
#113 Apr 06 2009 at 6:56 AM Rating: Excellent
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
Just posting a bit of frustration. You're a complete @#%^ing jerk, I normally have no problem with discussing disagreements with intelligent, functional people, but I gotta say there comes a time when you just can't speak to someone like you, without some pathetic snot nosed, half-***** clever attempt or @#%^wittery reply. In those case you just have to crack them one in the chops and walk on.

Sometimes life's unfair.

I'm know...waiting for you to site the encounter/phase where you saw the 11k recoil. Or for you to argue anything more than how you're the helpless victim of your own social ineptitude.

Nobody gave you a hard time until you started being abusive and putting people down for their contribution to the thread, Goggy. That's a fact, and it's a fact available for anyone to review the thread and confirm for themselves. Now it's not more than a case of you being an e-thug.

If you're unhappy with the mess you've made and are unwilling to clean it up, at least stop adding to it.
#114 Apr 06 2009 at 7:16 AM Rating: Default
3,229 posts
AureliusSir wrote:
I'm know...waiting for you to site the encounter/phase where you saw the 11k recoil. Or for you to argue anything more than how you're the helpless victim of your own social ineptitude.

Nobody gave you a hard time until you started being abusive and putting people down for their contribution to the thread, Goggy. That's a fact, and it's a fact available for anyone to review the thread and confirm for themselves. Now it's not more than a case of you being an e-thug.

If you're unhappy with the mess you've made and are unwilling to clean it up, at least stop adding to it.

The problem with me, and I'll happily admit it, is that I'm a little bit lazy or if I was going to provide an excuse is that most of the time I'm in work and limited as to how much I can keep going back over the whole thread.

But lets answer your accusations. This started from tommyguns comment here:

i agree that SoB should be left alone. but you are in the era where Blizz needs to satisfy everyone. pallies will QQ long enough and the devs will "fix it".

I wrote:

Marked you down for the use of "QQ", I hate that phrase. Patronisingly trivialising a genuine complaint doesn't make you right.

Then RuenBahamut wrote:

Rated him back up, rated you down for being a D*ck. 8)

Then I wrote:

Actually you knob jockey he was rated down for his terminology,

Then tommyguns jumped in with:

you created what could have been a decent thread and turned it into a rating war? shame on you. your hatred for certain phrases is your own problem. rate yourself down.

So you see. Although I may have retaliated to Ruen's post, I didn't start this tit-for-tat. Now I'm am fully entitled to defend myself and as far as I can tell, the people in this thread seem to have jumped onto each others bandwagon, rather than reading how this started and lashing out with every post.

I admit I could have chose to be more civil, but as far as I can tell I did not start this. I still disagree with the calling of the thread a "QQ", I thought it was very dismissive and did not add to the debate. I'd hardly call what I did completely out of the ordinary, you guys disagree with how this thread has gone and, irrespective of whether I am right or wrong, have serially marked me down.

You wrote:

Nobody gave you a hard time until you started being abusive and putting people down for their contribution to the thread, Goggy. That's a fact, and it's a fact available for anyone to review the thread and confirm for themselves.

As we have seen, it is not a fact. Unfortunately this is how this thread has gone. Maybe in future I should take the time to re-post the track of the comments before replying to yet another thread with a variety of insults in it, but to be honest I can't be bothered. I've done it this time, but if people can't be ***** to read or have a completely skewed opinion about my posting then who gives a @#%^, let them rate down.

Now it's not more than a case of you being an e-thug.

I'll give anyone the time of day, when you start repeating "douche bag" and others over and over then my patience has gone and it is a bloody good thing that he's not talking to me. I'm afraid the adage that people only type insults because they are in the safety of knowledge that they are behind their keyboard is true. I'm a fair person, but if you start being a complete **** to my face then things are going to turn ugly.

I can't stand cowards, which in my opinion, is what he is.

Edited, Apr 6th 2009 11:18am by Goggy
#115 Apr 06 2009 at 7:24 AM Rating: Good
308 posts
AureliusSir wrote:

Nobody gave you a hard time until you started being abusive and putting people down for their contribution to the thread, Goggy. That's a fact, and it's a fact available for anyone to review the thread and confirm for themselves. Now it's not more than a case of you being an e-thug.

I've read and reread, and I'm not seeing what you see.

[i][sm]Edited, Apr 6th 2009 11:26am by ********************
#116 Apr 06 2009 at 7:43 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
[quote=**************** read and reread, and I'm not seeing what you see.[/quote]
You have to turn your filter off so you can see the sub-default posts.
#117 Apr 06 2009 at 7:49 AM Rating: Good
Nobody gave you a hard time until you started being abusive and putting people down for their contribution to the thread, Goggy. That's a fact, and it's a fact available for anyone to review the thread and confirm for themselves. Now it's not more than a case of you being an e-thug.[/quote wrote:

I've read and reread, and I'm not seeing what you see.

Goggy the Socially Dysfunctional wrote:
Please complete 100 lines of "I must read about the subject before commenting or I will look nab"

Goggy the Misguided Emo-Child wrote:
The whole point is, which people seem to be struggling to grasp, is that to do that damage you have to take damage yourself. In Naxx 25 I do 3.2k-3.5k DPS, I generally sit mid table. The issue is not whether I am top of the DPS, it is that fact that to be mid-table I have to take damage because I need to use SotM/SoB. No other class has to do this.

Goggy the Snivelly wrote:
Marked you down for the use of "QQ",

(especially amusing considering he lost his rating privileges weeks ago)

That would be three veiled (or not so veiled) shots at people who had respectfully expressed their opinion on the issue of SoB/SotM recoil, and when someone responded to Goggy's "attempted" rate-down, Goggy had the following meltdown:

Goggy The Wonder Twunt wrote:
Actually you knob jockey he was rated down for his terminology, much like you. If he wants to make a point about Blizzard acceding too easily to players requests then fair enough, to dismiss 24 pages of enlightening discussion about an (IMHO) outdated mechanic by calling it "QQ" then he deserves everything he gets.

Try reading first pillock.

c wut I did thar?

Edited, Apr 6th 2009 8:49am by AureliusSir
#118 Apr 06 2009 at 8:23 AM Rating: Good
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
The problem with me, and I'll happily admit it, is that I'm a little bit lazy or if I was going to provide an excuse is that most of the time I'm in work and limited as to how much I can keep going back over the whole thread.

One might think that if you recognize that you're not taking the time to inform yourself or at least present a reasonable argument that you at least refrain from personal attacks on people, because those who do take the time to inform themselves and post relevant supporting information will see through your ******** and call you on it.

But lets answer your accusations. This started from tommyguns comment here:

i agree that SoB should be left alone. but you are in the era where Blizz needs to satisfy everyone. pallies will QQ long enough and the devs will "fix it".

I wrote:

Marked you down for the use of "QQ", I hate that phrase. Patronisingly trivialising a genuine complaint doesn't make you right.

Then RuenBahamut wrote:

Rated him back up, rated you down for being a D*ck. 8)

Then I wrote:

Actually you knob jockey he was rated down for his terminology,

Then tommyguns jumped in with:

you created what could have been a decent thread and turned it into a rating war? shame on you. your hatred for certain phrases is your own problem. rate yourself down.

So you see. Although I may have retaliated to Ruen's post, I didn't start this tit-for-tat. Now I'm am fully entitled to defend myself and as far as I can tell, the people in this thread seem to have jumped onto each others bandwagon, rather than reading how this started and lashing out with every post.

Yes actually you did start it. You're relatively new to these forums so let me explain something to you: rating people down because they use an expression you don't like is weak. It's just...stupid. That's not what the rating system exists for. tommyguns made a very reasonable post and you rated it down (or so you thought) because of an expression you disapproved of. While accusing him of dismissing the post on the o-boards, you dismissed his entire post becuase of one expression...and the expression wasn't even directed at you.

You, on the other hand, have been karma bombed because you're not contributing anything worthwhile. For the vast majority of this thread, you've avoided any and every request to back up your position on SoB/SotM with something more than namecalling and asshattery. You've systematically disrespected anyone who has posted an opinion contrary to your own, and in general made a right jolly mess of things. Just another karma tip for you: when you go from a score of "Decent" to "Sub-Default" and stay there, and you do so in almost every single post you've made in a 3 page thread, it's a pretty damn safe bet that you've been wrong. The goal then becomes to stop defending your idiocy and save face before you have to endure months of people dismissing everything you say simply by virtue of the fact that it comes from you and you've obliterated your credibility.

I admit I could have chose to be more civil, but as far as I can tell I did not start this. I still disagree with the calling of the thread a "QQ", I thought it was very dismissive and did not add to the debate. I'd hardly call what I did completely out of the ordinary, you guys disagree with how this thread has gone and, irrespective of whether I am right or wrong, have serially marked me down.

Oh no, it wasn't irrespective of whether you are right or wrong. You were wrong. Flat out. And that's why your abusive crap has been karma bombed to oblivion.

Nobody gave you a hard time until you started being abusive and putting people down for their contribution to the thread, Goggy. That's a fact, and it's a fact available for anyone to review the thread and confirm for themselves.

As we have seen, it is not a fact. Unfortunately this is how this thread has gone. Maybe in future I should take the time to re-post the track of the comments before replying to yet another thread with a variety of insults in it, but to be honest I can't be bothered. I've done it this time, but if people can't be ***** to read or have a completely skewed opinion about my posting then who gives a @#%^, let them rate down.

Sure it has. Telling people to write 100 lines is pretty disrespectful. Accusing people of failing to grasp the point is not exactly top-notch people skills. More importantly, the insinuation that nobody but you could possibly understand the mechanics behind SoB/SotM such that they need to go read an o-board thread and inform themselves before they can comment on it is patently ridiculous. All they needed to know was that someone started a threat on the o-boards kvetching about the recoil from SoB/SotM. It's not a new complaint. People have already formed their opinions on the issue. Just because it was new information to you doesn't mean anything. But you assume that their opinions aren't as informed as yours and use that as justification to cut them down for picked the wrong crowd to use that angle on.


I'll give anyone the time of day, when you start repeating "douche bag" and others over and over then my patience has gone and it is a bloody good thing that he's not talking to me. I'm afraid the adage that people only type insults because they are in the safety of knowledge that they are behind their keyboard is true. I'm a fair person, but if you start being a complete **** to my face then things are going to turn ugly.

Naw, if you walked up to me and started a conversation about SoB/SotM and responded to my opinions the way you've responded to others here, I'd laugh at you and walk away. If you tried to stop me from walking away, I'd roflstomp your punk emo ***. It's just that simple.
#119 Apr 06 2009 at 8:30 AM Rating: Excellent
wow, i come back to this thread after the weekend and its still a flame war, its still not locked, and Goggy STILL hasnt figured out that he is being trolled by an ENTIRE forum comminity due to his complete douche baggery.

normally i thought a thread has reached rock bottom when someone started hassling over grammer, which Goggy has done, but now i know the new low is when you start in on someones sig . . . .

and to think all this started because he doesnt like the term QQ. actually, its because he used what little power he had to enforce some insignificant opinion onto other people.

do you know why nobody is listening to you about the link in the OP? because every one here knows its not a problem, we are trying to tell you its not worth the discussion what so ever. that whole thread you linked is worthless. we tryed to explain why, and it seems it YOU are the one with reading/comprehension(did i spell that right? who F'ing cares) issues.
#120 Apr 06 2009 at 8:41 AM Rating: Default
3,229 posts
Yep your new posts bring nothing new - "we're so right and you're so wrong blah blah" - what a shock.

A ménage à trois of twats.

Edited, Apr 6th 2009 12:48pm by Goggy
#121 Apr 06 2009 at 9:19 AM Rating: Good
713 posts

I thought this thread would have died by now but the lulz havent stopped coming in. I almost want to link this epic thread into General since everyone there is missing out.

I'm thinking about making this my new sig.

tabstopper wrote:
[quote=**************** read and reread, and I'm not seeing what you see.

You have to turn your filter off so you can see the sub-default posts.

This and AureliusSir's "Goggy the Snivelly" are pure win.

Keep the lulz coming all. This thread is making me laugh more than some comedy shows I have paid to watch.
#122 Apr 06 2009 at 10:04 AM Rating: Excellent
308 posts
Nobody gave you a hard time until you started being abusive and putting people down for their contribution to the thread, Goggy. That's a fact, and it's a fact available for anyone to review the thread and confirm for themselves. Now it's not more than a case of you being an e-thug.[/quote wrote:

I've read and reread, and I'm not seeing what you see.

I really don't understand why I get rated down for disagreeing. Doesn't seem conducive to "discussion" if differing opinions are shunned.
#123 Apr 06 2009 at 12:15 PM Rating: Excellent
648 posts
ruen, nearly every time you post it makes me laugh. even though i'm pretty sure you just called me a troll you are one of my favorite posters here lol... and that's despite the fact that you're either stupid or foreign ;) (or is that too clever for Goggy to understand)

and to arthorius I think I may go home and make a sig myself. probably either

The RuenBahamut of Doom wrote:
and Goggy STILL hasnt figured out that he is being trolled by an ENTIRE forum comminity due to his complete douche baggery.


The RuenBahamut of Doom wrote:
we tryed to explain why, and it seems it YOU are the one with reading/comprehension(did i spell that right? who F'ing cares) issues.

@ Goggy, I give up you have won the endurance race. i'll stop debating the SoB/tM Recoil issue (i think I was the only one still beating my head against the rock that is Goggy anyway). you clearly hold more dearly to your opinion than to reality, and that's totally your right. it'd be nice if you didn't bring your non-debateable opinions to these forums. positive discussion is great. not agreeing with me is awesome. calling names because I don't agree and refusing to engage in intelligent discussion is not really the alla pally way. read back to some of my earlier posts. I got into it with Bodhi quite often. there was admittedly a lot of name calling (or on his part mostly epeen stroking via pointing out quite often that I wasn't in the Sunwell yet). but despite the name calling, we had intelligent discussion. he argued from experience and I brought my limited experience and my math. often we agreed on the core issues, but we had long debates over minor details that we felt were important. I for one miss those days. Bodhi has stopped calling me names and noone has stepped up to give lively debates here on the forums much anymore. point being we can disagree and enjoy good discussion or you can fail to provide intelligence in your posts and make yourself very unwelcome.

one last time I offer this. drop this thread. lets forget about it. start a new one. practice intelligent discussion and courtesy. lets get you a fresh start.
#124 Apr 06 2009 at 1:55 PM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
The problem with me, and I'll happily admit it, is that I'm a little bit lazy

You've hit the nail on the head with this half-sentence. You trusted what someone wrote in a thread that's just full of people crying that they take some damage while dealing some damage and you were too lazy to think about it for yourself. Then you were too lazy to consider what people here did with the whole number-crunching exercise and looking at actual parses where the seal was used. You just trusted what other people said and then took it personally when people disagreed.

I think that sums up the problem in a nutshell. At least now you won't be rating people down for trivialising a complaint that doesn't hold water.
#125 Apr 06 2009 at 2:41 PM Rating: Excellent
648 posts
Nobody gave you a hard time until you started being abusive and putting people down for their contribution to the thread, Goggy. That's a fact, and it's a fact available for anyone to review the thread and confirm for themselves. Now it's not more than a case of you being an e-thug.[/quote wrote:

I've read and reread, and I'm not seeing what you see.

I really don't understand why I get rated down for disagreeing. Doesn't seem conducive to "discussion" if differing opinions are shunned.

oh, and i didn't say it earlier, but to be honest, i'd have to agree with you. i've rated a few of goggy's more offensive posts down due to the fact that they were nothing but name calling. however, i don't agree that the rating system should be used just cause you disagree w/ someone. your post was honest (i assume) and not offensive. but that's one thing about this karma system.... no box pops up dictating your rating rules when you become a scholar... you just suddenly can rate.

oh, and i say that... i think if you look at the posts, tommyguns said nothing offensive in his first post. it is Goggy's perogative to like the thread and think it's "enlightening" and it's tommyguns perogative to think it's QQ. i pretty firmly beleive that Goggy brought this on himself when he rated tommy down for his opinion of the thread and that Goggy was more offended that was warranted and reacted in such a way as to abuse his rating priveledges. just like whoever rated you down (no matter how much i might like them) abused the ratings also. but such is life. hopefully it was just one person that did it. actually, does allakhazam have a post somewhere to give guidelines on what the rating system is supposed to be used for? i really doubt they want you rating people down for disagreeing or because someone used a term you dislike, but have i been right to rate up based on usefullness and occassionally down based on unproductive and misplaced name-calling? anyone know if there is something about that?
#126 Apr 06 2009 at 3:38 PM Rating: Excellent
648 posts
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
My post is, and always has been, to promote the thread on the o-boards, tied into the EJ thread about SoB recoil.

Ok, sorry, I'm back one more time... Decided to change my filter so I could read all your posts... Saw this one and thought it was curious.... Have you read anything over at EJ? Unless there's something crazy I've missed, there is no "thread" on SoB/tM recoil. There is only the Retribution Paladin thread which has a very few posts in it about SoB/tM. The people over at EJ have long since given it up and seem to feel that it is not an issue, particularly in 3.1 when Judgements will do less damage and Seals will do more and scaling will be causing rediculous large JoL heals. Even when they were posting about the recoild (mid-march I believe), there were only a few people that thought it was a problem and there were others who are of the same mind as many of us here that there is no problem. Merely a mechanic that we need to learn to use correctly. So, you can try to say that "EJ thinks recoil should be removed" but in my reading there I see the opposite side being more mathematically and substantially validated. Again, the fact that you say there is a whole thread there about SoB recoil indicates how much you really checked the sources of the OP in the o-board thread...

I realize that this does not inherently make you wrong. However, it certainly doesn't help a discussion when you show yourself not to have read what you say is your supporting document.

On the positive note though, Goggy, you have nowhere to go but up I think. Pretty sure you've been at rock bottom for most of this thread.
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