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SoB/SotM Recoil Damage ThreadFollow

#52 Apr 03 2009 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Goggy the Irrelevant wrote:
Like no other class whines? You bring nothing to the table but stupid. Eat up.

@#%^ it, can't get the quotes sorted.

Wow, just keep digging that hole deeper.

You haven't contributed anything useful to this discussion besides the initial link, and you haven't made a single useful rebuttal to any points raised on this board other than fallacious appeal to authority.

Leave the thread alone - you're not doing anything useful and are only going to turn people against your position by being a douche.
#53 Apr 03 2009 at 11:35 AM Rating: Excellent
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
Actually not at all, being right would mean not insulting. If you're a prick, you're gonna get called a prick.

I would say that if anyone (other than you, of course) was a prick in this thread, it was me, yet you've chosen to go after everyone else. I've re-read the thread. Nobody was insulting...they were offering different opinions. If you want to argue that point, quote what was insulting. And I mean that. Don't **** around and avoid the issue...quote what someone else said that was insulting to you before you started being a right butthurt dork about everything.

Go ahead...quote where anyone was insulting before your comment about writing 100 lines...I dare you.

So by virtue of what you have said I should take what you say as right? You see the irony right?

Where the hell did that moronic little tidbit come from? You're saying that you're taking the information posted on Elitist Jerks as gospel...I'm saying that just because it's on Elitist Jerks doesn't make it accurate. You flat out said in this thread that you can't be bothered to sort out the theorycraft for yourself, but somehow you've got such an enormous grasp of game mechanics that you can cut down people for offering an opinion that differs from yours because you've got this miraculously foolproof source for your information? God forbid you should ever go into journalism...

Erm is hasn't been pulled apart, and to be honest people want to dip their toe in the pond I'm not going to deny them. Sadly their theory is pretty poor, but hey ho.

Ya, it has been pulled apart. By several people quoting hard data. All you keep doing is referencing other people's posts. If you could actually offer up an intelligent argument based on your own direct (and ideally quoted) interpretation of that data, you might have a leg to stand on. You don' you resort to what every other adolescent monkey in the world skip the facts and cut directly to the namecalling. You want to call names? Fill your boots...just back it up with something more substantial that what yer daddy told ya, mmmkay?

Actually **** wad, we have seen recoils to ret palas in excess of 11k, couple that with combat/AOE and other damage it's nothing to be sniffed. Further, the argument about why take a class that damages itself against a class that doesn't still stands. No trees required.

Lemme guess...11k recoil during a Thaddius encounter, amirite? Or maybe on an Understudy add after Razuvious went down? I know I've hit upwards of 120k damage with an SoR crit on one of the Understudies after Razuvious was was awesome. So I'll give you an opportunity now to site on what phase of which encounter that 11k judgment recoil took place, because I'm about 99.9% certain you're referencing a situation involving an ignorant/inattentive/retarded ret paladin using a self-damaging ability at a very bad time. Kinda like a warlock Life Tapping when he's got 10% health after a KT Iceblock and right before he gets tagged with a frost bolt nova. But his death would be the fault of class mechanics and not the player, right?

And if you won't site the encounter/phase, your reference is moot.

It's personal again. If you're asking me, yes I switch to SoC when it is a problem, why do I have to switch to SoC, because it's a @#%^ing problem. Try eating less stupid sandwiches.

No, it's not a problem. It's a game mechanic that requires you to be a little dynamic. I've seen Shadow Priests gank themselves with Shadow Word: Death but you don't see them ******** up a storm about it, do you? You know why? Because they're not so stupid as to blame game mechanics when the choice they make to try and boost their dps ends up killing them. You don't see warlocks complaining about ganking themselves when they life tap themselves to oblivion in a heavy AoE fight, do you? You know why? Because they're not so stupid as to blame a game mechanic for a choice they make to try and recover mana at the expense of health at a bad time.

Nothing screaming about, and once again for the slow people. You're posting and asking questions about me, I've answered them, not too friendly I'll admit, but generally because a small number of people on here are showing the complete inability to read and inwardly digest some good information. If they posted "I read it but don't agree" fine, but coming back and pointing the finger at me pisses me off. It's not my sole argument, I just happen to agree that it is an outdated mechanic.

How the hell would you know if it's good information or not? You've said yourself you just speed read it. It seems to me a lot like you found an argument that justifies your thoughts on an issue and instead of being objective about it, now you're fighting tooth and nail to defend it...and you have no ******* clue what it really said.


Yeah I'm sorry, I don't have a lot of time for people who fail to grasp the basic subject of a thread. I'll try to be nicer to the morons in future.

Why do I get the feeling that you're the only one that doesn't grasp the subject?


I took issue with the OP on the o-boards not because I think ret pallies are fine, but because I found his complaint to be borderline whining and his solutions to be flat out retarded. His "final" recommendation where he listed the "new" tooltips for seal/judgement mechanics was about as stereotypically ret as you could hope for. Ya...the new penalty for ret pallies using SotM/SoB is that they'll take a bit of a hit in the physical DR category...when as ret pallies they shouldn't be taking physical damage in the first place...and the DR they're left with will still be considerably more than the DR from armor seen by rogues, kitty druids, and enhancement shaman. Brilliant.


u kan haz wut DR meanz k? k.


And that's the issue people have with ret pallies as a stereotype group...not that their class is fine and they just whine out of habit, but the fact that maybe they could use some tweaking here and there, but 9 times out of 10 when a would-be ret expert speaks up with suggestions, it's a whole mess of, "How you should tweak us to make us OP again."

Like no other class whines? You bring nothing to the table but stupid. Eat up.

No, other classes whine too. It's just that ret pallies have been doing it so poorly for so long that nobody really wants to hear from them anymore unless they can form a cogent argument that doesn't end up with the underlying theme, "Why we should be OP."

@#%^ it, can't get the quotes sorted.

Ya, when you're trying to format a response with embedded quotes and the like it requires attention to detail and thought...both areas where you've demonstrated a remarkable deficiency. It's ok, though. Keep at it.
#54REDACTED, Posted: Apr 03 2009 at 12:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Such a serious thread.
#55REDACTED, Posted: Apr 03 2009 at 12:11 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Who the @#%^ is this genius? GTFO of my lols nut sack.
#56 Apr 03 2009 at 12:30 PM Rating: Excellent
I can't work out whether RuenBahamut is just foreign, stupid or both.

no, i'm just stupid. 8)

Edit: BTW, how is this thread not locked yet? aside from the first 2-3 posts, we arent really doing anything except giving Goggy a reason to be rated down . . . c.c

i cant help but feel like the entire Paladin community is just trolling Goggy and he is the only one who hasnt noticed yet.

did i mention how much i miss bamninja?

Edited, Apr 3rd 2009 1:36pm by RuenBahamut
#57 Apr 03 2009 at 12:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
Such a serious thread.

Lol - keep at it.

Consulting my Moron to English dictionary, the literal translation for that comes out as:

"Ya, I've been beat every way but sideways in this little argument, but I've not the bawls to admit it."

It's OK, Goggy. Just wish you'd learn from experience and stop being such an abusive twunt every time someone with more experience and a better understanding of the game offers thoughts that oppose your own.
#58 Apr 03 2009 at 12:56 PM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
Goggy wrote:
Who the @#%^ is this genius? GTFO of my lols nut sack.

English is hard.

Goggy, Emo Twunt wrote:
FYI it's a thread about recoil from a pala ability, you either agree or you don't.

I think you're wrong about SoB recoil being a major problem. The only remotely convincing argument I've heard is one of scaling of recoil dmg as gear progresses - which is not a problem at this point in live, and which could easily be fixed by nerfing the % dmg of blood when it becomes a problem.

For the record, I also think you're a whiny ***** whose ego gets way too involved whenever someone disagree with him. Have fun trolling and desperately trying to get the last word, since that's all you're doing at this point.
#59 Apr 03 2009 at 2:10 PM Rating: Excellent
648 posts
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
Man you are @#%^ing stupid.

I don't want to discuss this with you because I have read the Elitist Jerks forum and have taken their evidence over yours.

Get over yourself you pathetic little ****.

lol... finally an intelligent argument from Archfiend Goggy.... wait, nm.

ok, the guys at EJ say....

One thing to remember regarding the JoB recoil is that with the removal of SA, we are free to use JoL without worrying about losing mana regen due to healing ourselves with it. Combined with Divinity my JoL & DS are healing all of my own recoil(if given time by healers ofc).
That leaves raid damage burst as the only things to worry about, but considering I already have 4-5k hp more than our mages & plate seems to be getting even more sta in Ulduar and the fact that I haven't noticed any major melee specific raid damage in Ulduar testing so far, I'm really not worried about SoB recoil.
Also you keep saying stuff like the recoil has no purpose etc because the recoil was only to stop it being used in PvP and most ret's in arena use it anyway... My opinion is that it wasn't designed to stop its use in pvp, but to give a penalty for using it, and when your being trained by high rated hunter's & dk's in 3v3/5v5 it can be a big risk to use it.

Currently fully raid buffed I top 25k hp, not sure if this is similar for everyone else, but I would assume that is the case, I need to replace a couple pieces, but I don't think it will affect my stam much. Looking at some of the new Ulduar gear, I can easily see me topping 30k fully buffed. Cloth seems to be getting a smaller upgrade. I wouldn't be surprised to see us having ~10k more then mages and other cloth wearing classes, I wonder if to some degree this is why they don't worry about recoil? Not saying this is the case, but it makes me wonder. Also, if they made a glyph that just lowered recoil, no one in their right mind would ever use it.

While true, Light DOES allow healers to save mana from topping people off on fights like Ignis, allowing them to go longer. Mana is actually an issue for healers from my experience in ulduar, and if you look at healing meters you'll see you do quite a significant amount of healing with JoL, not to mention as a ret paladin you are still providing the raid with replenishment either way.

pretty much some of the same stuff i said... and that was back when you posted your OP. since then they've forgotten it will be a problem. i had to read several pages back just to find mention of it and even then it was just someone asking what people thought of it... noone answered though. noone that posted in the negative showed good math or any math at all, which is kinda of surprising for EJ. they didn't even show WWS reports. they just whined which i hadn't realized EJ was prone to. mostly they seemed to be of the opinion that it's just a nuisance and not a real problem. i kinda wonder if you actually read the EJ forums or if you just read that thread you linked and keep mentioning EJ cause he did... the few that were worried about it at EJ have given it up. they're back to discussing real ret pally issues... like dps... gear set ups... wether FotFF is better than Mirror of Truth... what is our base crit chance for specials vs melee... and other issues worth spending time on ;) shall we stop whining and get back to real pally issues here too?
#60 Apr 03 2009 at 2:27 PM Rating: Good
713 posts

I have to admit in the last few weeks allakhazam has come through with some epic threads. First Bodhi in General with his "No cyborz pls" thread and now this. I think it reflects on Blizzard with all of us being bored of current content and flocking to all the forums in an attempt to keep ourselves entertained.

Boy I'm hoping that Ulduur doesnt have as many disconnection problems as Naxx did. Trying to speed through a Naxx 10 man these days is like trying to get blood out of a stone. IMO There should be an achievement for getting all the way through it without any disconnections.
#61 Apr 03 2009 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
i want to add some more. :D

i've said it in a few other threads: WoW has become a game designed by the community. this is so fail, since the community generally doesn't know what it really wants.

remember when Homer Simpson's brother asked him to design a car that the average man would love?,_Where_Art_Thou%3F pretty sweet, but also not-so-much.

let's apply this in other terms:
the general guide to building a successful superhero is A)give em powers B)give em weaknesses/defects. most people that would create their own superhero would focus on A and forget about B. this leads to a boring-*** character. replay value = nil

relate this to the current state of WoW. where you can crush every piece of in-game content. certain comps steamroll other players. skill, cooperation, and courtesy is not required. achievements/rewards are handed out by the truckload. replay value = you tell me

some people want to take away the pally's 'Kryptonite'. but i say: if i wanted to play in God-mode, i would just finish leveling my DK.
#62 Apr 03 2009 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
76 posts
What a depressing thread.

I hate to take sides, but perhaps I shoudl bring the term "retardin" back out of retirement. Worse, I fear that come dual-spec, all these afforementioned retardins will roll prot and holy, and the whole class will be screwed....
#63 Apr 03 2009 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
Lansdowne wrote:
What a depressing thread.

I hate to take sides, but perhaps I shoudl bring the term "retardin" back out of retirement. Worse, I fear that come dual-spec, all these afforementioned retardins will roll prot and holy, and the whole class will be screwed....

As much as I hate to say it I think this all began when we were buffed just before Wrath came out. Since then Blizzard has bent over and accepted every QQ that has been QQ'd (not talking about just Ret here but WoW classes in general). The fact remains that their goal of balance will never seen. There will always be one class that is strong against another class in PvE or PvP so QQ will remain. I think right now, looking at where PvP/PvE Ret Paladins have come from, we have as close to balance as we will see with other dps classes. As nice as it is to top dps meters it isnt fair on mages, warlocks and rogues who bring nowhere near as much utility as we do. Sure we're not perfect but no class is and to say otherwise makes me think " the grass is always greener on the other side."
#64REDACTED, Posted: Apr 03 2009 at 11:16 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Thanks for the replies, not going to read them as they're not worth the effort.
#65 Apr 03 2009 at 11:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
Thanks for the replies, not going to read them as they're not worth the effort.

The OT still stands please read and make your own minds up. Go post on the original thread if you agree or don't, all debate is good.

Ya, informing yourself so as not to be so ignorant in the future would be a horrible, horrible idea. Here's a tip...if you don't want debate here, don't post here. Linking to a thread on another site and encouraging debate there but not here is pretty ridiculous.

Don't go away mad, Goggy. Just go away.
#66REDACTED, Posted: Apr 03 2009 at 11:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) And if that line was yours it would be funny
#67 Apr 04 2009 at 12:48 AM Rating: Excellent
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
And if that line was yours it would be funny

As I have always said all through this thread, this isn't about me solely.

The point still stands, for the new guys, read the whole thread on the o-boards, don't be swayed by ignorance shown here.

Did you seriously just tell people to go read a post on the O-boards (the O-boards!?!) for better information than what they could get here?

I think that about seals it.

U r teh moran.
#68REDACTED, Posted: Apr 04 2009 at 2:23 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Once again, if they read the original thread and make their own minds up.
#69 Apr 04 2009 at 3:18 AM Rating: Default
76 posts
Goggy wrote:
Thanks for the replies, not going to read them as they're not worth the effort.

Goggy wrote:
Reading doesn't come easily to you does it?

Hypocracy much?
#70REDACTED, Posted: Apr 04 2009 at 3:49 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Good English.
#71 Apr 04 2009 at 4:24 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
I have fashioned the most insightful list regarding this thread.

1. They should remove SoC and replace it with SoB in all areas. It's the effective situation currently, anyway.
2. Goggy is a gigantic douche.
3. Lists look stupid when you only have a couple of things to say.

Edited, Apr 4th 2009 8:25am by zepoodle
#72REDACTED, Posted: Apr 04 2009 at 4:38 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) [ul]
#73 Apr 04 2009 at 5:09 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
i found this blue post on the 0-board:

Q u o t e:
Why do Rogues have AoE again? What a stupid change. I played a Rogue for 3 years, and not once would adding an AoE ability have added anything to my enjoyment of the game.
[snip to make more biased]
Because rogues complained, and rightly so, that they weren’t as attractive as other dps classes when there was a lot of AE involved, which was the case for all Naxx trash and even a few bosses

got what i wanted, yay.
#74 Apr 04 2009 at 8:44 AM Rating: Excellent
713 posts
Cheers to you Goggy. You have kept me entertained for the past few days with this thread. Here are my favourites:

Goggy wrote:
Please complete 100 lines of "I must read about the subject before commenting or I will look nab"

Goggy wrote:
Marked you down for the use of "QQ", I hate that phrase.

Goggy in relation to a thread on the O-Boards wrote:
to dismiss 24 pages of enlightening discussion about an (IMHO) outdated mechanic by calling it "QQ" then he deserves everything he gets

Goggy after ToolofJesus explained in detail his PoV wrote:
Yawn, all of the stuff you have posted has been answered in all the threads posted, quoting the few **** knockers that come onto the o-boards is like stating the obvious that maybe asshats frequent the o-boards.

Goggy wrote:
Jesus, a big bag of stupid has opened.

Do what you want retards, either add your weight to the thread or don't.

@#%^ me.

Here are some older posts back before Goggy knew more about Ret Paladins than all the posters here at Allakhazam:

Goggy after helpful responses to his How do i increase my dps thread wrote:
Guys your help has been extremely useful, thank you.

Goggy wrote:
I try to remember it is a game at the end of the day.

Goggy wrote:
To be honest, the stuff the guys are talking about above is pretty much beyond the level of understanding I have of the game.

Goggy came here looking for enlightenment. We tried to help him but, in a moment of weakness, he visited the O-Boards. Let this be a lesson to the rest of us. The O-Boards are a dark place. Nasty trolls reside within it's depths that below flames as they speak. There is evil and corruption there that does not sleep.

Edited, Apr 4th 2009 4:47pm by arthoriuss
#75 Apr 04 2009 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
  • I'm
  • a
  • douche
#76REDACTED, Posted: Apr 04 2009 at 9:44 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Nice try again Athorius, as I said the stuff about SotM came from EJ originally, not the o-boards. So I asked for help on these boards? Why does that matter?
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