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The Epic Guide to Melee HunteringFollow

#1 Mar 10 2009 at 8:26 PM Rating: Sub-Default
296 posts
The Epic Guide to Melee Huntering

Melee Huntering

Verb -
1. To fight as the hunter class in melee
2. The process of using only melee abilities as a hunter

Noun -
1. Hardcore Mode

Hunters are normally ranged characters and normally use pets to increase their damage and tank for them. This guide will explore the melee aspects of hunters without the use of any ranged attacks or a pet. Melee hunters will get extremely hard to play at certain points in the game (mainly 6-16 and 58-62) but do not be discouraged by this awesome playstyle. One word of warning before you begin though: DO NOT attempt to join instance groups as a melee hunter as some of the “conservative” players will flame and laugh at you for being a melee hunter and kick you from their group.

Useful Spells

Raptor Strike: This is your basic damage boosting attack. Use it as often as possible.

Aspect of the Monkey: Your basic aspect. An extra chance to dodge is a good thing. Use it.

Wing Clip: Snares the target. Not all that useful unless you want to run away.

Scare Beast (against beasts): Helps you CC or run from beast mobs.

Mongoose Bite: Your basic instant attack. Use it when you can.

Immolation Trap: Adds extra damage to a mob to burn them down faster.

Disengage: Helps you back off an enemy or run from them.

Freezing Trap: Freezes an enemy solid. Great CC.

Frost Trap: Slows a group of enemies. Useful if you need to run.

Feign Death: One of your best abilities. You’re going to die? NP, feign death.

Flare: Reveals rogues and other enemies.

Explosive Trap: AoE trap damage.

Aspect of the Wild: Helps you against things that do nature damage.

Aspect of the Viper: Helps you regenerate mana but cuts your damage by 50%

Snake Trap: Lots of snakes attack your enemies.

Misdirection: Put your threat onto another player.

Aspect of the Dragonhawk: Even more dodge! Use it when you get it.

Deterrence: Good to live a bit longer and to help counterattack light up.

Counterattack: Use it when you can. Free damage? Yes please.


Cookie Cutter Build: 14/3/49

The last 5 talents can go anywhere you like. It is not recommended that you deviate from this build much at all, because most other talents you could get will not help a melee hunter at all. Most of the talents chosen in this build should be self explanatory.

Important Information

-Raptor strike and Mongoose Bite are your most useful attacks because you have a 20% increased chance to critically hit with them.

-Immolation Trap is your basic single target damaging trap. You should be sure to have it ready for use in a fight.

-Freezing Trap is most likely your most useful trap of all. It lets you stop your foe and take a step back to bandage or wait for CDs if it is not used to snare an extra mob you didn’t need to fight. Keep it close at hand.

-Feign Death. For when you know you are going to die and don’t want to. One push of a button and there go all the mobs! Not recommended against players though.

-Counterattack should be used whenever it lights up.

-Aspect of the Monkey and Aspect of the Dragonhawk should always be used in combat. The dodge it gives helps reduce damage to you considerably.

Dual Wield or 2 Handers?

You receive the ability to dual wield at level 20. As for if you should or not, it is mostly personal preference. I usually use a 2 hander because the 20% extra crit chance with raptor strike causes some fun numbers to pop up on the screen. However, 2 Handers can be somewhat unreliable. If you miss with a heavy 2 hander, you aren’t doing much, if any, damage for about 6 seconds. Dual wielding can help you smooth out that damage loss even though you will miss more often while dual wielding. If you can get two nice 1 handed melee weapons then you might want to go for dual wielding, but if you can’t get anything better than a green, a 2 hander is usually the way to go.

Have fun with your melee hunter while taking him to new heights and facing new challenges. If you get down about your melee hunter, do not despair; Melee hunters are one of the most fun and challenging classes in the game to play right and once you figure out how, you’ll have a blast.

Good luck, and happy melee huntering.

Edited, Mar 10th 2009 9:26pm by Agest
#2 Mar 10 2009 at 8:35 PM Rating: Good
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#3 Mar 10 2009 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent

Agest wrote:
DO NOT attempt to join instance groups as a melee hunter as some of the “conservative” players will flame and laugh at you for being a melee hunter

Agest wrote:

Melee Huntering

Noun -
1. Hardcore Mode


Interesting guide...
#4 Mar 10 2009 at 8:51 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
Agest wrote:

Melee Huntering

Noun -
1. Idiot Mode
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
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#5 Mar 11 2009 at 1:28 AM Rating: Excellent
3,166 posts
Well I suppose on the plus side you get an extra bag space.

I'd suggest trying this on an RP server (not an RPPvP one!). At least you'd be among other loonies.

I also don't see why Wing Clip is dismissed as
Not all that useful unless you want to run away
but the build has put three points into making it more useful.

If you try this then you're going to be spending a lot of time bandaging, an immobilised mob could be very useful.

Seriously though why do this?

Did you just fail the pet quest at 10 and forget to buy ammunition?

The hunter class doesn't have serious melee capability. Just roll a rogue or something. At least then you retain some utility in groups

If the "challenge" appeals to you then sure why not. But you are not going to get very far very fast.

As a matter of interest what level is the hunter you have done this with? And give us the armory link Smiley: smile

What do we get next?
  • The non-healing paladin (The Light has gone out!)
  • The non-stealthing rogue? (I'm just clumsy is all)
  • The spell-less mage? (I lost the book)
  • ____________________________
    Wherever I go - there I am.
    #6 Mar 11 2009 at 3:22 AM Rating: Decent
    881 posts
    you at least put some effort into your post and thats good. I just fear the newb hunter coming here and reading this and them getting the idea that this is a common approach.

    Now to realy do it, wouldn't you want to stack strength and expertise?
    #7 Mar 11 2009 at 5:39 AM Rating: Decent
    296 posts
    Cobra101 wrote:
    Well I suppose on the plus side you get an extra bag space.

    I'd suggest trying this on an RP server (not an RPPvP one!). At least you'd be among other loonies.

    I also don't see why Wing Clip is dismissed as
    Not all that useful unless you want to run away
    but the build has put three points into making it more useful.

    If you try this then you're going to be spending a lot of time bandaging, an immobilised mob could be very useful.

    3 points are in that because there is nothing else you can take that helps a melee hunter.

    Cobra101 wrote:

    As a matter of interest what level is the hunter you have done this with? And give us the armory link

    I was thinking of re-rolling on another server. It just feels that I have to play a night elf if I do this. As for the armory link; I only got my other one to level 12 before I quit because role playing servers actually allow this kind of crap.

    Cobara 101 wrote:

    What do we get next?
  • The non-healing paladin (The Light has gone out!)
  • The non-stealthing rogue? (I'm just clumsy is all)
  • The spell-less mage? (I lost the book)

  • The only other ones I tried were the naked warrior and the melee mage. =P

    Edited, Mar 11th 2009 6:41am by Agest
    #8 Mar 11 2009 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
    4,684 posts
    Seriously though why do this?

    Because he can?

    Seriously though, that's my standing answer to such a question. For all you know somebody might not care the slightest about the DPS he dishes out, loves soloing and simply wants to try something alternative on the same character. "If you are enjoying it and you're not taking it to a raid, then have a go" is my motto. I wouldn't say the OP needs anybody's judgement, it's just something fun he's trying.

    On the other hand though, a 'guide' like presented in the OP could be misleading to newer players.
    #9 Mar 11 2009 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
    3,166 posts
    Which is exactly why I said
    If the "challenge" appeals to you then sure why not.

    What was a bit silly was the "Guide" nature of it when as he has now admitted it was an entirely paper exercise.

    He hasn't done it and doesn't realise what it would be like. SO statements like
    Melee hunters will get extremely hard to play at certain points in the game (mainly 6-16 and 58-62)

    Were entirely conjecture and have no place in a board that is trying to help people.

    Of course anyone is entitled to play any way they like.

    What perhaps tells the true story is
    I only got my other one to level 12 before I quit because role playing servers actually allow this kind of crap.

    So even he considers it "crap" and wants to be attacked for it rather than do it in a place where people would just let it go by.

    Attention-seeking ftw
    Wherever I go - there I am.
    #10 Mar 11 2009 at 8:47 AM Rating: Good
    3,829 posts
    Agest wrote:

    The only other ones I tried were the naked warrior and the melee mage. =P

    I play on a RP server and encountered a low-level warrior who apparently wanted to be a monk, because she said her intention was to wear only leather and use only fist weapons.

    That's gonna be a hard row to hoe, right there...
    #11 Mar 11 2009 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
    255 posts
    Umm.. this was a serious post? I just LOL'd it the first time and went on my way. Now I check back and people are discussing it? o.O The only time this hunter is in melee is 1) leveling weapon skill and 2) forgot to buy ammo after that late night raid and get caught out in the middle of BFE questing.

    *I seriously thought this was just a funny read.... >.<
    #12 Mar 11 2009 at 9:49 AM Rating: Excellent
    2,188 posts
    I don't know, when I first took a look at the hunter class long ago I saw a lot of the abilities were designed to get the hunter away from and out of melee range and melee combat. I took notice of that and thought it was interesting. Then I saw that there wasn't much in the way of offensive melee abilities. I thought I had spotted a trend with that one. I admit, the pet and the bow and arrow (or gun) were a bit more subtle for me, but because they kind of fit in with the first two clues I assumed they were there for a reason.

    Not being one of the great thinkers of Western Civilization I decided to look for more information on hunters, on the internet no less, written by people with experience playing them. Those people said not to melee unless you have no other choice. Well, it seemed like good advice because the few times I had to melee it wasn't very encouraging, so I thought maybe I was really on to something with the whole stand back and shoot things.

    I've leveled one hunter to 80 and one to 70 and so many others on various and sundry servers to levels between 20 and 40 just for fun. Imagine that, it's fun playing a hunter. I've raided with my hunter and I've quested with my hunter and my priest (I have two accounts) and been able to easily do WotLK three-man quests. And I don't melee with them.

    Am I missing something?

    "the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
    Hermann Goering, April 1946.
    #13 Mar 11 2009 at 10:04 AM Rating: Default
    I don't know but my Mage Tank was kind of fun at lvl 70.

    Did it as a lark in Kara, LOL
    #14 Mar 11 2009 at 10:24 AM Rating: Default
    902 posts
    You're missing something; you can't use most of these skills without a weapon, and Unarmed is where its at man.
    #15 Mar 11 2009 at 10:42 AM Rating: Excellent
    2,590 posts
    The Not-So-Epic Guide to Melee Huntering

    Step 1: Roll an Enhancement Shaman.

    i mad it bettur Smiley: nod
    #16 Mar 11 2009 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
    3,829 posts
    Yuppley wrote:
    You're missing something; you can't use most of these skills without a weapon, and Unarmed is where its at man.

    Obviously. As attested to the other week by the rogue my friend and I PUGged to heroic Halls of Lightning. After the first boss fight, the tank is complaining that our DPS is crap. After the second boss, we see our rogue ding "Did Somebody Order a Knuckle Sandwich?"

    Smiley: motz

    #17 Mar 11 2009 at 1:45 PM Rating: Default
    296 posts
    cynyck wrote:

    Am I missing something?

    Yeah. I have nothing better I want to do.
    #18 Mar 11 2009 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
    Drama Nerdvana
    20,674 posts
    A guide to be bad that doesn't involve keyboard turning, manually clicking hotbars with your mouse or tri spec.

    This really is a bad guide to being bad.
    Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
    #19 Mar 12 2009 at 6:17 AM Rating: Good
    12,049 posts
    Ambrya wrote:
    Yuppley wrote:
    You're missing something; you can't use most of these skills without a weapon, and Unarmed is where its at man.

    Obviously. As attested to the other week by the rogue my friend and I PUGged to heroic Halls of Lightning. After the first boss fight, the tank is complaining that our DPS is crap. After the second boss, we see our rogue ding "Did Somebody Order a Knuckle Sandwich?"

    Smiley: motz

    Fist weapons = unarmed skill. Fist/dagger is one of the cookie-cutter combat specs. Your DPS was just bad, it seems, or your tank just complained a lot. Did you run a recount?

    PS: It takes a LONG time to hit that final point in a weapon skill. I put my druid in dire maul with a dagger and went to bed. I woke up the next morning, 7 hours later, with 399 in dagger skill, a broken dagger, and the final point in unarmed skill (I had been at 399/400). It had taken SO long to get my dagger skill up that I lost all the durability on the item and it broke before I hit 400. Kinda crazy.
    #20 Mar 12 2009 at 7:21 AM Rating: Good
    Since I'm not playing my Hunter anymore actively, I may...just for out a Melee DPS spec, gear for it a bit, and then get some actual DPS numbers to see just how bad this is. I'll do it over this weekend, and post my findings. Smiley: wink2
    #21 Mar 21 2009 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
    372 posts
    It's been done by this guy already, though I think he used a pet. As I recall he did some raiding with his melee hunter, but keep in mind he was already a member in good standing of his guild and he had other characters. Seems his toon has been deleted, though.

    But dude, you wrote a guide for something you haven't actually done? Talk about failure. You wrote a "guide" on melee hunter and couldn't even bother to mention Aspect of the Beast? If you're fighting enemies a few levels below you wouldn't that be superior to Dragonhawk?

    Anyway, if you want a real challenge, pick any class and make it to 80 without visiting a trainer. That would be truly epic, and you'd be too busy with that to eat any more paint chips.
    #22 Mar 21 2009 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
    10,601 posts

    How did you find this thread? It was definitely off the front page.
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    You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
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    #23 Mar 21 2009 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
    27,272 posts
    MrSenethSomed wrote:
    Anyway, if you want a real challenge, pick any class and make it to 80 without visiting a trainer. That would be truly epic
    autoattacking your way to 80 epic?
    yeah, right.
    #24 Mar 22 2009 at 3:49 AM Rating: Good
    372 posts
    It was on the front page. Not even halfway down. I never look at the second. Necro my ***.

    autoattacking your way to 80 epic?
    yeah, right.

    I was totally serious when I wrote that. 100%. But hell, if someone's gonna spend a huge amount of time grinding out a useless alt, he might as well make it as painful and tedious as possible, because that person is a *********.

    Edited, Mar 22nd 2009 6:49am by MrSenethSomed
    #25 Mar 22 2009 at 5:11 AM Rating: Good
    10,601 posts
    MrSenethSomed wrote:
    It was on the front page. Not even halfway down. I never look at the second. Necro my ***.
    Yeah, I totally misread the date. lol
    01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
    You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
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    #26 Mar 22 2009 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
    277 posts
    This looked quite interesting and made me wonder if it was possible to melee and still do decent dps. Then on about line 3 you said to use aspect of the monkey rather than aspect of the beast and I realised you didn't have a clue :D

    Edit: Hmm, i guess while soloing monkey might be better but wouldn't you still want your pet tanking anyway?

    Edited, Mar 22nd 2009 2:03pm by Chamual
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