We were pug'ing heroic UP yesterday and we got huntard numero uno in the group. Which quite frankly I don't mind, but we also got a guildie hunter in the guild who is still elarning his class and spec and is quite moldable.
So the group was, me on my hunter, another guild hunter, a healer thatwe ran naxx with, guild tank, and a pug'd hunt(ard)er. Basically it went like this, I would say a and the pug'd hunter would argue until his last breath for b. One of the important topics that came up was being hit capped vs. focus aim.
His arguement: Get 3 out of 3 in foucs aim so you can raid with 150 hit cap and gear for agility gems instead thus increasing you dps from the extra agility.
My arguement: Hit cap is a 1 to 1 ratio with your pet which you don't get out of the talent. No matter what spec you are and what pet you have , your pet is roughly 10-20% of your dps, and so not being hit cap loses at least 3% of your dps there. Not to mention that if you are SV there are way too many talents to pick up to waste those three talents point. Like I am missing one essential talent point because I had to put one into focused aim.
I don't even gem for hit cap I get it all from stuff already on the gear. So who do you guys think is right?