So I have yet to play my hunter in BC or Wotlk. I'm getting bored with my druid and my shaman as i played them all through BC......and it is for some reason very difficult for me to summon the will to level them seeing as how i didnt start playing wotlk until 3 weeks ago. Both of them are 74.
I also have a 60 hunter in full t2(snicker) that i've never thought to level again. I now want to move back to the pure dps classes and seeing as how i don't have any other high lvl pure dps class other than the hunter i'm thinking about lvling him.
I have a couple of questions first though.
1. My buddy is in one of the top guilds on my server and he says his three raiding hunters are consistently in the top 5 dps in the 25 mans. Is this simply because they either have better gear or more skilled players or is this a true reflection of the damage they do in comparison to other classes.
2. Are they still very competitive in high end pvp?
3. What is the order of stat allocation? hit>agi>crit>haste? just a guess.
4. Just for future knowledge what is their hit and haste caps?
5. Ive done some reading and Survival/MM seems to be the raiding spec, are there any close contenders with that spec?
Well thank you in advance for any answers i receive. I look forward to being a hunter once again.