Well, I went ahead and started a proof just to see. Oh, insomnia, what would I do without you.... errrr.... other than sleep of course.
But seeing as how the neighbors are up and already in their yard and my coffee is just the right mix, let's see about this DW vs. 2-hander stuff!
Please excuse any grammatical or syntax errors (I'm trying to proof-read it, really!). If anyone finds mathematical or logical errors
please let me know and I'll adjust accordingly. I did this in text without a spreadsheet and only my trusty desk calc to aid me! Wow... that was a dumb thing to do.... anyway....
WARNING: Wall of text and math incoming!!! Assuming equal item level weapons.... let's compare dual Hailstorms to a single Jawbone over 1 min of uninterrupted combat where we're just auto-attacking. Boring, I know, but it's just to see the math. Both weapons are fairly common iLevel 213 drops and a minute is an easy division. Below we're assuming a mediocre hit rating of 300 for the dualer and hit cap for the 2-hander. Easy assumptions given the iLevel of gear.
Hailstorm main hand median tool tip damage 235, 1.5 speed, miss rate 12% = 35.2 hits for 8272
Hailstorm off hand median tool tip damage 135.125, 1.5 speed, miss rate 12% = 35.2 hits for 4756.4
Total for the swingin' machine: 13028.4 over 60 seconds of auto-attack.
that's 60 seconds divided by 1.5 for 40 possible hits of which 12% will miss Jawbone median tool tip damage 733, 3.6 speed, miss rate 0% = 16.66 hits
for 12211 over 60 seconds of auto-attack.
same method as above Well, hell, that's pretty sweet! Better start working on some hit gear and new swords to get these hawt numbers!
While I wait for my raid group to form up a Mally run though... I wonder what would happen if we calculated reasonable approximations of a standard attack cycle (numbers below are roughly adjusted for talents but not AP scaling for convenience, AP favors 2-handers generally. The intention here is to compare raw base numbers)... One rune cycle for a 0/32/39 DK would give us:
Hailstorm Jawbone
Icy Touch 330 330
Plague Strike 117.5 + 189 = 306.5 366.5 + 189 = 555.5
Obliterate 235 + 292 + (292) = 819 733 + 292 + (292) = 1317
Blood Strike 94 + 191 + 191 = 476 293.2 + 191 + 191 = 675.2
Blood Strike 94 + 191 + 191 = 476 293.2 + 191 + 191 = 675.2
Death Coil 509.45 509.45
Death Coil 509.45 509.45
Ability total 3426.4 4571.8
Auto attack total
for 10 seconds 2171 2035
Necrosis bonus 261.37 244.22
Blood-caked 5.9 * 73.43 = 433.28 2.77 * 229 = 634.5
Final Total 6292.05 7485.52
So... well.. yeah.... 2-hander wins after all. Guess I should call off that Mally raid.
Ok, so I didn't calculate critical strikes or AP scaling and the numbers above are only extra-fancy napkin math really. So sue me. Not sure I have it in me to do a full mathematical model of the two builds (32/39 can go both 2-hander and DW) just now. I'm not quite that smart anyway. The numbers above, while rough, show a fair comparative analysis of raw data between the two weapons I think. But I would encourage everyone to grab a calculator and see what they come up with.
What we would really need is an even playing field pair of WWS parses for both 2-hand and DW in equitable gear. But.... who has the time for that?
Thanks for tolerating my nonsense. On-topic feedback and discussion are encouraged.