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Getting raid ready!!!Follow

#1 Feb 15 2009 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I know, I know, this is probably a question that you have seen umpteen times and you want to choke me for asking it, but I am! So make with the help :P

Allow me to give you a brief introduction. I shelved my Hunter before AQ came out, my main since The Burning Crusade has been a Draenei Holy Paladin that I have taken from Kara to Kil'jaeden. With Wotlk I have seen firsts for 3 drakes, 10/25 man and been doing pretty well. He is still my main and I plan on keeping it so, HOWEVER, now I have pretty much every piece of gear I want, also a full t7.5 prot pally set as well. Pretty much bored and waiting for Ulduar to come out. So I dusted off my Hunter, started leveling him from 60 and he is going to be lvl 80 this afternoon!!!! He is also going to get carried through a 10 man naxx for gear this evening.

However I plan on surprising them, I have enchants set aside. Some gear etc. I am also going to pick the mind of a gladiator hunter I know to get a clue as to what I am doing. I also thought it wouldn't hurt to ask the Allakhazam pros.

1) Spec, how much agi do I need to support Survival, or is it safe to go survival right off the hop now?

2) Spamming buttons! Which spells should I be spamming and in what rotation to be halfway decent at my job. Other than Volley :P

3) Glyphs, Help me Obi-wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!

4) Pets, does it matter with survival?
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#2 Feb 15 2009 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
I fully expect you to get the proper reply from Aethien, but I will try with my limited knowledge to give some help.

First of Pet. As Survival you want something that is going to last and for the stats at the moment its a Raptor. Mine rarely dies tbh in any normal or Heroic raid.

Secondly. Glyphs, My majors are Steady Shot, serpent sting and Hunters mark for sure on mine, others may disagree but that is their choice lol (My minors are Feign Death, revive pet and mend pet). I have no trap glyphs because despite trying them they dont appear to make much difference to overall trap damage, so I would rather focus on my DPS output in that case

Thirdly, Shot rotation should allow for proc of Lock n load, so I roll with -

Hunters Mark
Serpent sting
Explosive sh*t
Aimed shot
Steady shot
steady shot
Steady shot
Serpent sting
Explosive shot
aimed shot.

The gap between Explosive means if Lock n Load does Proc its cooled down and ready to go, spam Explosive and Steady shot when it does proc, the steady allows the full effect of Explosive to do its damage.

Lastly, the agility question, Aethien over to you, you can check my spec but its far from perfect in the eyes of my betters no doubt but here it is, talent tree n all lol

I hope that made sense and helps somehow, I average 3k DPS and dont let the guild down at the moment. I am short on a couple fo items and a trinket etc but its a solid build and also good for soloing.

Happy hunting and welcome back to the fold lol

Edited, Feb 15th 2009 10:25am by Thoromin
#3 Feb 15 2009 at 7:24 AM Rating: Good;mid=1225908120128288551;num=27;page=1

Should answer a lot of your questions. I know it says Pre Raid, however most of the specs, gems etc will hold true after raiding. Big things to look for is going to be hit rating, you need to get to 263 or higher. (maybe 262, I forget which.)

As far as a pet, if you have any feroicty pet at 80 take it. I would work on leveling a Cat or Raptor as your raid dps pet.

Shots, you should be spamming steady while keeping serpent sting on the target. Whenerver Explosive is off the cd use it. Same with Aimed shot. EX is your big damage attack, prioritize it over refreshing SS and Aimed. Keep hunters mark up and pew pew. I am short on time but i am sure others can add more.
#4 Feb 15 2009 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
1) Spec, how much agi do I need to support Survival, or is it safe to go survival right off the hop now?

2) Spamming buttons! Which spells should I be spamming and in what rotation to be halfway decent at my job. Other than Volley :P

3) Glyphs, Help me Obi-wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!

4) Pets, does it matter with survival?

1) Any amount, SV just tops Dps because of Explosive shot not because of amazing agility (though it rocks to have it) You need to have a high crit % more than high agility to be honest as half your talent tree procs on crits and works with crits.

2) No spamming.
Explosive shot > 3 shots and repeat.
Priority for those 3 shots: Kill Shot (if usable) > Serpent Sting (to keep it up) > Aimed Shot (if you have a pally judging wisdom) > Steady Shot.
When Lock and Load procs shoot explosive > wait until 0.5 seconds after the GCD, shoot explosive, wait, explosive.
If you're having trouble, leave out aimed shots. 10 second cooldown shot makes the rotation feel very clunky.

edit 2: there's also no short cut macro that can do any reasonable form of a shot rotation for you.
They're all plagued by latency, need to be spammed 382943 times a second to work etc.

3) Steady, Serpent, Imp. AotH. for minors get FD and then close your eyes and pick two at random, they're all equally sh*t.
I personally use Scare beast and mend pet for the minimal PvP usage and the convenience of being able to get a pet to full happiness right after it dies.
And yes you glyph a talent you only have 1/5, a filler shot and a DoT that is only ~5% or so of your total damage, welcome to hunter glyphs.

4) Yes it matters and get a Wasp if you don't have Fearie Fire, else get a moth or if you don't have it a raptor or cat.
Lvl 80 is most important though, a pet that isn't level 80 is more or less worthless as it'll do nothing but miss and get dodged.
Oh, and kitty druids love cats as those keep a bleed up so they don't have to waste energy on putting it up.

A few other things:
Spec 1/18/52 (take points out of sniper training and imp. stings to fill out on hit if you need it), use elixir of agi and int and not a flask.

Misdirecting stuff with Explosive shot is a bad idea.
Explosive shoots for 0 and applies a DoT that ticks at 0, 1 and 2 seconds.
So your MD will use a 0 damage shot, 1 tick and 1 autoshot and then you get 2 explosive ticks that cause more threat than what you MD'd.
Trust me, Patchwerk hits like a truck on Mail. Smiley: tongue

Volley any group with 3+ mobs, shoot explosive shots between volley's if you feel like going through extra trouble.

Lock and Load stuff:
LnL has a hidden 30 second cooldown, frost trap ignores that cooldown.
So on Anub, Gluth, Maexxna, Noth and whatever else frost trap the adds to get ~1 PPM from serpent stings and 2 per minute from traps.
Download NeedToKnow to warn you for LnL procs, trap stuff whenever it's in your face to proc LnL more often.

Sniper training:
It's great if you can stand 30+ yards from your target but only do so when you are within 30 yards of the melee as nearly all aura's and buffs have a 30yd range.

Gearstuff: Armor Pen is crap, Haste doesn't do much either. Hit, Agility and crit is where it's at.
Tier pieces are nice, but both 2 and 4pc are lackluster at best for SV.
(4 piece is crap for any spec no matter what)

And a last note: Pray to god for a retadin/protadin.
Seriously, on average during a fight you will gain ~20 - 30.000 mana from JoW.

If you have no haste whatsoever, take 1 point out of sniper training/imp stings to put into Imp. Aspect of the Hawk.
If you have the time, run to a training dummy and try out the SV shot rotation as it's not as clean and natural as a DK rotation, you'll need to get used to it.

A last thing, fill a 24(28) slot quiver with arrows/bullet and add a few stacks.
Naxx clear takes more than 1 full quiver/pouch worth of ammo.
And if it's possible I'm sure you'd like to avoid looking like a total nub meleeing KT.

Edited, Feb 15th 2009 6:15pm by Aethien
#5 Feb 15 2009 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
T7 shoulders, a bow, boe gloves, and some leather, Pushing 2.1k already with greens on still!

Thanks guys!
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#6 Feb 16 2009 at 1:28 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Now get me a WWS so I can see what you did wrong Smiley: sly
#7 Feb 16 2009 at 5:06 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
No WWS! at least not for our alt 10 man runs :P.

1) Lvl 79 Gorilla that I was leveling with was my pet! (I dinged and 45 minutes later was in a raid)

2) I died at 20% on gluth for my first time hunter kiting. Next time I live!

3) For awhile i was just using Serpent, Explosive, Steady and then I was like "Oh yeah I have aimed!!!"

4) For Lock and Load should I spam Explosive shot or stagger it?

5) I am abysmally far from hit cap :(
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#8 Feb 16 2009 at 5:27 AM Rating: Decent
I thank you as well Aethien.

Again you have given me some information as well. Especially the business using Explosive Shot on a MD.

So the T7 four piece bonus's are not that worth while is the Gist of your post I take it. I have other Purple gear in the bank, perhaps I should try out that gear, it includes chest and legs. Hmmmm will try it on tonights Farmers run of Naxx.

Aethien, do you trap much? I Find for AOE groups of trash that an immolate always goes down well but I rarely see much call for other traps all that often.

OOOOH some good news. It's probably old hat to most guilds but the guys and girls finally downed Maly 10 man on Sunday. DK to the rescue with the whole Spark thing.

Anyways, I shall also look at pets as well. Wasps are annoying but I do value your opinion so shall give it a shot. Sprry Grethix (Raptor) time to stable your ***.
#9 Feb 16 2009 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
To Bod, stagger your explosives. They have a 2 second dot to them that fires twice. A safe thing to do is fire an aimed if it is up or a steady between them.

And dear god, get a different pet! For a quick fix there are level 80 wolves in Storm Peaks until you can level something better. I am sure you already know about it but,
#10 Feb 16 2009 at 6:08 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
No WWS! at least not for our alt 10 man runs :P.

1) Lvl 79 Gorilla that I was leveling with was my pet! (I dinged and 45 minutes later was in a raid)

2) I died at 20% on gluth for my first time hunter kiting. Next time I live!

3) For awhile i was just using Serpent, Explosive, Steady and then I was like "Oh yeah I have aimed!!!"

4) For Lock and Load should I spam Explosive shot or stagger it?

5) I am abysmally far from hit cap :(
For pets, grab any random one you don't care about and then run DtK heroic.
Tame one of the present raptors for a simple and good lvl 80 dps pet.
(the go tame a fancy Moth and/or Wasp and level them to 80 through heroics)

Spamming explosive shots would result in clipping the 3rd tick, so that's pretty bad for your dps.
Shoot them 0.5 seconds after the last one to guarantee all 3 ticks hitting.

Hit food, hit elixir, dual wielding Fang of Truth with 2x Titanium Weapon Chain and Icewalker on boots is already 221 hit.
That leaves a gap of 42 you need to make up in other gear, not very hard.

Edited, Feb 16th 2009 3:09pm by Aethien
#11 Feb 16 2009 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
Son of a female dog!! I've been trying to get my Ebon Blade rep up to Revered so I can get 2 Reaper of Dark Souls to help with my hit. Then you throw this Fang of Truth BS at me and I see it only takes HONORED!!! I'm like a 1000 rep from honored without even trying. Not to mention, according to the spreadsheet I gain 10 DPS with 2 fangs of truth vs the reaper of dark souls......I hate you Aethien

Edited, Feb 16th 2009 9:59am by zebug
#12 Feb 16 2009 at 7:10 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Sons of Hodir revered daggers are better dps wise, but not something you'l have within 2 days of dinging 80 unless you're lying on a mountain of gold.
#13 Feb 16 2009 at 1:03 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Awesome info, only saw one thing wrong (and it's not hunter-related):

His Excellency Aethien wrote:
[quote=bodhisattva]4) Yes it matters and get a Wasp if you don't have Fearie Fire, else get a moth or if you don't have it a raptor or cat.
Lvl 80 is most important though, a pet that isn't level 80 is more or less worthless as it'll do nothing but miss and get dodged.
Oh, and kitty druids love cats as those keep a bleed up so they don't have to waste energy on putting it up.

A cat druid will have a bleed up on an enemy ALWAYS. The only time they might not is Loathrb. Otherwise, at the very least, Rake is alwys our most efficient energy per damage attack. And with 2pt7, Rip is almost always better than FB. And if you have a tanking druid, they'll always have lacerate up on the enemy.

By all means take a cat if you have one, but NOT for druid love :-P
#14 Feb 16 2009 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I think a big part of me only pulling 2100-2300 dps last night was the fact that when lock and load procced I would go pew pew pew and spam it thus overwriting the dot damage. Going to avoid that, also trying to pick up a Heroic DK for the raptor.

I am lucky in that I have done so many favours for people as a healer that I can cash in browny points and pretty much get my toon free 10 man naxx runs regardless of gear.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#15 Feb 17 2009 at 1:27 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
2.1-2.3k dps is not bad for someone starting Naxx though.
I think I did about 2.3k dps myself, only I'm sure our kills were a lot slower :P
#16 Feb 17 2009 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
hit rating, you need to get to 263 or higher. (maybe 262, I forget which.)

Actually since he is alliance and will most likely have at least one draenei with him he can go with 7% hit instead of 8%. 230 hit rating iirc.
#17 Feb 17 2009 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
255 posts
Jimpadan wrote:
Actually since he is alliance and will most likely have at least one draenei with him he can go with 7% hit instead of 8%. 230 hit rating iirc.

HE could, but the answer to this should be no. Get your hit to 8%- it transfers to your pet in whole percent increments (at least at this time I think it still does) and you can't always count on someone else buffing your butt.
#18 Feb 17 2009 at 10:04 AM Rating: Default
2,580 posts
His pet will also get the buff as it's an aura that affects everyone in the party, thus hit capping it as well. As alliance even in 10 man raiding having a draenei is pretty much a given.
#19 Feb 17 2009 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Got Journeys End off 25 man KT!
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#20 Feb 18 2009 at 9:42 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Got Journeys End off 25 man KT!
You have no Idea how much I hate your damn alt hunter right now. Smiley: mad

Tier pieces are nice, but both 2 and 4pc are lackluster at best for SV.
(4 piece is crap for any spec no matter what)
The 2 pc bonus makes any piece of Valorous gear best in slot. If you already have two then some of them aren't rated best in slot any more. This is off the spreadsheet btw. So it's not useless. My pet usually pulls around 700 dps, so 5% of that is 35 dps. How does that compare to other 2 piece set bonuses? I'd have to agree that it's boring. The 4 pc is crap.

Edited, Feb 18th 2009 11:56am by Xsarus
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#21 Feb 20 2009 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
40 badges banked what should I buy first?

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#22 Feb 20 2009 at 9:14 PM Rating: Good
After the trinket you mean right?
#23 Feb 20 2009 at 10:00 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
heroes is trinket, valorous, is probably a ring, as that's the hardest to get.
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#24 Feb 21 2009 at 1:30 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
The trinket should be your priority indeed, unless you already have Grimm Toll and Darkmoon Card: Greatness, but I'm assuming you don't :P
#25 Feb 21 2009 at 3:33 AM Rating: Decent
I thought I might as well get in on the Hunter information goodness while the fount was still running. Here's a WWS from our Thursday nite 25 man naxx run. My hunter is Streamer. Let me know if you see any glaring ommisions or down right boneheaded moves on my part.
#26 Feb 21 2009 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
I dont see any problems, you are right about where I am dps wise for each fight so I would assusme you are using the right rotations and whatnot.
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