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Tanking with Melee DPSFollow

#1 Feb 11 2009 at 6:13 AM Rating: Decent
I'm fairly new at the tanking business but I've run a few instances and am learning the ropes. One thing that bothers me a little is when I'm working with a group that contains a couple melee dps (dk, rogue, etc.). When you have 5 or 6 mobs, yourself and a couple dps all in the same pile it starts to get a little confusing. Mostly it gets difficult trying to keep tab on all the mobs to keep them on me as much as possible. I'm working through it, but any advice or tips would be greatly appreciate.
#2 Feb 11 2009 at 6:22 AM Rating: Good
Thunderclap when you can, shockwave when you can. Hit tab to alternate between mobs. Make sure you mark and that said dps are following the kill order... if they don't and you haven't built up threat on a mob yet, they'll wind up getting themselves killed, which in turn has them turn around to blame you because of their stupidity.
#3 Feb 11 2009 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
In addition to what the guy above me writes, I find it helpful to pretend that your dpsers are impatient and reckless. You've got a big toolbox full of talents to build threat, take aggro, stun/interrupt, mitigate.

On a pack of 5-6 mobs I would mark skull, charge in, thunderclap, move a little to get the mobs in line for shockwave while I shield slam skull, shockwave, about 1 sec before the AOE stun wears off, pop shield block and start working on building AOE threat faster than the dpsers.

Then I use random rotations depending on cooldowns and procs. Focus is on getting a head start on the main target so I can switch to the off-targets. I do this by putting shield slam, conc blow, rev on the main target (1 of each should be enough), switching to off-targets for a few seconds, then checking back to ensure I have enough threat on the main. To build AOE threat I use shockwave/TC whenever they're off CD, also trying to cleave on every auto-attack if I've got enough rage. Other than that I just tab through all of the mobs and check for threat.

When you lose aggro of a mob, just taunt + shield slam and you have about 2 seconds of aggro, giving you time to single-target nuke that mob to gain 5-15k threat on it or to switch to another target and then back. It's all about priority and having a sense of how much time you have before a dpser passes you in threat.

It's kinda difficult to convey everything in print but basically I have one "AOE-mode" set of rotations and one "Single target" set. AOE-mode is used in the beginning to get every mob on me, and then I continue using it throughout the fight. I use single-target mode to get far ahead of the DPS on that target, then switch when I feel like I have enough to keep threat for a few seconds.

Single target priority: Shield slam > Revenge > Conc blow > Devastate. Heroic strike on every possible auto-swing.
AOE prio: Shockwave > Thunder clap > Demo shout (pretty weak) and Cleave on every possible auto-swing.

With Omen, Recount and basic knowledge of the threat generated by each skill, you can experiment yourself and see what works on what packs. You'll have an easier time keeping mobs glued to you if you do 1.5-2k dps, so increased expertise/hit/strength works for you.

Warrs have awesome utility in their talents and by clever usage of shockwave, conc blow, mocking blow, taunt, shield bash, heroic throw, disarm, you can keep mobs from hurting your DPSers even without having aggro.

Glyphs: Revenge, heroic strike and blocking glyphs will skyrocket your single-target threat.

Finally I can recommend this spec, not saying it's perfect but it's worked for me when I got through all the Wotlk heroics.

When raiding I would take 1 point from Cruelty and put it in Vigilance, but didn't find it neccessary in heroics. If you have trouble keeping aggro I'd recommend taking vigi, personally I didn't and prioritized the DPS increase from having more deep wounds procs.

Ideally one mob should die within 5-10 seconds or so if dps are doing their job =D
#4 Feb 11 2009 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
This doesn't really have much to do with the OP, but have fun on Maly without Vigilance, or Sarth with drakes up. It's other uses can be lived without, but for those two encounters it's bordering on clutch.
#5 Feb 11 2009 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
Which is why you're better off picking vigi when raiding =)
#6 Feb 12 2009 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
yankthetank wrote:

Single target priority: Shield slam > Revenge > Conc blow > Devastate. Heroic strike on every possible auto-swing.

Shield Slam should always be followed by one or two devastates in order to get the most out of Sword n Board. The exception to this is when revenge is up, which also triggers Sword n' Board. Shield Slam is our best threat and removing its cooldown instantly as well as making it rage free is teh sex.

I also recommend the glyph that gives a free heroic strike after a revenge. It means after every time you hit revenge you hit heroic strike.

Devestates take a little higher priority at first. This is to quickly build up your 5 stacks of sunder on the target. This is especially important in a melee heavy group/raid. After the 5 stacks then a devastate or two following your shield slams should be plenty to keep up the debuff.

I would throw in conc blow and shockwave only if you won't be needing it for stuns or adds. I'd also add in thunderclap on single targets, it's actually pretty good threat because it's not being split between multiple mobs.

You should only be spamming things like heroic strike if you're not getting low on rage. If you start to get low then remove it from your rotation while your rage goes back up. You shouldn't be topped but you shouldn't be dropping it too fast. You need to maintain enough to do all your higher threat moves.

yankthetank wrote:

AOE prio: Shockwave > Thunder clap > Demo shout (pretty weak) and Cleave on every possible auto-swing.

I actually do thunderclap before shockwave. Why? Because thunderclap has a full radius. Shockwave is a frontal cone area. I'll thunderclap to grab enough agro on all the mobs. From there I'll take a step or two back to bring the mobs on my sides into my front cone area. Then I'll shockwave. The other reason is because that few moments between thunderclap and shockwave allows the mobs to be hitting me. Shockwave will usually stun mobs. This builds up my rage just a bit more when it's the most important, at the beginning of the fight.

Again cleave only if you're not low on rage.

Also don't forget heroic throw.

For pulling I do heroic throw followed by a charge then thunderclap and then shockwave.

On multi mob pulls I'll actually heroic throw the primary target (skull) charge the secondary (x) then TC & SW. Then I shield slam and revenge the primary. This allows me to get a decent head start on the secondary target. The primary usually goes down pretty quick. I also recommend a threat meter like omen. This allows me to see where my threat is on each target. If the primary mob is low on health and I'm high enough on the threat meter I can easily switch to secondary target and start building up threat on him. The dps doesn't have to hold back and they can go all out.
#7 Feb 12 2009 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
MentalFrog wrote:
Shield Slam should always be followed by one or two devastates in order to get the most out of Sword n Board. The exception to this is when revenge is up, which also triggers Sword n' Board. Shield Slam is our best threat and removing its cooldown instantly as well as making it rage free is teh sex.

This is false. It's been shown that concussion blow, shockwave, heroic throw, thunderclap, and even rend outperform devastate in terms of TPS/DPS in all cases. Now, rend is actually more trouble than its worth because you would have to maintain nearly perfect uptime/refresh, but all the same, that leaves devastate pretty low on the priorities list. Initially it was thought that Sword and Board procs WOULD sway devastate a bit, but it's shown to still not sway it enough. Devastate is pretty crappy, and needs some love.
#8 Feb 12 2009 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
Shield Slam should always be followed by one or two devastates in order to get the most out of Sword n Board. The exception to this is when revenge is up, which also triggers Sword n' Board. Shield Slam is our best threat and removing its cooldown instantly as well as making it rage free is teh sex.

I hear you and free instant shield slam is like a drug injection =) If you pop shield slam, TC, shockwave and revenge whenever available, the rage and time left is basically spent on either devastate or heroic strike/cleave, unless you're popping interrupts/mitigation talents. Generally when I've been fury specced I see warr tanks over-using devastate, resulting in lower threat and DPS. With glyph of heroic strike giving you 10 rage back each time it crits, it's not really a rage dump anymore. For threat and dps in heroics I think its better to only use devastate when the other moves are on CD.

It's not really a matter of Devastate vs. Heroic strike as you can use both "at the same time" by binding HS to the mousewheel and keep spamming it. Though when you're low on rage you'll have to choose and then I pick HS because I think it makes more threat/DPS. Though lots of fights you'll have trouble emptying your rage pool and can use both at the same time. The only time I stack devastate is on bosses as it's a major DPS boost to your raid, in heroics normal mobs die pretty fast as it is.

You should only be spamming things like heroic strike if you're not getting low on rage. If you start to get low then remove it from your rotation while your rage goes back up. You shouldn't be topped but you shouldn't be dropping it too fast. You need to maintain enough to do all your higher threat moves.

Nah I think you should keep the rage meter close to empty, the main abilities only cost like 10-20 rage (don't recall exactly but I think shockwave is close to 30 rage). Though if your lack of a rage buffer makes threat keeping harder, sure. I guess it depends on your target-switching style. If you burst-nuke threat you will have enough time to survive a few seconds of low rage before losing aggro.

I actually do thunderclap before shockwave. Why? Because thunderclap has a full radius. Shockwave is a frontal cone area. I'll thunderclap to grab enough agro on all the mobs. From there I'll take a step or two back to bring the mobs on my sides into my front cone area. Then I'll shockwave. The other reason is because that few moments between thunderclap and shockwave allows the mobs to be hitting me. Shockwave will usually stun mobs. This builds up my rage just a bit more when it's the most important, at the beginning of the fight.

Yeah absolutely, that's about the same as what I wrote at the start of my first post. TC to gather and get rage, line them up, BAM!
#9 Feb 12 2009 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
This game has situations where I'm still rage starved?

Trash aside, mind you.
#10 Feb 12 2009 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
FletusSanguine wrote:
MentalFrog wrote:
Shield Slam should always be followed by one or two devastates in order to get the most out of Sword n Board. The exception to this is when revenge is up, which also triggers Sword n' Board. Shield Slam is our best threat and removing its cooldown instantly as well as making it rage free is teh sex.

This is false. It's been shown that concussion blow, shockwave, heroic throw, thunderclap, and even rend outperform devastate in terms of TPS/DPS in all cases. Now, rend is actually more trouble than its worth because you would have to maintain nearly perfect uptime/refresh, but all the same, that leaves devastate pretty low on the priorities list. Initially it was thought that Sword and Board procs WOULD sway devastate a bit, but it's shown to still not sway it enough. Devastate is pretty crappy, and needs some love.

Devastate is pretty crappy really. However it does two things; applies sunder debuff and has a possible SnB proc. The SnB proc drops in value as shield slam's cooldown fades. This means SnB is only worth it with a high CD, minus the free rage cost which is a pretty minimal benefit. The sunder debuff means your melee is outputting more dps. This is why devastate is high priority for me until I hit that 5 sunder mark. Its tps/dps benefits are very low. Shield slam is still the highest. So my point wasn't to always use devastate really but to proc SnB right after a shield slam, when its cooldown is its highest. Do this with revenge first, if revenge isn't up then use Devastate. This also means your sunder debuff will restart its duration, usually keeping it up on the mob the entire fight.


Stats: 4700 ap, 13% crit, 8.25 expertise, 1200 block value
Options: imp Rend, imp Revenge, Mangle/Trauma, Glyph of Devastate, Impale, CoR/Faerie Fire, Sunder Armor 5/5, Mongoose
Weapon: speed 1.6, dps 171.6 (Last Laugh)

Shield Slam 3307
Revenge /w S&B proc possibility 3077
Heroic Throw 2988
Shockwave 2972
Concussion Blow 2850
Revenge 2632
Rend above 75% 2342
Devastate /w S&B proc possibility 2137
Thunder Clap 1871
Devastate 1822
Rend 1735

Same with active Shield Block:

Shield Slam 4700
Revenge /w S&B proc possibility 3495
Heroic Throw 2988
Shockwave 2972
Concussion Blow 2850
Revenge 2632
Devastate /w S&B proc possibility 2554
Rend above 75% 2342
Thunder Clap 1871
Devastate 1822
Rend 1735

Notice these values are with 5/5 sunder debuff.

You could just follow a shield slam with a revenge except when sunder is fading then use a devastate to restart the duration. I wasn't trying to say that devastate was this great threat move, because it's actually very low. It does have other benefits though, while not huge do make a difference for your group. This is also why I have the sunder glyph. It stacks the debuffs sooner so I can drop devastate off my list of priorities.

One thing I just found out is that Conc. blow doesn't currently trigger the GCD. This may or may not be a bug and may or may not have been recently fixed or changed. It was mentioned that other interrupts were changed to not trigger the GCD their damage was removed. If conc. blow really is this way currently and remains so then that means it takes a high priority on my rotations. Shield Slam > Conc. > Revenge > HS etc.

Tank rotations aren't what they used to be. Now it's a lot more situational.

Here's a recommend rotation from one of the posters at EJ:

At start of the boss fight:
1. Heroic Throw, Recklessness, Defensive Stance

2. TPS needed?
- Shield Block, Shield Slam, Revenge, Concussion Blow, Shockwave
- use Shield Slam if S&B procs

2. Sunder Armor needed?
- Shield Block, Shield Slam, Revenge, Devastate, Devastate
- no S&B use

2. Normal Boss fight?
- Shield Block, Shield Slam, Revenge, Devastate, Concussion Blow (Shockwave is to unreliable if the Boss is still moving)
- Use Shield Slam if S&B procs

3. Normal priority rotation:
Fast Weapon:
- Shield Slam
- Revenge
- Devastate
- 1. Heroic Throw, 2. Shockwave, 3. Concussion Blow, 4. Thunder Clap or Devastate (what expires first)

Slow Weapon:
- Shield Slam
- Revenge,
- 1. Rend above 75% (only if either HT, SW or CB is off CD) 2. Devastate
- 1. Rend above 75% 2. Heroic Throw, 3. Shockwave, 4. Concussion Blow, 5. Rend, 6. Thunder Clap or Devastate (what expires first)

You could easily change a few things here and there. If you're really hurting on tps I wouldn't worry about sunder as much as doing more threat. Again it varies and tanks need to understand what's going and what to use and when. There isn't always a clear cut rotation, even if my previous post sounded that way.
#11 Feb 12 2009 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
FletusSanguine wrote:
This game has situations where I'm still rage starved?

Trash aside, mind you.

It's a lot rarer then it used to be. I hardly ever find myself rage starved. However I do watch my rage meter and adjust accordingly. Sometimes even if I wanted to I couldn't become rage starved.

I think if they make the rage mechanics changes they're talking about with stances and everything it's going to make tanking a lot funner and more variety.
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