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Macro question (yes, I know...)Follow

#1 Feb 10 2009 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
799 posts
I've tried to find sites, I've looked at all those suggested, and still can't find the answers I'm looking for.
Most of the Hunter macro websites I've found deal with pre-made raid macros, or "shot rotation" macros, and I'm finding it nearly impossible to extract what I'd like from those macros to make my own.

Is there any way to have a "spammable" button that will cast misdirect on my pet/focus, then petattack, then Hunter's Mark, then launch into my auto-attack and maybe a Steady Shot?

Is there a site that literally lists all the WotLK macro commands, and how they can be put together?
I hate to admit it, but I'm not the brightest bulb in box when it comes to this sort of thing.

#2 Feb 10 2009 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
307 posts
Honestly? Come on now...

You want to just sit and spam one button in combat? How is that fun to you? Is it so hard to actually manually keybind those skills and fire them off seperately? Hell if you're really lazy, just take whatever your grinding sequence is...and bind them in order...1, 2, 3, 4, 5. You need more than that? After 5, cycle on to Shift+1, Shift+2, Shift+3, Shift+4, Shift+5... It's not hard.

This game isn't hard.

I can't understand how people want to make it any easier. Leveling's easy, instances are easy, heroics are easy, and raiding and pvp (with good team members) is easy aswell. If it was any easier, and dumbed down any more it wouldn't be a game, it'd be a god damn movie and you'd just watch your character do everything while sitting in your chair doing jack sh*t.

Getting thrown epics while whacking off, having WoW minimized in the backround.

Okay, sorry, I know that last line hits home to some of you out there, that's taking it too far. Since that seriously allready @#%^ing happens.

/rant off


Edit (because I was a tad harsh): To be helpful, I know most raiding Hunters used one button macros for raiding back in the day, and that was optimal. It's not anymore though. To my knowledge, you're better off actually playing the game and doing things manually and not going easymode 1button spam. I think they either nerfed the extent of what cast sequence macros could do, or it just became a bad way to go about things, because of Hunter class changed since WotLK.

Edited, Feb 10th 2009 9:43am by LordDrazhar
#3 Feb 10 2009 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
799 posts
It's not so much a question of making things "easy".. I think you are being a bit unfair.
I find that I am limited in space on my action bars and am trying to consolidate as many things into as few buttons as possible.

I have a single macro for my pet needs (the classic "click to call pet, shift click to revive pet, etc..."), single macros that switch between various aspects, etc...

I guess I should have been more specific with my needs.

I am dual-boxing two hunters, and am trying to avoid the "frantically searching for the mouse cursor on the second screen while in dire danger" routine.

Having a single "fight-basics" button would be nice.

And no, I'm not looking to spam a single button.
I DO use all my buttons... and therein lies the rub. I find myself running out of buttons.
Oh, and I am 100% attentive on my monitors when I play, so I have no interest what so ever in letting the game play itself while I am otherwise occupied.

There are just a few things that would be nice to cast from a single button.. like the routine "these are the first 4 things I always do when attacking a mob" spells.

As a dual-boxer, I need a few extra slots on my action bar for "assist" and "follow".

I hope that clears up any misunderstanding.

P.S. and you can rest assured that this Huntard won't be in any of your Raid PUGs... I don't (or very rarely) do any instances, raids, or PvP. So if my very casual manner of play is an affront to you, I'm really very sorry. I DO try to stay out of the way of those who take the game more seriously than I do. I dual-box, or I duo with my partner. That's it. I have no pretension of reaching end-game material, or of getting equipped in all epic gear. I play for very casual fun, and stay out of the way of those I might hinder. But I try to be respectful of those who DO take the game more seriously, or for whom the "greater" challenges are the prime motivator. I see no reason both ends of the spectrum cannot function within the same space.

Edited, Feb 10th 2009 11:23am by capcanuk
#4 Feb 10 2009 at 8:42 AM Rating: Excellent
I feel a little bad that you should feel so inclined to defend yourself in your last post. Who cares why you want to simplify some standard attack functions? Really, don't have to jump to the assumption that everyone who asks to create a simplification macro is some jerk trying to play the game in easy-mode and not trying to learn their class.

Capcanuk, there's a few things you can try...although I don't think you can put it all into one macro without exceeding the 256 character limit (you would have to use some scripts).

This may be enough to mush the other things into one macro:
#show Misdirection 
/cast [target=focus] Misdirection 
/cast Hunter's Mark 

The icon will share the cooldown feedback of Misdirection as well, so it will show the animated shaded clock cooldown for Misdirection.

Hope that helps.

Edited, Feb 10th 2009 11:46am by Ryneguy
#5 Feb 10 2009 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
I could see why this could be useful. As a hunter I currently have 64 keys to manage and I use about 90% of them.

This might be useful

/tar focus
/cast Misdirect
/assist focus

That will sick your pet and cast misdirect on whoever you have targeted. This will bring your arcane shot back to what it was (if you SV then put explosive shot in instead)

/castsequence Arcane Shot, Traquilizing Shot

you start with arcane shot then if your target has a buff next time you press it you will hit a traq shot to remove if not then blizz will tell you there is nothing to dispell. Next time you press it you will use arcane shot again.

If you raid alot this might be useful for malygos

/tar Power
/cast Hunter's Mark

You could even modify that to keeping the tank on focus. And using
/assist focus
/cast hunter's mark

This is the final useful macro I can provide. For fights like Keristrasza and King Ymiron this might help.


This will make it easier rather than manually calling your pet back on each screen and make it simple when bane is cast. Then you can incorporate macor #1 to sick em back.

I hope this helps. I once dual boxed mages, druids, and tried a priest lock combo.
#6 Feb 10 2009 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
You don't have the do the seperate targeting that pots has shown, the macro listed in my post will cast Misdirect on the focus (ie. pet) without having to target it.
#7 Feb 10 2009 at 8:53 AM Rating: Default
Ryne is right just in my research of macros I'm not able to write scripted macros or anything. So I take the basics and make it work to my advantage.

If someone provides with a useful macro like ryne go with it. But when your on ur own remember what I have taught you young padawan...
#8 Feb 11 2009 at 7:24 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Both Misdirect and hunters mark trigger the GCD, so you'll have to hit that twice. Also, you need to make them castrandoms, because otherwise the macro will fail due to not being able to MD twice in a row. I would say get rid of hunters mark, as you don't really need it. Then the macro will work beautifully.

Ryne is right just in my research of macros I'm not able to write scripted macros or anything.

You asked for a good source though. You do know that allkhazam has a wiki right? And a handy search?here you go

These are some example macros that will help you get more ideas.

We also have a guides section, although this was really replaced by the wiki. Note: This was written before the colour scheme change, so it looks horrible now.

Wait, here's another. Seriously? You couldn't find any?

Edited, Feb 11th 2009 9:34am by Xsarus
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#9 Feb 11 2009 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
799 posts
I'm getting the "that ability isn't ready yet" message for Ryne's macro.

It casts the Midirect, but definitely doesn't cast the hunter's mark.

My pet goes into attack mode, which is good.
I start attacking, which is good too.
Bu nothing else.
Pressing the button twice gives me the audio message "That ability isn't ready yet", and "I can't do that yet".

That's my problem with macros.. every time I've tried them, I get some form of error.

I also tried replacing the /cast with /castrandom, and still get the "not ready" message.

So, what am I doing wrong?
#10 Feb 11 2009 at 8:45 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
capcanuk wrote:
I'm getting the "that ability isn't ready yet" message for Ryne's macro.

It casts the Midirect, but definitely doesn't cast the hunter's mark.

My pet goes into attack mode, which is good.
I start attacking, which is good too.
Bu nothing else.
Pressing the button twice gives me the audio message "That ability isn't ready yet", and "I can't do that yet".

That's my problem with macros.. every time I've tried them, I get some form of error.

I also tried replacing the /cast with /castrandom, and still get the "not ready" message.

So, what am I doing wrong?
I'll try to do some testing for you tonight, but here are some things you need to consider

1) If an ability triggers the GCD it will cause problems with actions happening after. Essentially nothing that is on the GCD can be cast at this point, so a lot of macros will fail. --> this will give you an "ability is not ready" error for stuff after the first skill (I think)

2) if you have a /cast and it fails, the macro is finished. this is what castrandom fixes. However, it will still give you an error, as it tries to cast the spell but it can't

I would say your best bet here is to simply not use hunters mark, as it has almost no impact on solo fights.

Edited, Feb 11th 2009 10:46am by Xsarus
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#11 Feb 11 2009 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
799 posts
using /castsequence, I was able to get a macro that clears my action bar a tiny bit.

at least my second box (the one I have the most trouble with action bar room) is better now.
and I think I can, from the one macro I was able to figure out, make a few macros to simplify my "follow" toon's actions.

I've tried to fiddle around with conditionals, but those elude me completely.

is there, for example, any way to have a macro do X action if in combat, but Y action if not?
I'd just like to be able to get rid of my /follow button. or at least, incorporate it into another macro to free up one action bar slot.
#12 Feb 11 2009 at 9:51 AM Rating: Good
255 posts
One thing you might want to try is a dual-button macro. Like Xsar said, these 2 spells trigger the GCD so you can't cast any other spell until that clears. An example of this would be

#show Misdirection
/cast Hunter's Mark
/click MultiBarBottomLeftButton 12

and on the last spot of your bottom left action bar place a macro with

/cast [target=focus] Misdirection

this should cycle your original macro and will continually "click" the other action button attempting to cast MD. You will receive an error when it is not available - probably "spell not ready"

****I may have the ActionBar command wrong I am at work and can't look it up ATM- I'll edit it tonight for accuracy ****

EDIT: Actionbar to Multibar

Edited, Feb 12th 2009 11:39pm by browningguns
#13 Feb 11 2009 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
255 posts
capcanuk wrote:
is there, for example, any way to have a macro do X action if in combat, but Y action if not?
I'd just like to be able to get rid of my /follow button. or at least, incorporate it into another macro to free up one action bar slot.

What exactly is your "follow" macro?
#14 Feb 11 2009 at 10:16 AM Rating: Excellent
Ryneguy wrote:
/cast [target=focus] Misdirection

This may be a stupid question, and I apologize in advance if it is, but what is the difference between target and focus? There is quite a bit of info in the alla wiki article on threat explaining target but I can't find anything that adequately explains focus.

Thank you for your help.
#15 Feb 11 2009 at 10:28 AM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
katluvr wrote:
Ryneguy wrote:
/cast [target=focus] Misdirection

This may be a stupid question, and I apologize in advance if it is, but what is the difference between target and focus? There is quite a bit of info in the alla wiki article on threat explaining target but I can't find anything that adequately explains focus.

Thank you for your help.
in this macro you're setting the target. So if your pets name was fluffy you could go

/cast [target=fluffy] Misdirection and it would cast MD on your pet.

A target is who you have targeted.

You can use focus to target two people at once. All you have to do is select someone, right click their name and select "set focus" I'm not sure what it does in the normal blizzard UI, but if you have a frame addon it will give you a secondary target. This is really useful as target=focus will cast whatever you want on a focus target without ever changing your actual target.

Another common target in macros would be target=mouseover

Edited, Feb 11th 2009 12:31pm by Xsarus
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#16 Feb 11 2009 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
184 posts
Target = the MOB/Player/NPC you have targeted for attacks/buffs ect.

Focus is kind of a secondary target you can set up. This is done by right clicking on the character(as you would to inspect) and selecting "set focus".

This can be extremely useful, I will give you one example which also illustrates the usefulness of the MD macro above.

Hunter is killing boss and tank needs more threat. You have MT set as your focus. You click on macro it casts misdirection on the tank without you ever switching targets, you continue to DPS boss.

The macro I use actually will cast MD on my focus if I have one or on my pet if I have no focus set. I am sure it is in one of the links X posted.

I still keep MD on my toolbars while raiding though, occasionally have to MD to someone other than my focus.

#17 Feb 11 2009 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
830 posts
I'm not sure about the original mechanics of focus but it is used in a lot of different ways, some are mentioned.

With some creative thinking you can do a lot with the focus ability but switching mindset has been a challenge. If I'm in the mindset of "Focus is for MD" (as previously described) and I hit the button to be used in "Focus is secondary target" mode... it gets a little comical and has been known to cause extreme embarassment. I also use focus when pulling to pull the focus into a trap without ever taking my main target aim off of the main target. It works well but an oops here and OUCH.

So whatever you do with the focus ability, make sure you have a clear mental divider as to which to use when and keep those bound keys with good physical separation as well. (learned that lesson the hard way too!)
#18 Feb 12 2009 at 3:45 AM Rating: Good
I always forget about the GCD, I don't use a Macro like that so I didn't think of it. Essentially you can use a single cast that utilizes the GCD in the macro (so either Misdirection or Hunter's Mark). You could do a /castrandom and list both, or even a /castsequence as well, but I'm not sure if it will work the way you want.

For example, instead of the two cast lines, try this macro:
/castsequence reset=2 [target=focus] Misdirection, Hunter's Mark 
/petattack [nocombat] 
/startattack [nocombat] 

This should cycle through Misdirection on your focus, and Hunter's Mark on your regular target and reset the order after the two keypresses. The "attack" lines should only function if out of combat (ie. if you're in combat already, it's not going to do anything and only pay attention to the castsequence line).
#19 Feb 12 2009 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
184 posts
Another very useful use of focus now that tanks no longer mark much before pulls.

/assist focus

If you have the main tank as your focus, you hit this macro and you will pick up his current target.
#20 Feb 12 2009 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
343 posts
This is probably stupid, and I'm probably answering my own question, but anyway. I have never used a macro other than the /chicken (10x) To get the westfall chicken egg pet. In FFXI I used macros for everything.

From what I see with people's WoW macros on forums, is everything has to do with GCD.

Is there no /wait (x amount time) command for macros? I'm guessing not, as I haven't seen them in the forums, so there is the stupid question of the day.

In FFXI, didn't have GCD, but did have cast timers and recast to deal with. So macros (7 line maximum each, unless using bannable third party scripts) would look like,

/p Casting Protectra and Shellra in 5, get over here.
/wait 5
/cast Protectra <self>
/wait 3
/cast Shellra <self>

The /wait would hold off following lines. So people would have 5 second to get to the healer for protect and shell, then cast protectra, but wait 3 seconds after protect before casting shellra (gave prottect time to finish casting before attempting to cast another spell).
#21 Feb 12 2009 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
255 posts
I'll need to recheck when I get home, but I believe that Blizzard did away with this option since it was used for Botting......

EDIT: another link to making macros

Edited, Feb 12th 2009 5:19pm by browningguns
#22 Feb 13 2009 at 7:48 AM Rating: Good
Yeah, the option doesn't exist because you could theoretically write an endless and self-regurgitating macro using some clever scripting. FFXI allowed it because macros are technically limited to 6 individual commands (including the /wait command); WoW macros are limited in-game to 255 characters, but can be 'virtually' extended to be much longer simply by writing a script file and using the in-game macro to call the script, so the handicap that keeps macros a user-driven function is that you have to account for global cooldowns when using them.

However, a way to 'bypass' the GCD is to use a /castsequence macro; this will let you queue up multiple spells on a single button. Then after each spell is cast, simply wait for the GCD and then press the macro again to cast the next spell in the set.
#23 Feb 13 2009 at 8:17 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
There is a /in command for chat stuff. If you go

/in 30 /p hay guys

then in 20 seconds that will display in /p. It's useful for coordinating things.
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