LStranger wrote:
It seems you haven't understood me. My question was "Why my DPS with WoW 3.0.8 on Shattered Hand mobs is lower than it was with WoW 2.4.2 on Kalimdor's mobs?"
We understood your question perfectly. Our answer was "Your spec is terrible and inefficient."
In case you haven't noticed, monsters in Outland have significantly more health than they do in Azeroth. Your DPS hasn't changed, but it's subpar enough that the increased health is making the self-inflicted handicap you've imposed with your balance/feral spec start to rear its head.
LStranger wrote:
BTW, in finding answer I've respecced to full feral and found that cat form DPS increased somewhat 30% (hey, Friar RareBeast, you've promised me it will be twice! :) but caster DPS decreased almost to half and healing decreased noticeable too.
You talk like this is some bizarro world effect...
Fire Mages don't spam Frostbolts. Don't bother with caster DPS if you're in a feral spec, or vice versa. Talent points are meant to bolster your efficiency and shape your method of play into a particular mold.
Based on your armory my advice to you would be to switch to a full balance spec, because your gear is grossly misdirected for a feral design, and is sorely out of date to allow it to 'overcompensate' (Lv30~40 greens/blues!!).
Edited, Feb 12th 2009 1:49pm by Norellicus