Ok, let me start by saying I consider myself a pretty good WoW player. I think most of the game is relatively easy compaired to a number of other games/genre of games I've played. Before you ask why I play, I simply find it rewarding completing large scale events and when I'm not doing that or something that leads to that I enjoy PVP immensly as it is quite the antipothesis of EZ-Mode WoW.
I say this because now, for the second night in Naxx in a row, I've been having trouble on the meters...
What Kind of trouble? Second or third place in Naxx. Why is that a problem? 1st Place keeps popping up as this other Arcane Mage. As close as this sounds to QQing or some form of un-bragging, I cannot for the life of me figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm NOT trying to knock this kid down, I'm trying to bring myself up to his level.
I run Max raid rotation on fights that call for it, and ABx2 ABarr rotation on longer fights. I end 90% of my fights EXACTLY at OOM. I have optomized my Gear/Gems/Meta/Enchants to the best of my ability. I stick Damage through instant casts when forced to move. I use macros for burning cooldowns and I have a nice Keybind setup so that I'm never wasting time moving the mouse about. I roll with 20+ FPS in 25 Mans with graphics turned down at 120-400ms lag. As for keepign up casts - other than after an ABar, my castbar always has something in it. And yes, I always raid with Consumables.
So WHY, on Thaddius do I (Boneskul) only pull 6150DPS while he (Alshar) pulls 6520DPS. His gear doesn't even workout to be able to do that much - seriously look at it!! This is was a 5:30 fight, not some fluke, and I've got the upper hand on his gear in EVERY aspect of the Magery.
Please understand, this is NOT QQing. If hes pulling 6500dps then I should be pulling 7050 by shear numbers alone. I WANT to grow. I have been asking him questions constantly about his DPS firing rotation and it changes all the time - in fact he took my advice on the Full Burn and ABx2 Abar that I learned from Anobix. I've tried watching him on Dummies, tried reworking my rotation myself on dummies, tried switching out key pieces of Haste for more Crit or visa-versa in order to figure out what is going on!
The only answer I can come to is he is better than me at this game. Fine. But NOBODY I play with can identify where I need improvement other than straight gear. Does anyone have any ideas where I can improve... please?
Please =(