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ZOMG I'm Disc!Follow

#1 Feb 01 2009 at 7:33 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I never thought I'd see the day. But due to RL scheduling issues I've had to stop raiding for the time being, which makes me look like this: Smiley: frown. I've been drowning my sorrows in a little PVP, which mostly makes me look like this:Smiley: lol, but sometimes more like this:Smiley: bah.

I have next to no prior experience with PVP, so I'm just doing battlegrounds right now. Holy has been fabulous for this. PoM + CoH + SoL = WIN. But eventually I'd like to try some 2x2 arena with my husband's rogue. I'm not sane enough to entirely discount dabbling in this as Holy, but even a die-hard Holy fan like me can acknowledge that Disc is the more likely choice. So I decided to respec and practice and try to get the fundamentals of Disc down. My total time played as Disc before this was before 3.0 and only for 2 days.

This was me for the first 10 minutes:

"Lolwut? Where's my CoH?"
"What does this button do?"
"How come I can't cast Penance on myself?"
"What did I bind Holy Nova to, again?"
"Why do I still have mana?"

Cheers to the priest class for having so much variety that one little respec can make me this clueless.Smiley: nod
#2 Feb 01 2009 at 8:20 AM Rating: Excellent
Oh god, this is like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, slowly but surely Mozared is converting you all!

Must... Resist...

Though to be fair on the few occasions I specced Disc to try it out I couldn't work it out either, personally I think the trainers should supply a Discipline for Dummies manual, which isn't how to punish people before you start :)

I'd love to see some notes from you though on how you adapt, over time, as I think it would be useful to see how someone who has been holy up to this point alters his (her) playstyle.
#3 Feb 01 2009 at 8:42 AM Rating: Excellent
4,684 posts
Muhahahahahaha! My master plan has been put into action. Soon you will bow to the one true disc king!

I can imagine though, if you've been holy since WOTLK disc isn't something easy to jump in. The thing is that the shadow spec, the holy spec, and the 0/0/0 spec heal mostly the same way - disc is the odd man out.

But aye, keep us informed =)
#4 Feb 01 2009 at 9:30 AM Rating: Good
Woot! Disc will rule Azeroth! Sooner or later, you shall all be converted!

Seriously though, we need a Disc for Dummies manual on this very forum. If an experienced Disc player (PvE and PvP, or one of each) could sit down and write a guide for the talent tree and the actual application of the theoretical awesomeness, I'd be much obliged. To begin with, the Disc tree confounded me. It frightened me immensely, as I really couldn't make heads nor tails from it. This or that talent looked like awesomeness, but then, when or where do I apply it? Oh... Pain Suppression... That looks awesome! But...

Basically, it's all awesome but...

So, to reiterate: Experienced Disc Priests, please gather your collective wills and trudge through the work of writing a pure Disc sticky with PvP and PvE sections. I think I've wrestled the tree into submission, making it do what I want it to do, but it would be nice to have something to go back to for reference and gaining a deeper understanding of the tree.

I never specc Holy. Just Shadow or Disc. Give us Disc lovers some love...
#5 Feb 01 2009 at 9:57 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
the shadow spec, the holy spec, and the 0/0/0 spec heal mostly the same way - disc is the odd man out.

Yep. And though I recognize it's a great spec, we'll see if the playstyle is for me. I'm not looking to be all arena uberl33t or anything, so if I don't end up enjoying Disc, I'll just go Holy and work with what works for me. But I can't really make an informed decision until I've given Disc a fair shake.
#6 Feb 01 2009 at 12:20 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
Pain Suppression... That looks awesome! But...

Yeahthis. Pain Suppression and Power Infusion both. I get what they do, but not how to use them to best advantage. Or even the basics of when to use them. Especially in PVP where it's not quite as easy to anticipate when you want to throw in all your cooldowns and stuff.

Penance is a very nice spell.

I REALLY miss CoH on the battleground. Not even for its own sake so much as for Surge of Light and a free Flash Heal. I liked being able to Flash and keep moving at the same time. One thing this Disc build seems to really lack is instant casts, which I really depended on SoL for. But since my ultimate goal is 2x2, meaning a CoH with less chances to crit, I'm reminding myself that I should learn to play without it anyway.

#7 Feb 01 2009 at 4:35 PM Rating: Excellent
988 posts
Pain Suppression:

Use it as an extra "shield" when PW:S is on CD or your target has the Weakened Soul debuff, Penance is on CD, and Flash Heal won't cut it. Also when you're forced to stay out of LOS. It's essentially a tool to buy yourself some time. Obviously also works great in a place like Ahn'Kahet to heal through an enrage. Only thing to watch out for when casting it on a tank is that there is a solid threat lead so the 5% reduction won't make the mob eat the dps.

It also makes it less likely that your shield will be dispelled, making it easier to survive a Bestial Wrath for example. Key here is to cast it BEFORE the shield is gone.

Power Infusion:

It's obviously your friend whenever you need to heal trough large amounts of damage, be it on a single target or healing the group.

The haste bonus is amazing. 20% from PI, another 25% from Borrowed Time, and possibly another 5 from Enlightenment make Penance for example a 1 second nuke.

You probably won't be stressed for mana, but somebody else in your group might be. They'll be thankful for saving 20% mana on their spells.

Very nice to use offensively too, especially in arena to focus-fire somebody down. Massive boost for caster dps.

Used early in a fight BOTH will be available again thanks to the rather short 2/3 minute CD.

Most important instant cast in PvP is PoM. Use it on yourself when you can be sure that you're being targeted and about to take damage. That way everybody else is still getting healed while you're trying to survive and busy with yourself. If you have it on yourself and you don't take damage, use SW:D to send it flying again while waiting for it's CD to expire.

Holy is about mana management. With disc you're managing cooldowns.

Edited, Feb 2nd 2009 1:42am by Kanngarnix

Bah, I keep thinking of things...

Inner Focus changes dramatically for a Disc Priest. Used right before Penance, it increases crit chance for as long as you're channeling, so it's again a tool that drastically increases your healing if needed rather than just something you'd use to save mana.

Edited, Feb 2nd 2009 2:02am by Kanngarnix
#8 Feb 01 2009 at 6:08 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Kanngarnix wrote:

Inner Focus changes dramatically for a Disc Priest. Used right before Penance, it increases crit chance for as long as you're channeling, so it's again a tool that drastically increases your healing if needed rather than just something you'd use to save mana.

I hadn't even thought of this at all. I'm so 5SR focused, it's going to be a hard habit to break.

Thank you so much for all this great information, it helps a lot.

I did a few AV's tonight to get enough honor for my Horde Medallion, and although I still really really (really) miss CoH and SoL (a lot) it's definitely a big boost to mana and survivability.

I'll probably stick with the Disc spec for a while longer but may switch to something more PVE oriented while I'm just doing BG's so I can also try healing heroics. Some practice at single target healing would be good.
#9 Feb 01 2009 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
If I need to hit PoH, I tap Inner Focus first to crit on multiple group members and proc multiple Divine Aegis bubbles for the group.
#10 Feb 01 2009 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
343 posts
I'm still Holy. Still loving it. And just hit 80 on Sat.
Gratz on the switch Teacake! I was healing heroics side by side with a disc healer and WOW! They still look so much fun. I know I'm not going to switch over anytime soon, but I had a question.

When I heal, or maybe holy priests as I ran Nexus with my pally today along side a holy priest, I rarely see my tanks health ( or my pally today) drop below 70%. Yet when I stood back and watched this Disc heal, I was first off, just /jaw on the floor at how he never ran out of mana and second, amazed at how the tanks health held around 50% to 60% the whole fight. Is this normal? Just made me itchy....

#11 Feb 02 2009 at 5:50 AM Rating: Excellent
407 posts
Can't reply, still in shock....
#12 Feb 02 2009 at 7:12 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
I hadn't even thought of this at all. I'm so 5SR focused, it's going to be a hard habit to break.

This isn't neccisarily a bad thing. Spirit is too fight-dependant for a disc priest to actually gear for, but it's no horrible stat. I regenned about 30-40% of my total mana by simply doing nothing while waiting for Malygos to go from phase 1 to phase 2 yesterday. Sticking outside that 5SR is still beneficial - it should just have a lower priority on your 'what to do now' list.

When I heal, or maybe holy priests as I ran Nexus with my pally today along side a holy priest, I rarely see my tanks health ( or my pally today) drop below 70%. Yet when I stood back and watched this Disc heal, I was first off, just /jaw on the floor at how he never ran out of mana and second, amazed at how the tanks health held around 50% to 60% the whole fight. Is this normal? Just made me itchy....

I wouldn't say it's normal, but it's definitely mana-efficient. I myself generally wait 'till the tank takes about 10K damage at which point I throw a Penance, (possible Renew), PW:S and start regenning again - effectively, a tank I'm healing spends 2/5th of his time on 100% hp, 2/5th between ~65% and 90%, and 1/5th around 60%.

Not running out of mana as a disc priest is trivial. I've mostly been forced to do AOE healing with the spec (WTB non-paladin healers), but the 3 or 4 times I actually got to heal a tank for an entire fight I barely dropped below 90% mana.

Edited, Feb 2nd 2009 4:18pm by Mozared
#13 Feb 02 2009 at 7:41 AM Rating: Excellent
1,574 posts
I’ve been PVP Discipline since Season 1, so I do have some perspective that might help you folks. I’ll see what I can do about writing a FAQ, but for now I’ll just share the first things that come to mind.

PVP healing is an exercise in predicting who is going to get hammered next. Watching health bars isn’t much use here. I like to tab-target to an opponent, then hit F to target their target. This person is about to be damaged. Give them a Shield. If they’re hurt already, hit them with Penance, then with a Flash Heal if they’re still low. If they’re not hurt, give them Renew and/or PoM. Then tab-target and focus to get a new healing target.

Pain Suppression is worth saving until you’re facing a Shaman, Priest or spellsteal-crazy Mage. Throw up your Shield, then Pain Suppression to protect it and also lower incoming damage. Follow up with Renew or PoM, then as usual Penance and Flash Heal.

I’m a very aggressive player, always looking for offensive windows between heals. I have Power Infusion macro’d to Mana Burn for when I’m facing off against enemy casters and healers. I win that war most of the time.

Borrowed Time is amazing. It gives you all that spell haste until you cast something that isn’t an instant or channeled, so you can whip out instants with 1.2 second cooldowns, followed by Penance, followed by Flash Heal or Binding Heal or Mana Burn or Holy Fire. In my experience I can get off two hasted instants and a hasted Penance and still reliably get off a hasted spell. It’s possible but risky to squeeze in a third hasted instant—more spell haste makes it more reliable, high latency makes it riskier.

You can’t Penance yourself. But you can write a macro that casts Desperate Prayer/Flash Heal when you have yourself or an enemy targeted and Penance if you have a friend targeted. Write it as a cast sequence macro that resets to the first term (Desperate Prayer) when its cooldown has elapsed.

Always be dispelling, both defensively and offensively.

I am a big advocate of Silent Resolve. Considering how many of the tools in your ******* are dispellable buffs and DoTs, 30% dispel resistance seems like a no-brainer to me.

Keep Psychic Scream on cooldown. Seriously, use it every chance you get, and learn to look for knots of enemies to rush and scatter. You can CC five people at a time with this golden spell.

Finally, look for reliable players and bond with them. Flatter them shamelessly and when they make the slightest gesture at protecting you, praise them like they just cured cancer. You’re trying to cultivate a wall of linebackers who unleash their DPS on incoming threats while you keep them standing. You will never be as effective as a solo healer as you would be as part of a team.

#14 Feb 02 2009 at 7:45 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Great stuff, Emmit, thanks!
#15 Feb 02 2009 at 7:48 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
A tiny but seemingly obvious addition to Emmit's post:

Use targettarget macros.
#16 Feb 02 2009 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
I actually prefer to jump targets one step at a time in PVP because it offers more control at the cost of very little speed. I know others are satisfied with them, but I think I’m better able to deal with issues such as enemy healers having their teammates targeted.

But that’s me. Certainly those macros are worth trying.
#17 Feb 02 2009 at 8:33 AM Rating: Good
717 posts
Simskin wrote:

When I heal, or maybe holy priests as I ran Nexus with my pally today along side a holy priest, I rarely see my tanks health ( or my pally today) drop below 70%. Yet when I stood back and watched this Disc heal, I was first off, just /jaw on the floor at how he never ran out of mana and second, amazed at how the tanks health held around 50% to 60% the whole fight. Is this normal? Just made me itchy....

A tank once asked me if I enjoyed being discipline. My response is that I love it, but it can make tanks a little anxious. It is not uncommon during a fight that I let a tank go down 15k and be able to top him off in around 5 seconds. Shield (glyphed)1k , Penance 7.5k, then Gheal 6k. These are conservative numbers and don't take into account crits and the pre-emptive nature of Shield. A quick estimate (I'm assuming at least one crit and DA stacking with shield- I am not sure if or how the two stack at the moment) makes this around 22k effective healing applied in five seconds with 3 buttons pressed.
#18 Feb 02 2009 at 10:35 AM Rating: Excellent
736 posts

You can’t Penance yourself. But you can write a macro that casts Desperate Prayer/Flash Heal when you have yourself or an enemy targeted and Penance if you have a friend targeted. Write it as a cast sequence macro that resets to the first term (Desperate Prayer) when its cooldown has elapsed.

If it's not too much trouble, could you please to write that macro out? I know /castsequence, but not how to make it reset to the first term.

#19 Feb 02 2009 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
513 posts
I've played shadow and holy, now am considering disc. How is disc for questing in Northrend? I'm still doing the rep grind and regular quests even tho I'm 80. I love being shadow, but on my realm, I cannot get instance runs at all (ppl want healers not shadow dps). So I don't have any 80 instance gear right now. Just what I've been able to get from the AH.

#20 Feb 02 2009 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
Disc is just fine for questing in Northrend, like it is just fine for questing anywhere in the game. You'll notice a lower dps and lower killspeed, but you'll be doing the quests close to as fast as you'd do as Shadow. It just takes a different approach to things. Very different playstyle.
#21 Feb 02 2009 at 11:58 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Here are my findings. This is battleground only, still haven't set foot in arena:

Pros of Disc over Holy:
1. Much more mana efficient.
2. Higher survivability with Pain Suppression.
3. Kick-*** burst healing capability with Shield-Penance-Flash Heal

Pros of Holy over Disc:
1. More instant casts = higher mobility.
2. Much easier to heal multiple targets at once.
3. Pain Suppression is hard to spell.

IMO, a Holy "PVP" build would also look closer to a Holy PVE build than the 2 Disc builds would, so for casuals it might be a better choice for both 5 mans and battlegrounds without having to respec, at least until dual spec shows up.
#22 Feb 02 2009 at 12:38 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Xenexia wrote:
I've played shadow and holy, now am considering disc. How is disc for questing in Northrend?

Remember that your (reflective) PW:S is an offensive as well as defensive spell. While a normal shield may be considered inefficient by other priests, shielding and re-shielding with multiple mobs acts as an extra DOT (around 2k damage for me) when grinding as discipline, and can be more efficient* than self-healing. I normally don't even pre-shield, it comes after the mob hits me to make use of the PW:S glyph.

*No numbers to back that up, I just notice that on most single mobs I am able to finish with wanding instead of that last smite and require no or very little healing.
#23 Feb 05 2009 at 10:00 PM Rating: Decent
I was leveling as holy spec and did Heroic and raid in holy spec during TBC. I am interested on the Disc tree but unable to spec to that due to guild required me to spec holy. Now at level 80 I am spec disc as a healer and I found it fun and the healing style is very different from holy spec. From what I have understand, holy talent boost up the heal output for the spell where big number to top up the party or the Tank, hence holy style will always topping up the tank and the group. Holy healing is to heal up the damage taken. Holy healing also focus on spirit to get mana regeneration from high MP5.

As for Disc spec, I only started to heal as disc for the pass few months and disc spec is concentrated more on the avoidance and absorption of damage taken by the tank and party. PW : Shield, Divine Aegis, Pain suppresion, Grace, Borrowed time. All this talent is to increase the damage absorption for the tank or the group hence most of the time the tank will either be full health or drop 10k of health after the shield expired, but we can still top them up easily with PoM, Penance and we can also apply renew before the shield wear off. Disc priest regen froom casting flash heal, greater heal, penance and the damage absorption by our shield no matter it is on tank or on any other party member. With the talent mentioned above that boost up the damage absorption mean more mana regen for disc priest. Disc priest would prefer Int more then spirit because more int mean bigger mana pool where the calculation of mana regen is based on. As for the healing style, Disc spec is better for Tank healing as they are more powerful for single target heal. With the shield on most of the time, I can still apply renew ,PoM, BH, FH to party member for 5man heroic. The only times I ever use PoH is "oh ****" times where too much of aoe damage to party (exmaple: trying to get achivement by not killing adds when face Zuramat the Obliterator in Heroic Violet Hold) then i will power infused myself and spam PoH to bring up the party health.

I am still loving disc spec as healing as of now because there are less disc spec healer from my server. ( I may be wrong ) Been holy from lvl 1-70, shadow 70-80, so is time for disc spec yeah! :) something away from topic but just wanted to share.

Conversation with a Pug leader who is looking for 3 healers for 1oman Naxx.

Pug leader : [General Channel-Dalaran]LF 3 healers for 10man Naxx
me : Disc spec healer here
Pug leader : er... are you a healer ? can you heal ?
me : ya i am healer, disc spec is good especially on Tank or OffTank.
(silence for a few minute)
me : So do you still need me ?
Pug leader : We don't need your to heal tank, we need you to heal group only. sorry can't
take you.
me : ok np.
Pug Leader : [General Channel-Dalaran] LF 3 healers for 10man Naxx.

I was like wtf but then ROFL and share the story around. So i need to spread the the news that disc priest is actually healers lol.

(all the above mentioned is just my finding from playing and reading, so I maybe right or wrong of miss out some point, so just take it as some noob trying to write in a forum) :)
#24 Feb 06 2009 at 11:47 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Bumping my own thread because I'm a narcissist! No. I have a comment and a question.

Comment: I'm respeccing constantly now. All priest trees are such win. Yay us! Smiley: clown

Question: Does anyone know how honor is computed for healers? One big reason I'm Holy (today) is because I get way more honor that way. I assume that's because I'm doing so much more healing in terms of numbers, versus Disc healing which isn't really healing so much as shielding and mitigating. If that's the case, something to think about if you want to grind honor for starter gear.
#25 Feb 06 2009 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
988 posts
Question: Does anyone know how honor is computed for healers? One big reason I'm Holy (today) is because I get way more honor that way. I assume that's because I'm doing so much more healing in terms of numbers, versus Disc healing which isn't really healing so much as shielding and mitigating. If that's the case, something to think about if you want to grind honor for starter gear.

Honor points are given regardless of the amount of damage or healing you're doing. You're getting honor points when your team is completing objectives, like flag captures, killing an NPC, and those things. You're also getting points for actually winning the match. On top of that there is honor kills, which require you to be in the proximity of somebody killing an enemy player.

If you have a difference in honor gains based on your spec, it's probably because you're closer to the action or you manage to stay alive longer. Or of course you're so used to holy healing that you can keep your people alive longer than you would with "this odd and strange Disc tree", resulting in more kills before your little group dies.

Edited, Feb 6th 2009 9:25pm by Kanngarnix
#26 Feb 06 2009 at 12:36 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Kanngarnix wrote:
Or of course you're so used to holy healing that you can keep your people alive longer than you would with "this odd and strange Disc tree", resulting in more kills before your little group dies.

This makes sense. With Disc I'm essentially healing one person at a time in rapid succession, versus Holy where I'm tossing heals around a bit more and of course have an AOE heal. I'm probably not yet as fast with Disc as I could be.

Thanks for the clarification. :)
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