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#1 Jan 30 2009 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
I've recently just cleared instances in Hellfire Citadel, Zangar solo, and was going to move on to other BC content to see if it's doable. I then heard of people soloing Onyxia. Since I never had the opportunity to do most of the original content (I never really grouped for anything but quests), I thought I'd try it and I was successfull this past weekend. It got me to wondering what else i could solo. I'm assuming I (lvl 80 holy paladin) would be able to do all instances, except ones that require several people to summon a boss,like in Uldaman. I was looking up raids and stuff and I was wondering what could be/has been done. Blackwing lair? MC? Zul'Gurub? or even those 'Dragons of Nightmare" etc. I'm thinking of going to Caverns of time and trying a few in there.
If some of the raids might not be soloable, would it be possible for a lvl 80 tank/healer crew?
#2 Jan 30 2009 at 4:07 PM Rating: Good
I think they changed the Ulda boss to not require more than one person now?
#3 Jan 30 2009 at 4:39 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I can confirm that instances such as Ulduman have indeed been changed, and it was for this reason.

As for other content: I heard of people solo killing bosses in ZG even before level 80. The panther boss I know was one of them. Generally these were Prot Palys though, or Warriors/Druids, so I'm not sure how a Holy would do. And there was a boss in MC I heard being soloed, but I don't remember which boss it was. I'm thinking it was Garr, but don't quote me on that.

My advice would be to just go and try some of it :) I've been thinking of doing it myself, but everytime I'm free to try, no one is on to join a raid group with me >.< lol

Edited, Jan 30th 2009 4:40pm by Maulgak
#4 Jan 30 2009 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
Garr, yes..

When it comes to soloing old content you really want to get a response from Ialaman.. since that's his thing. Even then, tank specs have soloed the majority of bosses in ZG. I can solo Kara up to Curator. People have even been able to solo one of the World-Boss dragons.

A level 80 tank/healer pair should easily be able to handle the vast majority of old world stuff and a good chunk of TBC stuff. Doomwalker is duoable with pretty much any tank/healer pair.
#5 Jan 31 2009 at 6:16 AM Rating: Decent
I ventured to Caverns of Time for my first visit there. Wow, what a neat area! I was really impressed with the open layout. I did my first 'introduction' quest, and then stomped around Old Hillsbrad with Thrall and took out Epoch Hunter. I also ventured into Blackrock depths, but quickly found myself lost...what a big place. I killed a few uniques and bosses inside and had to take res sickness as I tried to pull about 25 guys and take them at once =). The damn mages kept doing some kind of spell stun and I didn't feel like running all the way back from Thorium Point.
#6 Feb 01 2009 at 10:56 PM Rating: Good
713 posts

I would suggest a map or guide for BRD. Its such a large instance with countless bosses and hallways that its nigh on impossible to find your way to Thaurissian the first time. I believe you need a key to unlock part of the way too, not to mention the bit with the respawning adds and torches just before Thaurissian (Reminds me of Moria in the Lord of the Rings), so its probably worth reading up before going back in again.

I'm probably going to give Attumen a go as Ret tonight and see what result I get with that. I dueod him with a druid without any trouble back when I was in 78 blues so that might be a nice little challenge. Zul Gurub is also on the cards and there seem to be a few people that go there to farm level 60 gear.

I'm not sure what kind of strategy you would need for the first encounter in in Blackwing Lair but it would take something amazing to be able to solo it.

I tried that World boss in Duskwood (Eseris? A level 60 Dragon Raid boss) but may have to respecc Prot on my next attempt. Kept getting locked out of my heal spells =(

Lots of them require strategies though and cannot be simply burnt down like Onyxia. She is a nice little raid boss to solo though with about 50g, some boe blues, jewel bag and those class specific items that shard or vendor nicely.

Do some research and good luck!
#7 Feb 02 2009 at 6:22 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
I solo'd Seth the other day.

Some guy was offering 50G for a run. So I went in with him and his 2 friends. I'm /passing on everything, but a blue dropped off of a trash mob and I guess one guy /needed it. It was a stupid need too - like a Paly needing on a wand... Big fight, lot's of in-fighting... I'm not getting paid to stand there and wait... I want a fast run...

Group disolved. I ended up staying. Heck, I was already there and my Hearth was on CD....

I wish you didn't NEED to be in a raid to go into some places. I'd like to try my hand at solo'ing some 60 raids.
#8 Feb 02 2009 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
Borsuk wrote:
I solo'd Seth the other day.

Some guy was offering 50G for a run. So I went in with him and his 2 friends. I'm /passing on everything, but a blue dropped off of a trash mob and I guess one guy /needed it. It was a stupid need too - like a Paly needing on a wand... Big fight, lot's of in-fighting... I'm not getting paid to stand there and wait... I want a fast run...

Group disolved. I ended up staying. Heck, I was already there and my Hearth was on CD....

I wish you didn't NEED to be in a raid to go into some places. I'd like to try my hand at solo'ing some 60 raids.

Invite a friend, convert the group to a raid, and solo to your heart's content.
#9 Feb 02 2009 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
I completed mana-tombs and Aucheni crypts last night, I'm partially doing this for nerd achievement points because I never grouped in TBC and had only run shadow labs my entire TBC career. Off to Netherstorm next to try those on. Anyone know if those Nightmare Dragons are kitable? Might be amusing to bring it to Darkshire and try to down it with the guards/fm. I'm worried about enrage timers for other raids...I don't think holy can push out that much dps to beat some of them.
#10 Feb 02 2009 at 2:57 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
Borsuk wrote:

I wish you didn't NEED to be in a raid to go into some places. I'd like to try my hand at solo'ing some 60 raids.

Best way to do it is to invite a friend's alt and get them to alt F4 then jump back on their main. Raid still works if the other is dc'd. Otherwise find someone that is fishing.

I dont think the guards in Darkshire would be much help. They can barely bring down that level 40ish elite abomination.

Edited, Feb 2nd 2009 10:59pm by arthoriuss
#11 Feb 02 2009 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
which would be the better class to solo all the old-world dungeons/raids for the purposes of disenchanting loot?
Feral druid or prot pally?
#12 Feb 03 2009 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
Best way to do it is to invite a friend's alt and get them to alt F4 then jump back on their main. Raid still works if the other is dc'd. Otherwise find someone that is fishing.

Can you explain this. I'm not sure what ALT+F4 Does? I know ALT+TAB....

which would be the better class to solo all the old-world dungeons/raids for the purposes of disenchanting loot?
Feral druid or prot pally?

Paly.... I have solo'd most of the interesting things in Vanilla WoW. When I learn this F4 thing, I'll solo some of the old raids.
#13 Feb 03 2009 at 6:47 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Generally when logging out you leave a group automatically, right? This instead simply exits the game (not logging you, there's a difference) and leaves you in the group/raid, just like if you had been disconnected.

And I hope that came out right: it's early, I tired >.<

EDIT: typo.

Edited, Feb 3rd 2009 6:48am by Maulgak
#14 Feb 03 2009 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
If you're in a raid group, logging out does not remove you from the group.
#15 Feb 03 2009 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
I was just reading that they put 'leashes' on all the world bosses so they can't be kited. Also I guess you can get banned for kiting. Anyone know more about this at all?
I guess I should stop bringing Fel Reavers to the opposing town.....oops.
#16 Feb 03 2009 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts

I was just reading that they put 'leashes' on all the world bosses so they can't be kited. Also I guess you can get banned for kiting. Anyone know more about this at all?
I guess I should stop bringing Fel Reavers to the opposing town.....oops.

wait - that's now illegal? That was one of the reasons I build a tank!


Edited, Feb 3rd 2009 2:28pm by Borsuk
#17 Feb 03 2009 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
Well putting a little research into it and i guess if the game mechanics allow it then you can do it. Any extreme disruptions (like the Kazzak in SW video - hilarious!) will be changed if it comes up. I still wouldn't be surprised with a temp ban if they did receive an extreme number of tickets though. From wow-Europe forum

#18 Feb 03 2009 at 6:09 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
Borsuk wrote:
Best way to do it is to invite a friend's alt and get them to alt F4 then jump back on their main. Raid still works if the other is dc'd. Otherwise find someone that is fishing.

Can you explain this. I'm not sure what ALT+F4 Does? I know ALT+TAB....

which would be the better class to solo all the old-world dungeons/raids for the purposes of disenchanting loot?
Feral druid or prot pally?

Paly.... I have solo'd most of the interesting things in Vanilla WoW. When I learn this F4 thing, I'll solo some of the old raids.

You don't know what Alt + F4 does? Its a shortcut that will close almost anything in windows. I was saying for your friend to use this as a means of leaving to get back onto his main without leaving the party. In 5mans if you just log out you will automatically leave party so I used this as an example of how to get out of the game without leaving the party. It saves you time if you don't want to risk getting ghetto hearthed out of an instance for leaving party because you want to turn on/off an addon during an instance run. Seems you dont need to this though in a raid.

I would just try it with both classes out and see for yourself. Its no good saying druid is better or Pally is better if you cant play one as good as the other. It also depends on the boss too. For example its almost impossible for a paladin to solo the 2nd phase of the bat boss in Zul Gurub. You need an interrupt to stop her heal otherwise she just heals back up to full health.

In saying that the shards you get from level 60 loots aren't really worth much on the AH. I think for 4 level 60 epic shards I will get 6g so your probably better off just vendoring what you can thats bop. The boe blues that I pick up range from 15g-70g. The bag of gems/jewels have about 40g of simple gems in them (probably varies server to server). Most of the tomes are only worth a couple of gold.

Edited, Feb 4th 2009 2:11am by arthoriuss
#19 Feb 04 2009 at 2:32 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Was bored the other night and solo'ed heroic shattered halls just to see if i could. Only took about 30min, same amount of time it took for a decent lvl 70 grp, lol. Nothing really difficult only had to bubble once.

Also hit heroic magisters terrace, again bored... This was a lot harder as there are healers in nearly every pack and me with only an interupt on a 30sec cd. Used bubble every 5pack unless i got lucky and crit healer a couple times. 1st boss is cake, as is clearing all the little mobs on way to 2nd boss.

2nd boss is quite challenging, took over 20min to kill. Simple strat, just kite it back to where 1st boss starts and once he overloads(every 15%), bubble+kill sparks, jump off platform, heal and then kite using a figure 8 and jumping off the platform and healing when you land until bubble cd is up(4min). Cleansing the dot he uses is very important as it does far more dam than any other ability. Other than that rinse and repeat. At 20% he stops melee and just starts a big aoe, at this point just burn him down, use loh if u need or bubble if you kited long enough for it to be back up.

3rd boss may be more difficult depending on which adds you get, as i got 2 melee a demon and a non healer caster. Basically aoe and stay alive until the boss is oom then the melee and the boss will die fairly quickly, then take the range out. Can fear any demon adds if you clear the whole room, but definitely not necessary.

Unfortunately the 4th boss seems impossible to solo. There was no way for me to avoid/interupt more than 1 pyroblast and no way for me to burn him down to 50% as prot quickly enough to ensure only 1 pyroblast. Pyroblast does about 40k and isn't effected by resist gear and as far as i could tell wasn't able to be los'ed.

Edited, Feb 4th 2009 4:34am by mahlerite
#20 Feb 04 2009 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Took out Onyxia today for a 70 war.The plan was for me to fight onyxia and him the adds, but he died early on. Took about 2 hours- 1 hr each attempt. She knocked me into the eggs the first time and as I tried to escape I was mauled my dozens of adds, she was down to about 25% that try. 2nd attempt had no problems. Got rewarded nicely,and grabbed the head and bag as trophies, let the 70 war take w/e else dropped. It was a good challenge.
#21 Feb 07 2009 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
713 posts

Tried ZulGurub the other day and really struggled against the Batwoman. I'll give her another try once the new patch changes go through (Change to exorcism coupled with the Exorcism Glyph to interrupt her heals should help out quite a bit). Got the snake boss to 4% before wiping but unfortunately I didnt have time for a second attempt. Will try Attumen in the next few days as ret and see how that goes...
#22 Feb 07 2009 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
As far as Outland Dungeons, for the Protection Paladin, I would have to recommend against trying Shadow Labs.

Up to, and including the first boss is okay, but as soon as you get into the second boss's room, you are going to run into trouble.

The pulls that have 2 or more rogues are going to kill you, because every time you need to heal, they kick you every stinking time, and if you get kicked, it locks out _everything_ on your action bars, since everything a Paladin does is Holy-based. Really freaking annoying, to be honest.

If you could somehow get through that room, you'd have to fight the boss. Not sure how he acts when there's only one person there (does he MC just you and let you run around for a few seconds?), and after you downed that boss, I think the only real trouble left would be the last room with those guys who summon adds constantly, those would have to die first I'd think.

But it is mainly that room with those freaking annoying rogues and their damned kicks. Probably want to bring a healer friend or something for that one.

I've solo'd Sethekk easily enough, and Auchenai Crypts... the last boss was a bit of a challenge, but do-able if you kill your shadow asap and then heal up immediately after and just wear him down.

As far as Curator... Losie, could I ask you something?

Just how the h-e-double hockeysticks did you manage to solo Moroes?

Every time I try it, he plows me down lol. Well, I can get about 2 of his adds down from AoEs, but I end up needing healed, and just one bubble+heal isn't enough. Dropping defenses to heal a second time, I end up losing about as much HP as I just healed, which ends up locking me into an infinite heal cycle, and I end up eventually dying. His stupid gouges prevent me from simply bringing my boomkin GF; he gouges me and all the adds proceed to murder her in 3 seconds. Is it because you have Naxx+ gear, or something? lol. I haven't tried him Lately, admittedly, but still.
#23 Feb 07 2009 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
I'm not sure what trinkets Losie is using but I remember back at 70 soloing stratholme that there was a level 70 trinket that was invaluable when fighting groups of mobs. I'd assume this trinket would still come in handy in a Moroes fight, with all the other mobs hitting on you, even though he does stun you from time to time.

#24 Feb 07 2009 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Just how the h-e-double hockeysticks did you manage to solo Moroes?

Every time I try it, he plows me down lol. Well, I can get about 2 of his adds down from AoEs, but I end up needing healed, and just one bubble+heal isn't enough. Dropping defenses to heal a second time, I end up losing about as much HP as I just healed, which ends up locking me into an infinite heal cycle, and I end up eventually dying.

Well, I'm not Losie, but Moroes was pretty easy for me, I just pulled by fearing one of the casters and burning the other caster down as quickly as possible, using stun and holy wrath as interrupts. Then aoe'd the rest of the adds using Seal of wisdom and judging light. As soon as the last add dropped i bubbled HLx3 and then just went to town on Moroes. He conveniently vanishes for 5-7sec every 40sec or so which is when you can pop a HL+FoL if needed. Didn't have to even consider using LoH, but my gear is pretty decent. Used the gear that's currently on armory so no healing trinkets or anything.

Maiden was cake as well, although not being able to heal except while bubbled is a bit annoying. Then i got Oz for Opera which is pretty impossible between the fears and spell dam from Dorothy, and the stuns/silences from the rest of the gang, i died in about 30sec without putting a significant dent in her 102k hp.
#25 Feb 08 2009 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
mahlerite wrote:
Just how the h-e-double hockeysticks did you manage to solo Moroes?

Every time I try it, he plows me down lol. Well, I can get about 2 of his adds down from AoEs, but I end up needing healed, and just one bubble+heal isn't enough. Dropping defenses to heal a second time, I end up losing about as much HP as I just healed, which ends up locking me into an infinite heal cycle, and I end up eventually dying.

Well, I'm not Losie, but Moroes was pretty easy for me, I just pulled by fearing one of the casters and burning the other caster down as quickly as possible, using stun and holy wrath as interrupts. Then aoe'd the rest of the adds using Seal of wisdom and judging light. As soon as the last add dropped i bubbled HLx3 and then just went to town on Moroes. He conveniently vanishes for 5-7sec every 40sec or so which is when you can pop a HL+FoL if needed. Didn't have to even consider using LoH, but my gear is pretty decent. Used the gear that's currently on armory so no healing trinkets or anything.

Maiden was cake as well, although not being able to heal except while bubbled is a bit annoying. Then i got Oz for Opera which is pretty impossible between the fears and spell dam from Dorothy, and the stuns/silences from the rest of the gang, i died in about 30sec without putting a significant dent in her 102k hp.


I'll have to remember this, once I get a couple better pieces of gear. Didn't think of fearing one of the adds first, as fear is something that is very rarely used normally.

The changes in 3.1 to Exorcism always critting undead will help a bit too. *grins*


I'd wager a guess to say that most of the Operas would be a bit tough, Oz for reasons you already described, but to be honest, Oz sounds like the *easiest* one, lol.

Red Riding Hood, once he turns you into a gnome, you're done I'd assume, and Romulo and Julienne, she keeps spamming heals, and you've only a couple things that can stop her from doing it, and you have to burn one of them down and then switch targets to the other, or burn them both down with AoEs, but her heals would make that a touch difficult.

Edited, Feb 8th 2009 11:43am by Zariamnk
#26 Feb 08 2009 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Red Riding Hood, once he turns you into a gnome, you're done I'd assume,


You run faster than he does. You just run away little girl. Run away!. Please don't tell me you died on that fight every time he changed you..
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