I jus started back on my Ret paladin and I'm 64 right now with this build http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=sZoZVfMtbIucrsxuho which is working out well...now I'm looking at end-game I wanna have something like this http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=sxVzZoZVfMtbIucrsxuAo but I'm wondering if I should drop acouple points in Ret either Fanaticism or Righteous Vengenace to get fully Imp.BoK, I'm asking if it's worth it...I want the points in Holy to get to Aura Mastery seems like it'll help in raids..or is that worth it? Should I forget about BoK completely or jus drop points in Ret and what in Ret should I drop to give points to BoK or should I drop my points in Holy or is my oringnal idea best..?
I'm torn help me WoW gods!