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Possible buff for BM.Follow

#1 Jan 28 2009 at 2:06 AM Rating: Decent
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#2 Jan 28 2009 at 6:11 AM Rating: Default
343 posts
Just F'ing great! After I finally swallowed my pride and switched to SV; I spent tons of gold on respec after respec, new gems, enchants; All to finnaly get back to top of dps charts and they are talking of changing **** again. :(

After all these years of running you would think Bliz would have **** figured out, balanced, and stable. New expansion bring new levels, gear, and abilities yes, but if they had **** stable and balanced they could design the new abilities to not make anything overpowered. But Bliz acts like the tard down the road with the hotrod; he is always changing the setup and performace because he can leave it alone. Somedays they make a class so OP it should be in a seperate bracket on the track, so they nerf it into the ground. Months later, rince and repeat. If they gonna keep changing **** like this they need to get rid of the respec fees. /end rant

Anyway, as BM pre nerf i was topping dps in everything from 5-mans to 25man nax/vault; sometimes coming in at #2 behind a lock. Then after nerf I was down to 5th-9th place on dps. I switched to sv, regemmed, enchants, and spent tons of respecs tweaking the build to feel right. Now as sv I'm back at #1 in dps and total damage, not by a huge margin either. Last night I did 3 quarters of nax 10m and ended night at 3700dps with a lock right behind me at 3600.

Now if they decide to buff BM, great! But they sound like it will be a slight buff, so no #1 dps unless the group really sucks. They sound like they thinking about nerfing sv now cause the damage is to high. WTF? I barely top dps now sv and I worked my butt off to get there. All the other hunters I see are 1/2 down the list. So its not like every hunter switched to sv and are now ruling the meters.

Hunters in general are not and have not been OP. Volley was OP but not the whole class. The players that top the dps are usually good players that work hard to get there. Even pre nerf, I seen alot of bm hunters well below locks, mages, dks, and rogues.

I generally pugged heroics and vault so seen alot of hunters of various flavors there. Maybe I only seen the bottom of the hunter barrel, but it was rare to see a hunter at the top of the meter with me.

Sorry if i'm being gruchy, but its early morning and I haven't had meh coffee yet.

#3 Jan 28 2009 at 7:10 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
The Horror of not being assured a spot as #1
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#4 Jan 28 2009 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
Yep, you can't all be number 1. There's just not room for both of us! Muahah!

All kidding asside though why couldn't they just have listened to the hunter community and looked at damage reports like the rest of us to know that BM's weren't the end all, be all of DPS and then just left well enough alone?
#5 Jan 28 2009 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
10,601 posts
I have to say, I really like the fact that they made SV viable. I like the idea of being able to actually chose my spec to be competitive. There will always be a top spec, but having it be situational would be really nice.
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#6 Jan 28 2009 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Blue post.

As expected. :) And I again stress patience as everything "tweaked/nerfed/changed" gets a second, and third, look. I'm still a viable and often sought out DPS for raids and instances, just for the fact that I know my class, and my spec, and don't expect every fight out there to be a "tank and spank" situation. LOL

I'm glad they're re-looking at the nerfs, etc. so quickly.

Play what you play WELL, and relax... the powers that be will nerf you today, boost you tomorrow, nerf you again, and repeat... It's still the player that knows his duty that wins the day!

THANKS, isyris, for catching the post for us so soon!

The players that top the dps are usually good players that work hard to get there. Even pre nerf, I seen alot of bm hunters well below locks, mages, dks, and rogues.

AGREED!!! BTW: Just for those whining that BM's just aren't viable - some of the greatest compliments I ever got came last night in a run in which I only averaged 1k DPS. The 5-man heroic group I ran with all thanked me for hanging in there, using aspect of the wild when needed, knowing how to control my pet and keep him alive, sticking it out instead of feigning death, etc. I even finished off a couple of bosses when the other 4 folks saw a wipe... once with a DK still alive in ghoul form, and once with the other 4 watching me through their "release now" windows. HA! (also, as a side note, on the last 2 bosses, I kept an easy 2-2.1k dps average)

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 12:12pm by Sketso
#7 Jan 28 2009 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
2,590 posts
Sketso wrote:
THANKS, isyris, for catching the post for us so soon!
Edited, Jan 28th 2009 12:12pm by Sketso

BRK posted it on his blog *just* before I was going to bed last night, and I was so excited I had to share. ;)

I do agree that this patch has given BM hunters a bit of a positive challenge in some ways (making us experiment, get out of the old SS rut, and try to maximize our rotations) and so has made other classes see us in a much kinder light, I too have received more than my share of compliments just for keeping up fair-decent DPS and knowing what I'm doing. "OMG you got nerfed! But you're still awesome!" It's kind of fun, I am hoping that even after we get fixed the other classes will maybe keep an eye on use and see "Oh, they're not ALL button-mashing retards." It would be nice to keep getting a little credit for the DPS I do. :)
#8 Jan 28 2009 at 11:10 AM Rating: Default
184 posts
The only way I would ever roll BM again is if it was far superior in dps (as it has been for years). Honestly the performance of MM/SV on fights where you have to move (saph, grob, maly, ect) is far superior and not blowing a ton of mana to get pet back if I make a mistake and let it die is win.

SV is alot more fun too.

Also if you are #1 DPS all the time you are playing with some bads. Many classes have competetive DPS now.
#9 Jan 28 2009 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
2,590 posts
Sweathog wrote:
and not blowing a ton of mana to get pet back if I make a mistake and let it die is win.

Now, I understand if you think another spec is more fun, but really you should be keeping your pet alive anyway as it's still a fair bit of DPS, and if it did die then BM would have a pretty big advantage anyway. So, you're wrong.

Heart of the Phoenix (Easier for BM to get with those extra pet talent points.)

Improved Revive Pet (BM talent.)
#10 Jan 28 2009 at 11:56 AM Rating: Default
255 posts
Sweathog wrote:
Honestly the performance of MM/SV on fights where you have to move (saph, grob, maly, ect) is far superior

You are saying BM is outclassed on these fights? I know BM was nerfed, but you can still pump out the damage as well on these fights. As far as I know Arcane, Aimed, Chimera and Explosive shots are still on CD timers. As BM we can use Arcane and if specced Aimed (not saying this is the best spec) while we are moving just as well as other builds. The biggest difference is in the pets. While we are moving, so are our pets and they don't have to worry about waiting for a shot CD to do DPS. BM pets will still dish out the heavy DPS in these fights- more so than the SV/MM pets. I do not have any physical numbers to crunch but I would venture to say the the difference in hunter DPS to pet DPS would pretty much be a wash. To generalize and say DPS is FAR SUPERIOR on movement fights is saying that all BM are huntards who do not know how to play their class- which we all know is not true.

EDIT: I didn't quote correctly.. Fixed

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 2:57pm by browningguns
#11 Jan 28 2009 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
isyris wrote:
BRK posted it on his blog
BRK is so bad.... I read his blog that "proved" that BM was still competitive.
Him comparing WWS... 2 WWS reports you couldn't compare at all.
It's horrible.
#12 Jan 28 2009 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
830 posts
Yup, as predicted by most here on Alla.

I actually think they could leave BM damage alone and buff the pets a bit back up. The pets went from doing AWESOME damage to below where they were before the LK pre-patch. That alone should have told them there were doing things "too much".

Get our pets back into the fight, fix the darned pet bar (Cower) issue once and for all, and give BM hunters most of their mana regen rate back. We'd be okay after that. I think all the specs would be competitive then; especially situationally (as has been said).
#13 Jan 28 2009 at 1:32 PM Rating: Default
902 posts
Once again, a different spec comes out as top DPS and everyone wants the old to be the best again? It's a roller coaster of nerfs/buffs/opinions and endless whining.
#14 Jan 28 2009 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
2,590 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
isyris wrote:
BRK posted it on his blog
BRK is so bad.... I read his blog that "proved" that BM was still competitive.
Him comparing WWS... 2 WWS reports you couldn't compare at all.
It's horrible.

He sucks at mathy things almost as bad as I do, it is true, but his posts are still fun to read, and he keeps on top of things pretty well even if he sometimes interprets them in weird ways.

Actually, given that he tried to compare Cat pre-nerf and Spirit Beast post-nerf and post-fix, maybe I'm better at mathy things after all, because even I know that was just wrong.

On the other hand, he specced SV and I am still BM.

Hmm....okay, it's pretty much even.
#15 Jan 28 2009 at 2:27 PM Rating: Default
27,272 posts
Go SV Go!
It's much more fun to play.
Everyone loves seeing him/her self having 50+% crit, seeing mobs die in 3 seconds while soloing (yes, that's not uncommon) and the Explosive shot animation is cool! :P
#16 Jan 28 2009 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Yuppley said:
Once again, a different spec comes out as top DPS and everyone wants the old to be the best again? It's a roller coaster of nerfs/buffs/opinions and endless whining.

Nah... mostly, we're just saying that we thought the WoW gods nerfed us a bit more than they probably realized, and would make some tweaks to iron it out. I don't mind not being the *absolute* best, but I love to be competitive. :) As it stands, there are those of us that are still competitive. *HUZZAH GOES HERE*

Aethien said:
Go SV Go!
It's much more fun to play.
Everyone loves seeing him/her self having 50+% crit, seeing mobs die in 3 seconds while soloing (yes, that's not uncommon) and the Explosive shot animation is cool! :P

Although... with Aethien's enthusiasm, I might just try SV for a night... HA! Maybe I should copy myself over to the PTR and mess there first.

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 6:14pm by Sketso
#17 Jan 28 2009 at 3:21 PM Rating: Default
27,272 posts
It's only 50g to respec, that's like... 10 minutes fishing/herbing/mining?
#18REDACTED, Posted: Jan 28 2009 at 3:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) It appears people misunderstood my post. So I will seperate the lines of words a little bit more for easier reading.
#19REDACTED, Posted: Jan 28 2009 at 3:37 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) A one time respec is nothing. Its when you have to keep respecing over time. Yes you can sit on the forums for a couple weeks and wait for others to come up with a cookie cutter build for you to copy 1 time, or you can try out the specs and find what works for you. Not everyone wants to trapdance; not everyone wants to watch their distance; not everyone wants to go heavy SV; not everyone wants to go heavy mm.
#20REDACTED, Posted: Jan 28 2009 at 3:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Or you could have been slighty higher at the beginning and then all be progressing at the same rate, thus staying a step ahead of them. But, in general yes, most pugs tend have "bads".
#21REDACTED, Posted: Jan 29 2009 at 6:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) It seems I have upset some of my community. Those that are diehard BM, I suggest you just try SV for awhile you won't be disappointed.
#22 Jan 29 2009 at 5:04 PM Rating: Good
830 posts
Sweathog wrote:
ANY spec of hunter will do all they can to keep pet up, it is still a significant DOT on the boss. EZ mode BM dps is dead, L2survival or you are not doing everything you can for your raid.

This is true if dps is all you consider 'doing your best' for the Raid. It's a rather monolithic approach to the game and what it means to play it.

I would say in complete truth that if your Raid group regularly 'just barely' kills the Boss before you wipe, then the statement fully applies. You need every spec of dps you can muster to down that Boss. That is, of course, assuming you can play one spec as well as another.

If you are blowing the Boss away with a ho-hum, "what's next" regularity, then the difference of DPS between any Hunter spec will be mostly irrelevant because even now it's not THAT large. DPS at that point is more of a matter of e-peen pride. "Darn, I wasn't #1 on the Damage meter but #3"...

A well built, well played BM hunter should be as good or better than some other DPS "classes" out there, and can still out dps a mediocre played SV hunter so spec isn't everything.

Hunter is still a great dps class but it's not the only thing we do. I feel we've become pidgeon-holed into that 'thought' process because of the monolithic approach to the game. The mini-maxxers seem to be dominating the debate at this point and because of that, it appears actual game enjoyment for some players is suffering because of the stress to perform to the maximum and have the numbers to prove it. It causes some elitism issues that actually hurt the game a bit from what I can see. We've witnessed this 'argument' here in this forum from time to time and the Admins have slapped us for it as well.

In my opinion, the Hunter should be one of the preminent classes but due to 'huntardism' and 'elitism' (opposite ends of the spectrum there) we can end up being mocked a great deal of the time by others, no matter how 'good' we are. "It's too easy to be a Hunter.", "You guys are all Huntards.", "Your pet wipes Raids!"... on and on ad nauseum, we've all heard it.

I personally would like to see all 3 specs within 3% of each other in dps damage (doing it different ways) and specializing in different kinds of 'other' things they bring to a Raid or Instance. At that difference, it would be far easier to have Raids not only look at what they can afford to bring along, but actively seek different spec Hunters to cover certain situations that arise in a Raid. Then spec would be almost irrelevant and player ability would shine more.

Edited, Jan 29th 2009 5:04pm by sloshot
#23 Jan 30 2009 at 5:30 AM Rating: Decent
sloshot wrote:
Sweathog wrote:
ANY spec of hunter will do all they can to keep pet up, it is still a significant DOT on the boss. EZ mode BM dps is dead, L2survival or you are not doing everything you can for your raid.

This is true if dps is all you consider 'doing your best' for the Raid. It's a rather monolithic approach to the game and what it means to play it.

I personally would like to see all 3 specs within 3% of each other in dps damage (doing it different ways) and specializing in different kinds of 'other' things they bring to a Raid or Instance. At that difference, it would be far easier to have Raids not only look at what they can afford to bring along, but actively seek different spec Hunters to cover certain situations that arise in a Raid. Then spec would be almost irrelevant and player ability would shine more.

Edited, Jan 29th 2009 5:04pm by sloshot

All respect to you because I've enjoyed your posts for years now but unless you can come up with something other than dps for us to do in a raid barring a fight like Gluth then dps is really all we got now.

As for wishing to see all 3 specs performing within a small percentage of one another, wish all you want but it's just not hapening at the moment and it's not our fault.

This whole "Diehard BM" crap is somewhat amusing I'll say because I wonder just how "diehard" they were before BM was uber easy dps. I was a diehard BM for a while in BC before my gear reached a point that I could compete with MM and SV and that was perhaps the closest we've been to date to having three viable options. I was diehard MM back pre BC. Fact is things change and if you want to bring your A game then now is the time to check out SV. It's not elitism or even oppinion for that matter. The way we go about preaching our views may be bordering on elitism and it is our duty to curb that indeed. I wonder if some of the elitism is frustration that comes out more in boards like this than it might in a board like EJ because all the endless "I'm speccing this and willing it to work out of my own ignorance" threads are nuked in a place like that and never see the light of day.
#24 Jan 30 2009 at 7:20 AM Rating: Default
184 posts
If you are blowing the Boss away with a ho-hum, "what's next" regularity, then the difference of DPS between any Hunter spec will be mostly irrelevant because even now it's not THAT large. DPS at that point is more of a matter of e-peen pride. "Darn, I wasn't #1 on the Damage meter but #3"...

You have 3 drake Sarth on farm?

A well built, well played BM hunter should be as good or better than some other DPS "classes" out there, and can still out dps a mediocre played SV hunter so spec isn't everything.

BM dps is terrible. Hard to give advice to the mediocre SV hunter when you are specced into I don't care about DPS.

#25 Jan 30 2009 at 9:17 AM Rating: Good
830 posts
LOL! I kinda knew I'd get interpreted like that.

(sorry ahead of time for the length of the post, skip it or read and understand thoroughly- don't skim please.)

None of my statements were incorrect as I wasn't giving specifics. I never said which Boss, I never said which instance, I never gave a level; if you could broaden your scope of thought it would help to understand what I'm saying. I actually said if you are having a tough time on a latter end-game boss then ABSOLUTELY you need to be running as the max dps because that's what your RAID needs (your "A" game so to speak). So I actually AGREED with that thinking in that situation.

What I was warning against was thinking that it was the ONLY way to play the game. That those end-game gear grinds (which is really all they end up being after the umpteenth run of nasty end boss X- again, GENERIC here as it apparently won't change come whatever next expansion or patch they have) are all that is left of the game. You fall into this kind of 'pit' when you only think of dps and that's it. Does it hurt to try something different, grind elsewhere, play around with skills you don't normally use?.. no, not really. It certainly doesn't mean you fail as a hunter, it means you're having fun with the game. As long as your group knows it and is okay with it, no harm no foul.

I'd be willing to bet that any of you successful end-gamers could run a Heroic UK in a decent BM spec and still have a bit of fun with it AND successfully complete it. It is not because BM spec sux or SV would be better, but because you bring the skills and elements necessary to make the game fun for yourself with you. Most players at the end-game stage probably have learned what makes the game fun for them by that time, as for those others they likely purchased their character and are clueless or never bothered to learn the game at all.

KDenelor, I agree with you, it will be a challenge for Blizzard to equalize the dps out the way I said but that doesn't mean I can't dream about it or offer it up as a goal to Blizz. I'm glad you've respected what I've had to say in the past, I respect what you and most others here say as well. Respect of difference is actually very beneficial to open discussion. If we showed more of it, even to those with erroenous ideas of how the mechanics work, I think we'd have better quality discussions here and have better informed hunters.

I am not RAH-RAH BM, never have been. I actually prefer MM. I'm not even level 80 so I don't really care about end-game at the moment. What I care about is not whacking people upside the head for choosing not to be a given spec because it's the tops of dps at the moment, or whining that you just respec'd to be top dps and Blizz is changing the rules again that will shift it around. Well, that is the nature of this game (it changes) and people have different tastes and preferences.

If you aren't attempting that harsh end Raid, it's okay to be 'whatever'. We should never look down our noses at someone for playing however they want to play- THAT is elitism and we all get guilty of it from time to time. Our real job here on these forums is to learn, educate, have fun and share experiences not criticize and bash. I'm suggesting we stay away from those latter traits. This is Allakhazam, not EJ which has "Elistist" right in its title so you know what you are walking into there. I think it's okay to import the knowledge here, but leave the elitism there.

If I'm out of line, please let me know (in a nice way)... ^_^
#26REDACTED, Posted: Jan 30 2009 at 9:46 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You are in no way out line. This is a discussion forum:P
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