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Maxdps added unholy death knightsFollow

#1 Jan 28 2009 at 12:40 AM Rating: Excellent

Now, a few things... It is ranking hit really high on it's calculations. If you're already at 8% hit, more hit really doesn't help much. As such, I personally rate the str/crit gem over the str/hit gem when you're hit capped. I also disagree that the massive hit/expertise chest piece is the best chest. You really should use it not so much as a strict guide so far as zomg it's higher on maxdps' list I need to roll on it, as far as just giving you a general idea of what to look for.

I DO agree with the data about food buffs and flasks/elixirs.
Neck is accurate if you're not hit capped. If you are already at cap, the order probably would be a bit different.
Weapon I would rate the jawbone higher than armageddon, ID, and death's bite, (more top end), but death's bite has hit on it so that's probably why it's rated so high.
Trinkets are hella wierd, I guess grim toll is ranked so low because it's a review of unholy, which doesn't use armor pen much, but with how high it ranks hit... I just dunno.
Shoulder, cloak, bracers, belt, rings, and sigils I probably agree with

Anyway... opinions aside, I just want you to know the site exists. Enjoy.
#2REDACTED, Posted: Jan 28 2009 at 4:04 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) why are you even using maxdps is the better question, discuss.
#3 Jan 29 2009 at 12:39 AM Rating: Good
ElementHuman wrote:
why are you even using maxdps is the better question, discuss.

Because, although it has stuff I disagree with, by and large it has a lot of useful information. You can never have too much information.

Why are you a ********* poster? Discuss.
#4 Jan 29 2009 at 1:55 AM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
Dilbrt wrote:

Because, although it has stuff I disagree with, by and large it has a lot of useful information. You can never have too much information.

Thanks Dilbrt, too many people dismiss maxdps out of hand ... the reason is probably because they do do some wierd calculations, generally related to the over inflation of hit as a stat (on the warrior page, they have a strange method of calculating rage requirements, which results in pushing +hit up in value incorrectly)

However, informed users of the site, able to disseminate the relevant data from the site, are actually able to use it as a pretty good resource. Users of the site who look at it and read it at face value, find themselves in trouble, and end up making comments like the second poster here.
#5REDACTED, Posted: Jan 29 2009 at 1:56 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ahh, how i've missed Allakhazam.
#6 Jan 29 2009 at 3:41 AM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
I tend to be very wary of sites like that because they value each item in a vacuum, not in relation to other pieces. Which is why they tend to over-value hit and expertise, etc. They weigh stats as if your toon is naked apart from the piece they're valuing.

Seems to me that if you know enough about your class mechanics, looking over just a basic list here or on wowhead would be just as useful but without the stat weight biases inherent in the system they're using. And if you're not particularly knowledgeable (or, let's face it, if you're lazy) the prioritized list can be misleading and can lead to poor itemization choices.

Or is there something I'm missing about this particular site? Some feature I'm not seeing? Honest question.
#7 Jan 29 2009 at 4:14 AM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
TherionSaysWhat, Assassin Reject wrote:
I tend to be very wary of sites like that because they value each item in a vacuum, not in relation to other pieces. Which is why they tend to over-value hit and expertise, etc. They weigh stats as if your toon is naked apart from the piece they're valuing.

Seems to me that if you know enough about your class mechanics, looking over just a basic list here or on wowhead would be just as useful but without the stat weight biases inherent in the system they're using. And if you're not particularly knowledgeable (or, let's face it, if you're lazy) the prioritized list can be misleading and can lead to poor itemization choices.

Or is there something I'm missing about this particular site? Some feature I'm not seeing? Honest question.

Ther, I tend to use it for mainly 2 reasons ... and it's purely based around the gear listing database they have. I like being able to select a whole bunch of checkboxes identifying where the gear came from, and then have it present a list of the gear from those sources (5 mans, quests, crafting, etc) which could be of interest to me.

Usually, what I do, is feed in my stats, they will then come up with a list of gear, in an order based on a statweighting, that would be rank the gear from the sources I've selected. I find the piece of gear I have in the list, have a look at the gear 5 steps above, and 5 steps below, then go and do my own comparisons in a spreadsheet which I trust a bit better.

So I use it as a starting point for my search for gear. True, I could use wowhead to do the same thing, but the way maxdps presents the lists, and the ease with which I can include and exclude sources of gear, makes me use maxdps a bit more.

All that being said ... I generally find that, true, the weights they apply to hit are normally skewed (and to a lesser extent, expertise, as it suffers from the same conditions), but if you know that you're ok in the hit department, and a piece of gear is ranked above another based on the amount of extra hit it has ... use your noggin - make the call based on the assumption the hit wasn't there at all ... chances are, you'll find the other piece of gear is better, but the chances are also good that that first piece of gear won't slip more than 2 or 3 places without that +hit on it ... making the gear list still a fairly good approximate view of what's available.

If, however, you're trying to min/max your dps, you shouldn't be looking at "approximation" lists and generalisation sites like maxdps, you should be making use of spreadsheets that some people have gone to a lot of effort to produce in order to facilitate your min/maxing efforts, as those are much more flexible in terms of catering for hit caps et al.

In reference to the comment about it misleading certain individuals if said individuals are not knowledgeable enough about the nuances of the class, and the concept of hit caps - yes, you're right, it can be misleading for those individuals. I am, however, hoping that the posters who come here and discuss class mechanics and choosing gear for enhancing raid performance know better than to take a number presented on a website as a hard and fast rule, and can at least make an informed decision for themselves ... or do I assume too much ?

Edited, Jan 29th 2009 1:21pm by robertlofthouse
#8REDACTED, Posted: Jan 29 2009 at 5:14 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ahh... how I missed Allakhazam
#9 Jan 29 2009 at 6:25 AM Rating: Excellent
2,069 posts
SirMattelot wrote:
Why are you a sh*ttybad poster? Discuss.

Ahh... how I missed Allakhazam

*re-posted because kids like to rate posts down for deletion*

Edited, Jan 29th 2009 8:14am by SirMattelot

For my 1000th post I thought I would let you know that your posts are not deleted...there is a filter that is set up to not show sub-default posts. You can change it to show all if you want.

Third Star!

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#10REDACTED, Posted: Jan 29 2009 at 7:38 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I have a couple guys who disagree with me, so they're following me around to every thread rating me down.
#11 Jan 29 2009 at 7:59 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
I haven't used Maxdps as of yet, but I think I'll take a look at it and see if I can use it much like how Robert mentioned.

Btw, Matt, hope you don't think I'm one of those people. I'll argue all day long, but I'm not much into the serial rate-downs.

Thanks for the info Dilbrt
#12REDACTED, Posted: Jan 29 2009 at 8:37 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I know for a fact who's doing it, i'm not stupid :) It's just one of the many reasons I chuckle when someone brings up the karma system and how a high average rating means you know more. I remember a thread where someone posted (FFXI) about how all high level players are required to help lower level players on demand. That thread got rated to 5.00. The OP was getting praised and applauded by all the regular posters who are also a bunch of very inexperienced players telling him that he's right. I replied to the thread explaining that no person is under any obligation to help him or anyone else and if they do, they certainly do not have to do it the moment they're asked and they should be thankful if someone agrees to assis them. I got rated down by everyone, called every name in the book including an "elitist" and even threatened.
#13 Jan 29 2009 at 10:46 AM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
SirMattelot wrote:
I know for a fact who's doing it, i'm not stupid :)

It's me. And yes you are stupid.
#14REDACTED, Posted: Jan 29 2009 at 11:06 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I don't blame you for being such an angry individual. I remember what it was like to be 12, it was rough.
#15 Jan 29 2009 at 11:54 AM Rating: Excellent
19,369 posts
SirMattelot wrote:
I don't blame you for being such an angry individual. I remember what it was like to be 12, it was rough.

I'm not angry. I'm sad. I'm a sad little individual that gets a little high every time I rate you down. It's like a drug. I can't quit.
#16 Jan 29 2009 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
A. Thanks Dil. More info IS always appreciated. This forum, above all, is at the greatest disadvantage from that point. We need to catch up. XD


Why are you a sh*ttybad poster? Discuss.

Now THIS should be fun.

C. I got to rate one down to sub-default too!

D. Sometimes the rating system does suck, sometimes it rocks. My biggest problem is that you can have 3 post Gurus and 37247324234 post Scholars. But, if you are just going to be an idiot, you are going to be sub-defaulted. Why? Because we don't think any more people than necessary have to be subjected to your babble.

E. Seriously? An AGE insult? Is that the best you could do?
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#17REDACTED, Posted: Jan 29 2009 at 12:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Do you get picked on a lot in school? Is that why you're such an angry person? I wish I could hug you :(
#18 Jan 29 2009 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
SirMattelot wrote:
I'm not angry. I'm sad. I'm a sad little individual that gets a little high every time I rate you down. It's like a drug. I can't quit.

Do you get picked on a lot in school?

I quit school to become a wrestler.

SirMattelot wrote:
Is that why you're such an angry person?
Smiley: mad

SirMattelot wrote:
I wish I could hug you :(
You could but it would be molestation.
#19 Jan 29 2009 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
idiggory wrote:

D. Sometimes the rating system does suck, sometimes it rocks. My biggest problem is that you can have 3 post Gurus and 37247324234 post Scholars. But, if you are just going to be an idiot, you are going to be sub-defaulted. Why? Because we don't think any more people than necessary have to be subjected to your babble.

I'll try to find the link, but I'm pretty sure you have to have at least 15 posts to have a rank (scholar, sage, or guru)...but your point is spot-on.

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#20 Jan 29 2009 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
98 posts
SirMattelot wrote:
ahh, how i've missed Allakhazam.

Well, to be quite honest, I believe you made your return too soon.

We've been managing very well without your "contributions" for some time and I for one will keep down rating posts that are incorrect. If there is a post that looks like it could be interesting and informative, I have to plow through 17 posts from you full of mis-information, opinion, and other drivel.

Oh, and I don't care if you posted your armory and you were the chosen one weilding the Sword of a Thousand Truths rocking 70% crit rate raid buffed...if you aren't hit capped, well, that's just basic game knowledge.

Please go back to the O-boards and let us get back to useful discussion.

/rant off

Edited, Jan 29th 2009 3:35pm by Jornam
#21 Jan 29 2009 at 3:28 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
robertlofthouse wrote:
So I use [MaxDPS] as a starting point for my search for gear. True, I could use wowhead to do the same thing, but the way maxdps presents the lists, and the ease with which I can include and exclude sources of gear, makes me use maxdps a bit more.

Solid points, thanks for the explanation. Guess I like crunching numbers too much and prefer to do it myself. Neither better or worse, I just prefer wowhead with a filter or two but I can see your points.

robertlofthouse wrote:
If, however, you're trying to min/max your dps, you shouldn't be looking at "approximation" lists and generalisation sites like maxdps, you should be making use of spreadsheets that some people have gone to a lot of effort to produce in order to facilitate your min/maxing efforts, as those are much more flexible in terms of catering for hit caps et al.

QFT. It's hard to beat a well done mathematical model.

robertlofthouse wrote:
I am, however, hoping that the posters who come here and discuss class mechanics and choosing gear for enhancing raid performance know better than to take a number presented on a website as a hard and fast rule, and can at least make an informed decision for themselves ... or do I assume too much ?

You fail at hoping =) I mean, do you even read most of the posts here!? (kidding, kidding!) Seriously though, how maxdps et. al. can mislead newer raiders is my biggest gripe. I've run across more than a few players who treat imba, maxdps, rawr, etc as the letter of the law or something, even when it should be grossly obvious that their gear choices are worse that sub-optimal. But I guess asshat player is asshat regardless if these sites are around or not, yeah?


As to the thread derailment - Seems to me SirMattelot just likes to fight. You seem to have gotten into several arguments that have turned into flame-broils. Many posters will down-rate obviously off topic posts that add nothing to the conversation, just a part of how this site works. I dunno daddio, maybe just stop making and replying to flames and focus on the discussions at hand and you'll have a better experience on the forum?

And note the above is in no way intended as a flame itself. =)
#22 Jan 30 2009 at 12:47 AM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
TherionSaysWhat, Assassin Reject wrote:

You fail at hoping =) I mean, do you even read most of the posts here!? (kidding, kidding!) Seriously though, how maxdps et. al. can mislead newer raiders is my biggest gripe. I've run across more than a few players who treat imba, maxdps, rawr, etc as the letter of the law or something, even when it should be grossly obvious that their gear choices are worse that sub-optimal. But I guess asshat player is asshat regardless if these sites are around or not, yeah?

I guess ;-) ... I suppose just reading this thread should make me realise that, huh ? ;-)

(gz on the promotion btw ;-D)

Edit1: Fixed quoting balls-up

Edit2: Matt, stop trying to have an insult-war with frog - the guy (I'm assuming) has a skin thicker than a rhino, and a very impressive comeback capability ... you'll lose

Edited, Jan 30th 2009 9:50am by robertlofthouse
#23 Jan 30 2009 at 12:49 AM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
I suppose just reading this thread should make me realise that, huh ? ;-)

QFT, sadly.

#24REDACTED, Posted: Jan 30 2009 at 1:37 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I'll lose? lol You don't know me very well ;) I'm not even trying when it comes to him. He's just a pest.
#25 Jan 30 2009 at 5:22 AM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
Matt, at this point, most of the new people who might come to this forum to seek advice, won't know enough to turn off the filter to see your posts. And even if they did, they probably wouldn't take the advice of someone who is sub-defaulted.

Unfortunate as it is that it came to that, it is what it is.

So, regardless of your thick skin and seemingly endless patience with "crazy people", the end result seems to have defeated the purpose of you posting here.

I won't argue it one way or the other, but it seems the "crazy people" think you're doing the exact thing to them, that you perceive them doing to you.

SirMattelot wrote:
I just like having debates and listening to crazy people try passing off their opinions as if it's carved-in-stone and watch them angrily stand their ground. If you read closely, i'm not the one who starts "flame-broils." :)

And making assumptions about the experience level of the posters here comparative to your own probably isn't going to help much when it comes to people actually listening to what you say.

SirMattelot wrote:
Inexperienced players even get a whiff of someone better posting, they'll try giving him a hard time in hopes that he'll go away so they can think they control their "e-territory." I've seen it, doesn't work on me.

All I'm saying is getting yourself sub-defaulted for no good reason kinda means no one is gonna read your posts except to reply in some sort of flame... Good luck with that.
#26REDACTED, Posted: Jan 30 2009 at 7:10 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If those idiots want to continue to be idiots, let them.
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