Petrazure wrote:
If true balance is achieved, on Patch you would think that enhance would out dps elemental each time. Whereas on a fight that taxes melee, let's say Grob or Heigan, the elemental should out dps the enhance because there is less movement involved for them.
You might think so but it's not a hard and fast rule by any means.
You mistook what I said. It wasn't meant as a rule, it was meant more to be an idea or fictional example to help people easily understand why patches isn't ideal testing for balance.
Yes, Patches is a great test of maximum potential DPS. Yes, Patches is an ideal fight that removes all variables that hinder DPS. But Patches is not a good fight to determine if one class is balanced with another. Simply because throwing in variables, favors some classes and specs(melee vs. ranged) over others which results in higher DPS for those particular specs in that encounter.
It's somewhat funny because you go on to refute the part of your post I quote in your next post but anyways...
I also didn't refute what I said in the second post. What I said in the second post was that melee are more effective running with the boss than casters are while running. That doesn't refute what I said, since I clarified that Heigan and Grob have less movement involved for casters. If casters are on the platform, the only time they have to move is during phase two when no DPS is being done to the boss except carryover DoTs.
My original point again is that the Heigan fight favors ranged casters because they aren't required to move. The ranged casters have an ideal fighting situation, while the melee have to deal with the variable of movement while DPSing.
Same thing for Grobulus(I'm going to make up the yardage, because I honestly have no clue how the room scales with real measurements, but I will keep them in sync). All classes at some point have to run here. The difference is, the melee DPS have to run 10 yards behind the kite path if they are injected with poison, and then have to run another 20 yards to get back to Grob's current spot on the kite path. Meanwhile a ranged caster only has to run roughly 10 yards to the side behind the kite path to drop his poison ring and then 10 yards back to the center of the room to begin casting again. During the running time, neither class can DPS, but the melee have to run significantly more to get back to the point where they can DPS compared to ranged.
Either way, my original point again was that Patchwerk is a fight that removes all variables. It is fine for determining maximum potential DPS, it isn't good for determining balanced DPS. Because variables often favor one type of class over another(ranged over melee).
If you have a ranged class out DPS a melee class on a fight where all variables are removed, when you take those same two classes and put them in a fight where the variables favor the ranged class, how much more will that class out-dps the one that has to deal with the unfavorable conditions. That isn't balance.
Edit because I forgot to mention: Heigan's ability to increase casting time by 300% is not a random cast, it is an aura that has a 20 yard radius.
If you are a caster and get hit by the aura, you are too close and need to move back. Which isn't really a variable for the fight, since the melee are constantly moving they are forced to use only instant spells anyway, and besides that, there aren't that many abilities a melee have that aren't instant to begin with, off the top of my head, slam for warriors is the only one I can think of, but there is a talent that procs making it istant.
Edited, Feb 10th 2009 1:02pm by SynnTastic