Post this on your guildforum please. :)
What has been said is that expertise is a stat that is important to dealers of physical damage, guess what Hunters deal physical damage.
However there have been a lot of arguments made on
that since we do ranged damage that it is a stat that we can use it is not one that we really need and that it is better to gem or enchant for our primary stats hit/ap/haste/crit
It's important to
We do physical dps yes but we do RANGED dps.
Your arrows CANNOT BE DODGED OR PARRIED, try clicking on your autoshot, steadyshot or any other shot in your WWS's.
You'll get to see the details and you'll clearly see that there are zero dodges and zero parries.
on the subject of hit I will provide the links to the specific reports that I guess were not looked at. I did mention them but did not actually provide you with links and for that I am sorry.
This report is with my hit at 197 so I had 10% hit with my FA and my dwarven racial
It clearly shows misses not just misses but misses on trash not even bosses.
This report is with my hit at 209 (the number I won't let it drop below now) my hit was 11% with FA and my dwarven racial.
No misses.
Dwarven Racial:
Gun Specialization now tell me, where's the hit?
And yes, with 197 hitrating and 3/3 focused aim you wont be missing.
Focused aim is also a fairly weak talent because the hit gained from it does not transfer to pets.
(well, it possibly does when you have no hit from gear, that bit hasn't been cleared up because it's not important)
Missing is the number 1 no no for Hunters cause if you cant hit the target you can't kill it.
Yeah, that's a pretty stupid statement.
You'll always have a 92% chance to hit a boss.
And for any amount of hit there is always an amount of AP, Crit, Agility or even haste that will give you better dps.
So while it is true that Hit is important, it is not important enough to sacrifice everything for.
Oh, and 11% hit is bad, the hitcap is 8% vs ?? level bosses (a.k.a. raidbosses)
It's 99 hitrating wasted.
You know what you get from 99 crit? yeah a little over 2% crit, or 198 attack power, or 99 agility.
That's basically what you're throwing away by overdoing hit.
As for you being a classleader for hunters.
You're not doing it very well.
You know what a classleader does? he/she doesn't tell the other people of their class what to do.
You do the legwork, you spend hours reading ElitistJerks and TKAsomething, you make sure you always know what is happening with hunters.
All so you can help the other hunters in your guild improve themselves.
And finally, stop visiting that coldfront place.
I spend 5 minutes there and I found a hell of a lot of misinformation and stuff on the frontpage that is from 200
5 If you take your character seriously, read elitistjerks, make an account on TKAsomething and ask questions. Lots and lots of questions.
If you feel any desire to do so, you can ask me any questions you like.
(although I doubt that you like me after reading this.)
Edited, Jan 30th 2009 10:37pm by Aethien