Whee boomkin questions!
1) You always take Intensity over Dreamstate. Point for point its much better return on mana than dreamstate is. If you find yourself having mana issues picking them both up isn't a bad idea. I used to do it in arena's for just the sake of having my mana pool last.
Also, at some point in time you'll notice that you can take points out of Intensity when your crit strike builds up high enough that you'll no longer end up needing mana regen talents and can rely solely on your mana return from crits.
2) If you do not meed the hit cap you're going to want to take up imp FF. With balance of power you're going to need 13% hit and the hit formula basically works 1% = 26 hit rating. So you're looking at 338 hit rating w/o imp FF. Add in that 3% hit you'll get from imp ff and you're now down to 10% and only need 260 hit rating. Which is quite easily obtainable. Also the extra gcd it takes to put it up will lower your dps by a slight amount but it isn't anything that cannot be made up for.
3) Starfall comes into play in certain areas. You have to be cautious with it's range because you don't want to accidently pull other mobs in aoe pulls. But on bosses you can almost always be certain in raid situations that all trash around the boss has been cleared and it can be used on the boss fight. My general strat for using it is to pop my trinket and then starfall to give it that extra boost. If you use it wisely it's basically 15-20k damage for one global cooldown and all you need to do is stay in range.
4) I use typhoon on some pulls because I love to annoy my tanks. Mind you I raid as boomkin and have known these tanks for awhile but it's a pretty pvp orientated spell. But if you glyph for typhoon (I don't suggest doing so...) you can remove the push back and it can be used for a 20 second cd aoe spell.
Gale Winds is very important. Hurricane puts out some massive damage already but with GW it's 30% more so you'll see a big improvement in the damage you put out.
I would link you my armory but sadly I'm resto right now. But I'll give you a good boomkin beginners build that gives you reduction in threat and helps meet your hit cap. I will also give you my raiding build. It's a little different than what you may be used to seeing for raiding boomkins but I've found for me it works the best and gives me the most options.
Beginners build! ~ This is a very basic boomkin raiding build. It gives you one point to put either in Typhoon or Nature's Splendor.
My raiding build. This build is a little more hybrid and allows my rotations to be longer because it's adding in a lengthened time on my dots. I glyph MF/IS/SF for more damage and refeshing 3 seconds on MF. You'll notice I don't have threat reduction talents and my reason is I know my tanks threat generation. Ive ran with them for over a year so I know when I can and cannot push it. Basically once you figure that out you'll find yourself with 2 extra talents to play around with.
Well thats it, if you have any other questions you want answered feel free to ask I'll gladly help you out :D