Just wondering... how many BM spec hunters have truly suffered from the latest patch? I do notice that it takes a little extra time to kill things in my normal wind and grind approach (PVE), but that's without my best effort in trying to attain pure DPS.
I admit to not having closely tracked my DPS before the patch. Having done quite a few instances without complaint, both normal and heroic, I never really worried too much about it. After the patch, though, I installed recount and headed for the practice dummies, and using a manual shot rotation without using RF or trinkets (and no killshot, obviously, as the dummies don't drop in health all that fast) I was able to maintain 1.6k DPS fairly easily, through to the end of my mana.
My question is this: Is that still raid workable? I know I still have a few enchants/upgrades to get in place, but for the most part, I have decent pre-raid equipment.
I am fond of the BM build, so unless I'm just not a viable option at all when considered for a raid spot, I'd love to keep doing what I know/love/do well. Any thoughts and/or suggestions are welcome, and thanks in advance!
EDIT: BTW, my current armory is linked below, in my sig. :) And THANKS to Aethien for the stickied pre-raid post! It has provided both immense help, and wee bits of challenge, in tracking down a workable outfit!
Edited, Jan 21st 2009 5:52pm by Sketso