First off, let me say that I am not new to the game... This is just the first time I've decided to try leveling a Warrior.
Secondly... As my main is a resto Shaman, I appreciate all you do for me as a tank, and I enjoy keeping you alive so the group can do their job in taking down mobs and bosses.
Anywayz... I decided to roll an Undead Warrior. I guess mostly to help cut down on food costs for healing up after a fight. Plus, I think a guy who is pretty much just a skeleton wearing big, heavy plate armor is kinda cool...
I'm still not sure on what spec I'll be when or if I make it to end-game with him. Maybe I'll PvP... Maybe tank... I dunno...
I have read that leveling prot isn't so bad, so I have decided to level this way. It may not be the fastest way to kill, but when I get into groups for instances, I won't have to worry about being the wrong spec and trying to hold aggro as much.
As for professions... I took up mining and blacksmithing.
Only questions I can think to ask are:
1) What stats should I look for? Obviously stamina and strength... Anything else? Any particular priorities?
2) What level will I be when I can be called a viable "tank" for instance runs? I mean... When will I have all (or most) of the tools (from talents or learned abilities) that I'll need to be able to tank 5-mans reliably?
3) Any other recommendations or bits of advice? (The FAQs are a bit outdated...)
Thanks for taking a beating for me.
And thanks for the replies...