I feel that I've finally earned my Healer Wings with an event from yesterday evening.
Our group painfully crawled our way to Loken in heroic Halls of Lightning. That particular instance has been listed to me as one of the more healing intensive heroics, so I've been mostly avoiding it as I gear up, but where the guild calls...
The plan, as the Tank presents it, is that we ignore the whole running around thing, just stack right on Loken and slam away with everything we've got, healing through the point blank attack he does.
A ready-check goes out, everyone is ready, and we charge. Except one of our DPS stands still. He is killed instantly by Loken's AoE effect.
The remainder of the party gets to him, pulls him into place and starts going to town. I toss Heroism into the fray and start healing as fast as I can manage.
One DPS down, it's a long fight, but I'm managing to keep up with the whole team (including me) taking about 80% of their HP every so often. It clearly becomes an endurance run.
I run down to almost nothing for mana, toss Mana Tide, run through all of That mana, replace it with Mana Spring when it's done, run down to Nothing, pop the potion, run down to almost nothing... I tossed off the Tidal Force/Nature's Swiftness emergency Heal... Time passes, quiet little Water Shield and Mana Spring slowly bleed back one more. Threw that in for good luck, and then I died... And then the participating DK DPS died.
Then Loken finally gave up the ghost. The druid DPS died a few moments later of some sort of DoT he'd picked up, and the Tank was the only one left standing, with just a fidget of HP left. A few resses later, we're all up and dancing over his corpse.
I know that countless other Healers out there have done this and done it better, but it feels like I've come a long way in my new job since changing over from Enhancement two weeks ago.