The first toon I ever rolled was a dwarf warrior. I got him to 45 with basically no clue to what I was doing (he was arms yet was dual-wielding through his late 20s). Then I shelved him to join friends on another server and haven't looked back. Until this weekend.
A RL friend from that first server re-entered the game, so I dusted off my warrior and began leveling him again, this time with only a bit more of a clue. He is hideously geared and since he basically only had a big two-hander (the axe from the warrior quest) I kept him arms. But it's obvious that the class has changed immensely since my dalliance with it as a total noob. So I have several questions that were not addressed in the excellent, but TBC-era FAQ.
I'm sure, should I go to Northrend with him, I'll end up tanking. But until then, is arms even vaguely viable for leveling anymore? Now that they're removing the hit penalty on TG, is there any reason to go Arms? Does anyone even use it in PvP anymore (I only see prot warriors) Sad, because I enjoy the timing challenges of Arms but it seems useless.
On a related note, I ended up dpsing in a ZF pug and was confused as to how to handle myself. I don't have a swing timer so I feared I was gimping my dps with slam. I can't overpower in Bezerker, so I was just autoattacking until I could WW. What should I be doing? (Arguably respeccing or getting a swing timer -- feel free to let me know.)
Finally, I was surprised to see a dwarf's old axe specialization is now mace specialization. My arms build took poleaxe. Again, this may be moot because it might be insane to remain arms, but should a dwarf arms warrior go the mace route? The armor penetration seems meh compared to the crit bonus for PvE and pre-resil PvP.