To the OP. Like a few have stated above set reachable goals first. No one likes an undergeared dpser getting carried through, even said dpser.
In order to do this look at the Rep faction pieces you can pick up. There are a few pieces that can be obtained like the boots from Ebon Rep that will last you for quite some time. These don't require lucky rolls or even a party to help you. There are dailies that can get you into exalted with most reps that have some sort of plate dps gear (not all are designed for Ret Pallies but they are foot in the door). At the same time your making gold that you can put toward AH epics like the Spiked Titansteel Treads, Cloak of Bloodied Waters, Titansteel Destroyer or if your game enough the Nobles Deck (strength version). If your looking at heroics Utgarde Keep has a nice set of legs that drop off the last boss, Nexus has a nice trinket and belt that drop off the last boss, DrakTharon has a nice Chest piece with everything a Ret pally needs on it that frequently drops off the Lich Boss.
Fix your talents. You only need 10pts in Prot as PvE spec (5 if your not taking BoKings). The rest should go into Fanaticism, Crusade, Sheath of light, Judgements of the Wise. Take the points out of Eye for an Eye. You shouldn't be hit as dps let alone crit.
Find a rotation that works for you. I can tell you now that my spell rotation is different to what most other Ret's above use but for me, and my gear setup it works.
The following is taken straight from Elitist jerks Wrath/3.0 Ret Guide about our spell rotation:
Arika wrote:
During the beta it was agreed upon that because of vastly changed mechanics, our rotations should be thrown out and thus came to be known as FCFS (First Come First Serve). Not much to explain about it, just use whatever is off cooldown, whenever you can (watch your mana bar). Your only priority (should multiple skills come off cooldown at the same time) is Judgement, as it provides both our best DPS and our main source of mana. On a target under 20%, Hammer of Wrath also comes into play, right behind Judgement in priority due to its' very high crit rate. Be sure to use AW and Divine Plea as much as you can, as both provide a nice boost in damage/mana. In a situation with AoE, say trash for example, Consecration and DS should be prioritized.
Different situations call for different openers. Sometimes you can judge, other times Exorcism, CS/DS if the tank can't build quick threat. Like Tommy stated (this is something I use quite alot against undead mobs) Holy Wrath then Divine Storm. A mob that is stunned can't parry, dodge or block. Use Judgement of Wisdom when you can if your having mana issues. Use SotMartyr, it procs on every hit (think about Divine Storm when there are multiple mobs about).
Attack from behind! Yes there is no honour fighting like a rogue but it stops mobs from parrying and blocking. This means more hits for you and less parries for the tank to worry about.
Think about the situation at hand. If there are 2-4 mobs go with Divine Storm instead of Crusader Strike. Use consecration wisely as it can be mana expensive. Use it early so there is no waste if all the mobs die before it finishes ticking.
Try things out yourself. I equip the green libram from Borean Tundra most of the time (I have the others) even though most people here wouldn't. It works for me so I do it.
My aim is to raid and I am going to be stuck with PUG's as we just don't have enough guild members of the right level and unlikely to get 10 80's when the rest pop.
Have faith. Almost all of the gear I have was from PuGs as I was in the same situation as you not too long ago.
Edited, Jan 23rd 2009 4:12pm by arthoriuss Deleted link to Elitist Jerks forum. Apologies ToJ. I hadn't seen that you had updated the Ret Guide. Edited, Jan 23rd 2009 4:25pm by arthoriuss